Report into Ricoh Arena talks (1 Viewer)


Well-Known Member
Nah, all today because we went top! :)

If only this had come out at any other time, nobody would have given a damn......

James Smith

Well-Known Member
You didn't need to clarify to me, you should maybe clarify to the people who have reacted as expected with the "FUCKING SISU DOING THIS NOW WE ARE TOP OF THE LEAGUE, NEVER GOING AGAIN NOPM ARRGGGGGGGGGGGG".

You can guarantee that a hell of a lot of people reading that won't realise it was started in May and not now, which I guess gets more of a reaction. This is why people point things out, I am not saying it is a conspiracy but you could have got the same information across without whipping up a frenzy couldn't you ;)

Conspiracy? Alien involvement obviously, only sensible explanation.

James Smith

Well-Known Member
I don't really care about the timing of this, it wouldn't matter if Simon had written that David Ike was suddenly proven right and the council were all be shown to actually be lizards.
We're top and there's not a lot that's going bring me down from cloud nine.
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James Smith

Well-Known Member
Simon, do any of the documents have a list of the actual insults? That would be a lot more readable / entertaining.

I've got visions of Ann weakest link Robinson doling those out now. Would certainly make my day off more interesting today.


Well-Known Member
If only this had come out at any other time, nobody would have given a damn......

Just like was said before, and the time before that, and the time before that, and the ti.............................


Well-Known Member
Even if it had only just been written and SISU published immediately; does anyone really believe that they care very much about our league position? In my opinion, this whole escapade was only ever a property deal and the litigation comes first. I think there would be far more celebration in SISU HQ if they won one of these suits than if we got promoted.


Well-Known Member
With all due respect Simon it is nothing more than click bait. I understand as a journalist you are purposely trying to get clicks etc. - we all have bills to pay - but it is a little bit misleading and frankly annoying that it is being stirred up when it is essentially a nothing story.


Well-Known Member
Yes got to admit Simon, I also see it like many others. Looking at the comments underneath the article on the CT website people are clueless and have almost just typed their comments from just reading the headline. They all hate sisu and won't come to games while we are top the league. I dislike sisu also but things have changed slightly and we play in Coventry now so what's the problem?

We are top of the league for the first time ever and we have to drag up a story from May although I get its public as from yesterday.

I understand you want clicks on the article but if ccfc got promoted then you will get more clicks that way.

The way the CT publishes stories like this that we all see leads to the bad journalism comments and the way you backed Pressley towards the end was just indefensible just because you liked the guy. Sorry but it's getting a little tiresome.

Back the team and publish articles with ticket offers and stats showing why and how we are top of the league. Tony mowbray is a magician and yes it's only November but we play the best football in the league and are top of it.

This is just constructive Critism of the paper and not just you. I understand this isn't malicious or a "conspiracy theory"
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Well-Known Member
His retort will be: "well, you are entitled to your opinion, but..."

Yes got to admit Simon, I also see it like many others. Looking at the comments underneath the article on the CT website people are clueless and have almost just typed their comments from just reading the headline. They all hate sisu and won't come to games while we are top the league. I dislike sisu also but things have changed slightly and we play in Coventry now so what's the problem?

We are top of the league for the first time ever and we have to drag up a story from May although I get its public as from yesterday.

I understand you want clicks on the article but if ccfc got promoted then you will get more clicks that way.

The way the CT publishes stories like this that we all see leads to the bad journalism comments and the way you backed Pressley towards the end was just indefensible just because you liked the guy. Sorry but it's getting a little tiresome.

Back the team and publish articles with ticket offers and stats showing why and how we are top of the league. Tony mowbray is a magician and yes it's only November but we play the best football in the league and are top of it.

This is just constructive Critism of the paper and not just you. I understand this isn't malicious or a "conspiracy theory"

Sick Boy

Super Moderator
If we only needed 1 point i'd half expect the telegraph to print a story about a hypothetical situation where we could potentially be deducted 10 points.

Probably with a Wasps' takeover banner around the outside of it as well.


Well-Known Member
If we only needed 1 point i'd half expect the telegraph to print a story about a hypothetical situation where we could potentially be deducted 10 points.

Probably with a Wasps' takeover banner around the outside of it as well.

Hasn't that happened already? When we were on a roll under robins and looking at making a charge for 6th place before he left it was point deduction headlines every week.


Well-Known Member
Looking at the comments underneath the article on the CT website people are clueless and have almost just typed their comments from just reading the headline.

They were talking about something similar, but relating to politics, a couple of weeks back on TV (think it was This Week). Basically saying the vast majority of the press were very right wing / pro Tory and most people take what is printed as truth in whichever paper they prefer. When you look at the numbers that read The Sun or Mail that's pretty scary - these people all have a vote!

The Tory chap's response was that people could find alternative information if they looked for it but how many people look?


Well-Known Member
The reactions on here are priceless.

These articles (that came out yesterday folks...) show once again that our illustrious owner is a small minded, pathetic person, and yet most of the posts on here are berating Simon for publishing it, or not mentioning that it all started in May?? haha As if SISU gave a damn about when it would be made public.

Great diversion tactics again from some to make it a different issue. And quoting the telegraph comments as part of your argument? Aren't these the same people widely derided on here as being dribbling chavs?

A non story? I wasn't aware of the content of these stories, so I read them as news (Isn't the CT supposed to report on news?) Or should they just wait till the end of the season?? :facepalm:

News about the battle between SISU and CCC will not affect my happiness about CCFC being top of the league in the slightest. I hadn't realised though that there were so many sensitive souls on here...

I do wonder if the news had been damning about the council, how many would have raised the "it started in May" issue at all....


Well-Known Member
One good thing to come out of this is Joy Sepalla admits she is the owner of our club something even the House of Commons couldn't establish. Because we are top of the league and looking a decent side at last don't let Sepalla's spoilt little poor me comments mask what she as owner has put us through relegation, massive debt, late accounts, Northampton, loss of home ground which was preventable and one game from division 4
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Well-Known Member
I don't think it's really whipped up a frenzy, and I think it's been played with the straightest of straight bats.

If people are pre-disposed to lambasting the owners, I'm not sure any presenting style is going to take the edge off. The same goes with those prone to criticising the council's behaviour, or Wasps, or the Higgs Charity, or the CT.

People are already pretty entrenched in their views. All I can do is present the facts as simply, transparently and as neutrally as possible. We've also included links to the full report, Sisu's response and Joy's letter. All the information is there for people to make up their own minds.
Problem is Simon a lot of people are simple and easily impressionable and influenced by the media, unbelievably the people of this forum are probably the more intelligent as they can string a couple of sentences together and write in somewhat understandable English.

Lots of people will just read the headlines and that's that, they read the headline and take away from it bad sisu ruining things for us when we are top without even reading another word of the article.


Problem is Simon a lot of people are simple and easily impressionable and influenced by the media, unbelievably the people of this forum are probably the more intelligent as they can string a couple of sentences together and write in somewhat understandable English.

Lots of people will just read the headlines and that's that, they read the headline and take away from it bad sisu ruining things for us when we are top without even reading another word of the article.
He knows that!


Well-Known Member
I do wonder if the news had been damning about the council, how many would have raised the "it started in May" issue at all....
Well its accusing the council of being unprofessional, and of offensive, personal attacks which doesn't look good on them so it isn't exactly a victory for the council boys either.


Well-Known Member
They came out yesterday due to the availability for release - they were published in may - what had the timing of release to do with our illustrious owners?

Did I say the timing had anything to do with them?


Well-Known Member
Well its accusing the council of being unprofessional, and of offensive, personal attacks which doesn't look good on them so it isn't exactly a victory for the council boys either.

But that's the point, you've read it, and can view it from both sides, and make your mind up about what you believe, and who it looks bad for, but it's been turned very quickly into a debate about Simon not showing May as the start of it all, and how the CT showing it now is somehow detrimental to CCFC. IMHO that's complete bollocks.

Captain Dart

Well-Known Member
But that's the point, you've read it, and can view it from both sides, and make your mind up about what you believe, and who it looks bad for, but it's been turned very quickly into a debate about Simon not showing May as the start of it all, and how the CT showing it now is somehow detrimental to CCFC. IMHO that's complete bollocks.

Took me seconds to find out that telegraph reported SISU's complaint in May, the details I guess were not available at that time

Coventry City FC owners Sisu have launched a complaint to the official council watchdog about the conduct of two leading councillors.
The Telegraph can exclusively reveal the latest legal twist in a long running dispute over the ownership of the Ricoh Arena operating company ACL, which was bought by Premiership rugby club Wasps in November.
Lawyers acting on behalf of Sisu have written to the Local Government Ombudsman (LGO) to complain about the conduct of Coventry City Council leader Ann Lucas and former leader Coun John Mutton.
Several accusations are levelled at the Labour Party pair, relating to their conduct during the Ricoh Arena saga since Sisu took over the Sky Blues in 2008.
The Telegraph understands the written allegations have been sent to the independent LGO who has similar powers to the courts when it comes to the release of information and conducting investigations.
The LGO can recommend rectifying action, including suspensions, if any wrongdoing is believed to have occurred – but it has no power to actually force a local authority to take action.
The complaint includes quotes attributed to leading councillors, taken from various media outlets, which Sisu claim have been damaging, and a letter from Sisu boss Joy Seppala, who complains about the conduct of Coun Mutton during discussions about the Ricoh Arena.

but we shouldn't let the facts get in the way of a good old rant about media bias.


Took me seconds to find out that telegraph reported SISU's complaint in May, the details I guess were not available at that time

but we shouldn't let the facts get in the way of a good old rant about media bias.
Yes, but you did that to prove a point didn't you. So you had to go out of your way to do it because of a thread on here, would you have if not?

My point was it wasn't made clear and was trying to give the impression it was now. Then teamed with Simons comments in the thread about being in credit with the fans etc.

Simon said he can just present the facts and let people make their minds up, it's quite clear that some people would think it was happening now and they are.

The point is how would the people who don't go on forums etc take it? It's quite clear a lot will take it as now


Well-Known Member
Simon said he can just present the facts and let people make their minds up, it's quite clear that some people would think it was happening now and they are.

You're absolutely right Nick, they are wrong to imply it's happening now, when it's actually happening next week at the ethics committee meeting.... ;)


You're absolutely right Nick, they are wrong to imply it's happening now, when it's actually happening next week at the ethics committee meeting.... ;)
I meant action being taken now and started. Which is a few months old isn't it.

It's quite clearly trying to imply something to readers and it works. The same as they kept pushing the wasps game as one of the biggest in ricoh history.

Then to try and play dumb when called out on it.


Well-Known Member
Ooohh....whats in this little tea cup.....oooh...its a storm!

a) It was click bait.
b) Nick had a point.
c) Simon G has since rectified it.
d) I'd be willing to bet a large amount of cash that the frothing loons, NOPMers & hashtag twats who comment on the CT page (which Nick has quoted examples of in this thread) never go the game anyhow.
f) Wingy was right.
g) We are top of the league.

...and before anyone points it out.....theres no "e" cos I've taken it.....RAVE ON dudes.....RAVE ON.

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