6 Generations
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I have tried to point things out to a few of them but no replySimon Jordan couldn't point out how he would get £5.5m from ticket revenues from the same attendances etc.
My point is that all of the spun, emotional and made up stuff with rumours etc does give him wriggle room.
If you have an hour with him and you take challenging questions and add in "Why wont you give the club to the fans" and "A football expert said we should go into admin and lose 20 points, why cant we do that?" then he would have a field day.
Jim White seriously said to him "Why aren't SISU paying for all city fans to go to wembley". White saying "we want to speak to seppalla" over and over again isn't challenging them is it?
I get all that. Many people who support our club are fully aware of when and why we find ourselves in this catastrophic predicament.
I think it was Matt Scott who suggested the 'take the 20 point hit' prior to relegation bollocks.
Talksport can be 'generic' with regard to football ownership/ governance.
But they do care and if we are catorgerised with Blackburn, Blackpool, Charlton and Leeds, then I believe that at least they are highlighting a trend of poor football club ownership over the last 15 years.
Jim White is a good sports journalist who has gained the respect of his peers. His suggestion that SISU provide free transport to Wembley was a way of giving our owners an olive branch to try and start to mend a very open wound.
On a different subject, I like the fact that Mark Robins is back. Let's hope that McGoldrick will eventually follow.
Simon Jordan is probably not aware of how our club are right now and how we got there.
But he is not an idiot where opportunity or business is concerned.
Regardless of my views, your views or Simon Jordan's views, we need new owners.