Robinson wants to convey a message all Muslims are terrorists. The old hard left want to convey a message Jews are racist authoritarian and dangerous.
Look at the Zarah Sultana. She said if she could kill 3 people it would be George Bush Tony Blair and the Israeli PM
That’s an odd choice isn’t it? Not the China leader, Mugawbe or another African despot, not the North Korean dynasty, not Putin and not the Saudi Prince or other brutal Middle East regimes?
Odd choice isn’t it?
So again, if Tommy Robinson mentioned Lee Rigby. Would he be making up a conspiracy theory?
I mean it's not really going to send that message out, is it? Especially when there is some actual validity in what is being said.
It's like me doing a Crane Kick from Karate Kid and somebody mentioning it being labelled as racist against Mr Miagi.
Like I have said, it's all politics. Look at how desperate people are to make up stories to make out how offensive it is, look at how desperate people are to say it's a "conspiracy theory" just based on their political views.
I have no clue who she is to have any bias either way.