Fair play to Rioch for coming out saying it as he sees it and it has been explained to him.
I do not doubt for one second his passion or commitment to the academy ...... nor do i doubt PWKH's similar commitment to the academy....... despite the two being on opposite sides of the fence. Frankly I find the personal attacks distasteful and lacking in respect. Rather than seeing yesterdays statement as blowing his own trumpet you could see it as expressing his passion and commitment to the youth at CCFC and the city, and how that is being frustrated by the owners of the club and others. That really so hard to believe that someone besides ourselves feels passionately about the academy but is not part of the football club ..... that he felt so passionately he drove the process over 10 years ago to provide the facilities without which the club would not have an academy at all (the club wasnt going to build it nor have they had the funds since to do so)..... as far as i can see PWKH has never had any credit for that.......... shouldnt he though? Seems to me there has been a lot of things done behind the scenes for CCFC over the decades that have gone un-noticed, unrewarded etc
Of course PWKH tells it as he sees it, we all have our own "truth" but at least he tells it..............he gives us information from the heart of the matter, he has to choose his words because of his position, given honestly it is consistent, plain english and given to us so we can make our own minds up having seen at least some facts .................. got a problem with it then question it, do not abuse it. Personal attacks are frankly out of order and only serve to cloud the issues, are they not murky enough? Do we not need proper information so we make our own minds up?
Just my opinion above
This is the legal situation..........
The contract for the academy usage is with CCFC Ltd which is in administration. Any billing done is done in line with the contract to CCFC Ltd it can not just be switched at a whim to a n other entity. CCFC Holdings who are now claiming to operate the academy have no booking or contract either with CSF who operate the centre or the Alan Higgs Trust. A football league academy is attached to the golden share, which the league say is with CCFC Ltd.
Any bills presented to the administrator will be dealt with in two ways, assuming he is not on holiday. Bear in mind that he can only act for CCFC Ltd and that company is non trading property subsidiary apparently. Firstly if it is for costs prior to his appointment he will record the debt and add it to the creditors total for possible settlement sometime in the future (that would include the additional poor weather hires and the maintenance). Most likely to become a bad debt for the AEH centre. Any claims for future hire will be rejected by the administrator as the company to which he has been appointed has no need to spend that money, indeed has no money to spend!. So that bars the academy if seen as owned by CCFC Ltd
The AEH can not bill CCFC H because there is no legal contract to do so. That company is owned by the same people who have been poor payers in the past, and have just wound a company up up leaving potential bad debts for AEH centre. The academy has no booking or contract if owned by CCFC H so simply can not legally use the facilities..... and yes if they did use it in those circumstances and there was an injury that could expose the AEH centre to an uninsured risk. Of course this booking issue was a problem that should have been obvious when the company structures were rearranged..... seems the attitude from ccfc was they will just accept it.
Given what we know and has gone on would you as CSF or the AEH Trust just accept someones word and let them carry on or would you require a proper contract enforceable in law that gets you the money and protects your rights? That takes time and proper confirmation/clearance. Also even if no connection via PWKH etc as a third party would you not be very careful about losing money by non payment given one part of the "football club" is in administration - I know I would. Final question does the academy actually still exist? ....... if it follows the golden share and that is in CCFC Ltd who can no longer provide/pay for facilities, staff, etc it may well not
Rioch saying he will pay this is admirable of him but it doesnt actually change the fact that there is no contract and that contract has to be with whoever owns the academy.
Final point that Rioch brought out the debt would seem not to be 12K
per Rioch
£10500 plus VAT for the maintenance
£4000 for additional hires during bad weather
£XK's for the hire charges April to June
so what are we looking at £30K + ?........... how much do we pay our coaches?
Rioch made a point of saying if was about the money it would be settled, but if more than that it was an information fishing exercise......... what shattering information could be gleaned from signing promptly a new contract and paying what is owed to a Charity?