Coventry La La La
New Member

The tweets of Leonard Brody
The sale of Conor Thomas to Liverpool was down to a decision made by Ray Ranson according to new Coventry City FC Holdings Ltd board member Leonard Brody.
The Canadian entrepreneur, who, Covsupport News Service understands, has been the subject of some severe scrutiny from some of the City support since he was appointed to City's Board by Owners SISU and when asked about the sale of Thomas which will bring the club between £500k and £1m depending on whose version of events you believe, said on Twitter, which he has been using to speak to supporters and members of the local Coventry media: "Those are Ray's decisions & we back him."
Mr Brody who also runs the Nowpublic website, also tweeted in response to SISU not telling supporters what is going on with the club: "I think we owe you better communication, which is what I am working on. "My plan is to be here talking to you as much as possible. We are in this with you!"
Other recent tweets have seen Mr Brody call one supporter a skeptic and said: "Look, things take time in running a club. Especially one with historical issues. We are on it. as well as "And we are grateful that you have stuck by the club. We have some great stuff in store...stay tuned."