Rainbow Captain's Armband (11 Viewers)

Brighton Sky Blue

Well-Known Member
Are people really shocked that there are religious people that disagree with homosexuality? Some of them being footballers.
You say that like sexuality is a life choice


I think the issue is more that they're inconsistently taking a stand against this but not betting on their shirts etc. I'm of the opinion it should be a choice and forcing them to wear it is wrong, but don't hide behind the religion as an excuse. Either all in for it or not at all. Not sure why Guehi is getting more criticism than Morsy though. I can only assume they're less scared of backlash from his Christian beliefs ...

Oh I wasn't saying it was right. Just that it's not a surprise.


Well-Known Member
I think the issue is more that they're inconsistently taking a stand against this but not betting on their shirts etc. I'm of the opinion it should be a choice and forcing them to wear it is wrong, but don't hide behind the religion as an excuse. Either all in for it or not at all. Not sure why Guehi is getting more criticism than Morsy though. I can only assume they're less scared of backlash from his Christian beliefs ...
Not sure how we're measuring the extent of the backlash, but Guehi has deliberately chosen to flout the rules having been reminded of them after the previous game. We can have a separate discussion over whether those rules are fair (personally they strike me as harsh) but it's no surprise that he's given the press more to write about by acting the way he has.


Well-Known Member
Yes it is. How can you disagree with a sexuality if it isn’t a choice?

Because some religions do. I think the word “islamaphobia” is thrown around a lot in here. One of its principal teaching is homosexual acts are a sin. So surely if you don’t respect that view you are islamaphobic?

Brighton Sky Blue

Well-Known Member
Because some religions do. I think the word “islamaphobia” is thrown around a lot in here. One of its principal teaching is homosexual acts are a sin. So surely if you don’t respect that view you are islamaphobic?
Just objectively speaking we know that sexuality is not a choice. So while I suppose you can ‘have a problem’ with it, you can’t disagree with that being how somebody is.


Just objectively speaking we know that sexuality is not a choice. So while I suppose you can ‘have a problem’ with it, you can’t disagree with that being how somebody is.

It's not us you need to preach that to, that's my point.

The issue here is who do people want to upset, gay people or religious? It's a tough one for the virtue signallers, probably why D'OD has been quiet.

Sky Blue Pete

Well-Known Member
It's not us you need to preach that to, that's my point.

The issue here is who do people want to upset, gay people or religious? It's a tough one for the virtue signallers, probably why D'OD has been quiet.
I would March for morsy to be entitled to his belief that being gay is against his faith.
I would also March to say being gay is not a reason to be treated any differently than any other person


Well-Known Member
I think the word “islamaphobia” is thrown around a lot in here. One of its principal teaching is homosexual acts are a sin. So surely if you don’t respect that view you are islamaphobic?
Islamophobia is when you discriminate against or show prejudice/hostility towards Muslims because of their faith. It's not about whether or not you hold Islamic views.

I share your lack of respect for any religious person's view that homosexuality to be a sin (is it a "principal teaching" of Islam btw?) But for me that doesn't translate into making generalisations about any religious group more broadly, nor would I see a need to be hostile towards them if they're not being hostile to anyone else.


The issue is when picking and choosing.


Must be nice to be able to pick and choose bits from a religion to follow.

Probably the same as when you see people preaching about allah but you know they drink and gamble.


Well-Known Member
Arm bands, laces, changing social media profiles to Ukrainian flags. I believe they call it Slacktivism. As I said earlier you don't need any of this. All we need to do is to make 1 judgement on a person regardless of colour, creed, sexuality, or religion. Are they a c**t?

Yes I know, I used to ghost write for Martin Luther King.

Sky Blue Pete

Well-Known Member
Arm bands, laces, changing social media profiles to Ukrainian flags. I believe they call it Slacktivism. As I said earlier you don't need any of this. All we need to do is to make 1 judgement on a person regardless of colour, creed, sexuality, or religion. Are they a c**t?

Yes I know, I used to ghost write for Martin Luther King.
I’d wear that arm band
Don’t be a cxxt


Well-Known Member
Isn't this like the gay people for Palestine stuff? Not realising the country would probably throw you off a building for being gay.

Morsy is Muslim and guehi is from a very religious up bringing.

I'm not sure the fa can say to keep religious messages out when trying to put other messages out that might be the opposite to what players believe (rightly or wrongly).
I thought Guehi’s point was that Jesus would have loved anyone irrespective of sexuality or gender… despite how people may interpret an ancient text.

Unless I’ve completely misunderstood.


Well-Known Member
Arm bands, laces, changing social media profiles to Ukrainian flags. I believe they call it Slacktivism. As I said earlier you don't need any of this. All we need to do is to make 1 judgement on a person regardless of colour, creed, sexuality, or religion. Are they a c**t?

Yes I know, I used to ghost write for Martin Luther King.
Why are you picking on cunts?

Nothing wrong with us cunts, leave your bigotry elsewhere.

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