Racism in football (2 Viewers)

Is it acceptable?

must admit not as much now but years ago it was regular to hear racism remarks from city fans.

away games you hear the occasional remark.


Well-Known Member
Don't hear anything where I sit. Maybe it helps having so many black players in the game these days.


Well-Known Member
We have a reputation as being racist. Especially with Leicester fans.

I've heard numerous chavs spouting off 'town full of pakis' and similar.


CCFC Finance Director
never acceptable or anything to be proud of - which ever direction it comes from


Well-Known Member
We have a reputation as being racist. Especially with Leicester fans.

I've heard numerous chavs spouting off 'town full of pakis' and similar.

Never heard that. Mind, have been in block 18 or 19 ever since we moved to the Ricoh.


New Member
I threw a banana at Garry Thompson the season after he left us for West Brom, but in my defence I was only 9 years old and I knew no different back then.


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I threw a banana at Garry Thompson the season after he left us for West Brom, but in my defence I was only 9 years old and I knew no different back then.

LOL, often heard about these things......never thought they were true though!!! Real fans once threw a pigs head at Figo, when he joined Barca i do recall.


Well-Known Member
I think it is still present in England but alot less than in wider Europe particualrly when England play against the likes of Spain, Bulgaria etc you can hear the monkey chants.

I have heard the odd idiot say something when watching city but thats about it really, in the 80's it was a very different story!


New Member
Strange question to start this topic really though. Is there anybody going to argue that racism in football is acceptable?

You only have to read the abuse Stan Collymore got on twitter last night to see that there is an undercurrent of racism still prevalent in some football supporters. It took me back to my younger years in the 80's, and I can't say it's a place I want to revisit.


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Well-Known Member
There is just no place for that in football or anywhere for that matter. Sadly this is not going to go away as there will always be idiots who have that view.
Strange question to start this topic really though. Is there anybody going to argue that racism in football is acceptable?

You only have to read the abuse Stan Collymore got on twitter last night to see that there is an undercurrent of racism still prevalent in some football supporters. It took me back to my younger years in the 80's, and I can't say it's a place I want to revisit.

i mean football always attracted racism but nowadays its coming back in the headlines but you rarely hear of any prosecutions. Like when newcastle fans came here in the chippo and hadji days. There whole end was at it.
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Well-Known Member
LOL, often heard about these things......never thought they were true though!!! Real fans once threw a pigs head at Figo, when he joined Barca i do recall.

Other way round I think it was as he was at Barca before Real.

I've got to admit, I've never heard, that I can think of off the top of my head, any racist remarks. Home or away! I think I must just concentrate on the match too much and be oblivious to anything round me! Actually, I tell a lie - my nan again! Old skool, doesn't really understand the implications of racist remarks and shouted at the top of her voice to me at HR "which one's the darky on the far side of the pitch"! I pretended I didn't hear! Very embarrassing. I've tried educating her but given up now, it's really not worth it. I don't condone any racism and it makes me very angry that she thinks it's fine.
racism of any sorts in unacceptable !!

i dont condone any racism but why is it alright to call someone a fat bastard or ginger bastard? same implications as race but thats tolerated?

its acceptable to shout abuse about looks aslong as its not colour. pot calling kettle black (excuse the pun)


New Member
When I was a kid I would do the monkey chants and throw bananas because that's other supporters were doing, I'm ashamed to think I partook in this behaviour, but again I was only a kid. Strangely enough, I was a huge fan of Errol Christie the Coventry boxer, and I was desperate for him to beat Mark Kaylor in their grudge fight, it was around this time I started thinking for myself rather than allowing the opinions of others to sway me, in other words, I started growing up.


Well-Known Member
When I was a kid I would do the monkey chants and throw bananas because that's other supporters were doing, I'm ashamed to think I partook in this behaviour, but again I was only a kid. Strangely enough, I was a huge fan of Errol Christie the Coventry boxer, and I was desperate for him to beat Mark Kaylor in their grudge fight, it was around this time I started thinking for myself rather than allowing the opinions of others to sway me, in other words, I started growing up.

I've never been comfortable round racism but I know what you mean, because when I was younger I didn't know exactly what it was, I just knew that I wasn't comfortable around it. However, another couple of factors in that I think is the era in which people grew up (going back to my dear nan!!) and area's in which people grew up. I've grown up in a fairly nice, affluent area and there are no real issues with racism... APART from those who have grown up in the "shit areas"!

EDIT: Sorry, that's quite a lot of stereotyping and I don't mean that everybody from those areas resort to it.
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Well-Known Member
i dont condone any racism but why is it alright to call someone a fat bastard or ginger bastard? same implications as race but thats tolerated?

its acceptable to shout abuse about looks aslong as its not colour. pot calling kettle black (excuse the pun)

Think it has a lot to do with a fat person considered to be fat by their own volition. A black person doesn't choose to be black do they. They were simply born that way. Tis a fine dividing line for sure mind. I have never verbally abused anyone for being bald or ginger for instance. Again, it is in all likelihood not of their choosing. Not sure of the percentages, but would guess most fat people are fat because they eat too much. Again, never verbally abused anyone for being fat, but have seen very fat people say down town and commented to my wife on their size.

For me I always try and treat everyone I come into contact with as an individual. Do that and you can't go far wrong. :p


New Member
I think we all joined in with



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I do recall my Uncle, who is early 70's now telling me a story from his youth in Hull. Some fella came in the pub and shouted there is a black fella down the street, everyone ran outside to see this "spectacle"!!

I do think a lot of it stems from the era you were born, KG, i am sure your nan means no malice, it is just the way they were then. People will use what ever fits if they want to abuse someone, be it Ginger, Fat Spotty or Black. I think it takes more than name calling to be a racist!


New Member
My Nan would call black people "coloureds". She wasn't being racist it was just how she referred to them. Different eras.


New Member
Throughout this thread there is an unspoken assumption that everyone reading it is white.


Well-Known Member
I don't think there is? You can speak openly about this sort of thing, that's not being racist or assuming everyone is white.


Well-Known Member
I don't think many people are really racist these days. As someone said higher up much of it's just name calling, ignorance and in some cases to get a rise. It's totally unacceptable but then equally I don't think such a big thing should be made of it either. The latest incident with JT, well come on who thought he was a moral citizen before this? Says more about him as a person but I'm sure everyone's heard worse and really isn't that important. Ok I'm white and I've not had 200 years of oppression weighing me down or that's why we're told its the worst crime you can possibly commit - but not by black guys, by over the top middle England who is scared to offend anyone - another reason the country is on its arse!

My personal view is that religion is far more divisive than colour for the modern society.


New Member
My personal view is that religion is far more divisive than colour for the modern society.

You're only saying that becaue your a Presbytarian.


Well-Known Member
i dont condone any racism but why is it alright to call someone a fat bastard or ginger bastard? same implications as race but thats tolerated?

its acceptable to shout abuse about looks aslong as its not colour. pot calling kettle black (excuse the pun)
Most fat/ginger people would just laugh the comment off as a bit of banter, racism is considered offensive as it is to do with equality and stuff. Similar to sexism and why a huge example was made of Keys and Gray.
It is a lot to do with the history as well.
Ginger and fat people are just having a bit of fun poked at them, they were never discriminated against like black people were in the old days which is why it is such a big deal when it crops up compared to abusing a ginger person.
I am not saying it is ok to abuse ginger or fat people but just saying why I think it is not considered such a big deal as racist comments.


Well-Known Member
Thy I've heard that argument before and I think its a croc of shit. The black kid in the playground is upset st being abused and doesn't care less about the history of it but simply that its offensive and out of order. This thing about 200 years of slavery etc seems to be the current flavour to use as a means of justifying it being
much worse when the fat or ginger comparisons were made.


New Member
I suppose as a fat ginger person I should say something here, but I'm fighting 50 years of abuse.


Well-Known Member
Believe me most the black people I know are about as bothered about historical issues of slavery/oppression as I am about the X factor!

And since when did black people have a monopoly on being oppressed


Well-Known Member
Most fat/ginger people would just laugh the comment off as a bit of banter, racism is considered offensive as it is to do with equality and stuff. Similar to sexism and why a huge example was made of Keys and Gray.
It is a lot to do with the history as well.
Ginger and fat people are just having a bit of fun poked at them, they were never discriminated against like black people were in the old days which is why it is such a big deal when it crops up compared to abusing a ginger person.
I am not saying it is ok to abuse ginger or fat people but just saying why I think it is not considered such a big deal as racist comments.

Totally disagree, they are not saying these comments to be funny, they are abusing these people who are fat, ginger, spotty, wear glasses etc. Due to these fuckers this is why kids go off th rails and do something silly due to thie BULLYING! All of it as offensive as its how it makes that person feel.

Il Pirata

Well-Known Member
John Terry in being a classless piece of shit shocker.

What next, is he going to kick some disabled children?

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