robins reasons for leaving coming up soon on SSN... (2 Viewers)


Well-Known Member
Well, you and others seem to know about every evil little thing SISU are up to, how much they have in the bank, what was said to ACL, the council and the manager. Just as ridiculous.

I know what's happened to this club since they took the helm. I don't take heed or here-say or third-hand whispers. I look wholly and totally at where we've been led. League position, club attendances, financial situation, fragility of the club. They're inescapable facts.

I don't claim to know anything that others aren't party to. But I do know the club's in a worse position now than for a long, long time


maybe it was part of the compo agreement, " we will accept a 5 figure sum if mark robins rubbishes the council in his first press conference...."


Well-Known Member
I suppose it is true in his eyes.

If thinks if the council forget about the rent. He gets that money for players.

Simple as that in his eyes.


Well-Known Member
Seems that way. Looks like we have a rather deflated section of SBT now. Ah well.

If true what Robins has said, and he has always seemed to be rather honest to me, sounds like he was on the club's side and he feels the council and ACL are not being at all fair to the club.

There most certainly is a lot of uncertainty at the moment for sure.

Going to hard once again to attract a half decent manager (well one with at least half a brain anyway) to the club.


Well-Known Member
It's obvious he left for money, fair enough.

But been plenty of speculation on here along the lines of "Wait till the truth comes out", "What did Joy say to him?" etc etc, implying that it was all becuase of Sisu.

It's obviously not down to the council why he left, but would be jumped all over if he had said something to fit with their pre-conceptions why he did.


Well-Known Member
Do you know what I think? He's left for money and nothing else.

He's excused himself with a sideshow and you SISU apologists have fallen for it like giggling teenage girls.

I wouldn't have cared if he'd have blamed SISU, Mutton, Peugeot for closing the Ryton plant or Mother Theresa of Calcutta. As anything would have been nothing more than a deflection for his own greed, and only the desperate would jump on it.

Oh, look above.....

You're not scraping the barrel now to retain credibility but looking under it.

Give up before you humiliate yourself even more.

I'm even feeling a bit sorry for you.


Well-Known Member
No doubt he has only left for money. Don't get me wrong, the bloke is a snake.

For once I agree with you. It's his sole and only motivating factor in this.

A couple of weeks ago, I credited Waggott for his endeavour in trying to keep McGoldrick. People will gloss over it because it suits their myopia. It's alleged the club offered him £10K per week.

So, how the fook, a few weeks later, are the council stopping the club investing in the playing squad? Waggott own actions disproves Robin's desperate claims - as it would have represented recruiting the highest-paid player in the league

Wyken Sky Blue

Well-Known Member
I don't get the left for more money argument in a sense.

Ifhe went to a club in the same League as Cov for double the money then yes you could say he left for the dollar.

However he left to go to a team in the higher league, more financially stable, better players, closer to his family AND more money. That whole package there is why he left.


Well-Known Member
It's obvious he left for money, fair enough.

But been plenty of speculation on here along the lines of "Wait till the truth comes out", "What did Joy say to him?" etc etc, implying that it was all becuase of Sisu.

It's obviously not down to the council why he left, but would be jumped all over if he had said something to fit with their pre-conceptions why he did.

Not from me. I don't mind a straight debate, but don't credit me with that I haven't stated, nor insinuated


Well-Known Member
For once I agree with you. It's his sole and only motivating factor in this.

A couple of weeks ago, I credited Waggott for his endeavour in trying to keep McGoldrick. People will gloss over it because it suits their myopia. It's alleged the club offered him £10K per week.

So, how the fook, a few weeks later, are the council stopping the club investing in the playing squad? Waggott own actions disproves Robin's desperate claims - as it would have represented recruiting the highest-paid player in the league

For once? Come on MMM, I used to have you on Facebook and Xbox in the GMK days. Throw me a bone.


Well-Known Member
Come on you can do better than that! Work on something and come back in an hour or two.

I suppose it is true in his eyes.

If thinks if the council forget about the rent. He gets that money for players.

Simple as that in his eyes.


Well-Known Member
Not from me. I don't mind a straight debate, but don't credit me with that I haven't stated, nor insinuated

I haven't credited you with that at all, as you should know by now, I wouldn't knowingly credit you with anything!

You would have to be knowingly myopic not to have seen the myriad of threads on here the last couple of days that have insinuated such reasons.


CCFC Finance Director
sorry but the club has gone from bottom 3 to pushing top 6 under his leadership............ during which time players have come in and no rent paid ......... and part of the reason he doesnt feel happy to stay is because the council have not supported a privately owned loss making, over spending football club by letting them have the ground for no rent or better still gifting them ownership ........... ahhhh right all makes perfect sense to me now :facepalm:

so it was just about the money then !


Well-Known Member
Ah, if only the his "true" reason was insinuated. You only have to look at posts to see that it was a guaranteed, cast-iron fact.

Is cast-iron hyphenated? Not sure, apologies if not.

I haven't credited you with that at all, as you should know by now, I wouldn't knowingly credit you with anything!

You would have to be knowingly myopic not to have seen the myriad of threads on here the last couple of days that have insinuated such reasons.

sky blue john

Well-Known Member
we all know fish and wagg like a bit of spin. Now if you work in certain circles if someone hands in their notice a thing called an exit strategy is used.
Obviously they tried to get MR to stay but once they had to accept he wanted to leave they would have discussed his exit strategy.
That is the reason why he cleared his desk that day.
Also they would have discussed what he would say to the media afterwards.


Well-Known Member
Ha! It gets better and better.

You didn't expect him to say that, did you? Annoying, eh?

we all know fish and wagg like a bit of spin. Now if you work in certain circles if someone hands in their notice a thing called an exit strategy is used.
Obviously they tried to get MR to stay but once they had to accept he wanted to leave they would have discussed his exit strategy.
That is the reason why he cleared his desk that day.
Also they would have discussed what he would say to the media afterwards.

Hugh Jarse

Well-Known Member
Bottom line, Robins is a money grabbing little :jerkit: who would have gone the day after he signed a contact with us if he'd been offered a better deal. Look around, there are plenty about. Paul Ince and Monkey Heeed are two classic examples that immediately came to mind and if I could be really bothered, I'm sure I could get a big list going.

Hope Robins fails big time!


Active Member
I am not saying I believe all he says is gospel but come on do you or anyone else trust the council?

No I don't but I don't trust the club or Robins either.

UK football is in a financial mess. There are too many teams throwing ludicrous amounts of money around (QPR) and not enough like Swansea, who created a football philosophy and stuck to it. The FA should be ashamed at what they've allowed to happen.


Well-Known Member
You think he's sat in on the council meetings then? Or fed SISU's iteration of events?

Maybe he has sat in on all the council meetings and you're right. Blimey - no wonder he wants to leave. Probably just wants to concentrate on footy :facepalm:

I work for the Council. Robins, Fisher, and Waggot have had a meeting with Martin Reeves (Council Chief Exec).


New Member
Yes I feckin do - more than the people who have tried - and are succeeding - in destroying our club. We wouldnt have a ground if the council hadn't stepped in. Some of you idiots seem to prefer to believe the lies of the faceless business men who have done nothing but asset strip our club rather than City supporting local elected representatives who have bent over backwards to resolve the situation. How thick are some of you morons!!

Mucca Mad Boys

Well-Known Member
No I don't but I don't trust the club or Robins either.

UK football is in a financial mess. There are too many teams throwing ludicrous amounts of money around (QPR) and not enough like Swansea, who created a football philosophy and stuck to it. The FA should be ashamed at what they've allowed to happen.

Nothing's wrong with British or English football, remember, 'we have the best league in the world'. :facepalm:

The FA is paving the way for elitism, such a shame, even in our lower leagues.


Well-Known Member
"City supporting local elected representatives" Although that wasn't meant as a joke, it certainly made me laugh. Welcome, Mr Mutton.


New Member
What would he know about any fininacial dealings at Board level or what the council had or had not done to resolve them - apart from the Bullsh*t that he had been fed by SISU??


Well-Known Member
Yeah, right on! Stone him! Stone him!

What would he know about any fininacial dealings at Board level or what the council had or had not done to resolve them - apart from the Bullsh*t that he had been fed by SISU??


New Member
Are they not local representatives ? Are they not CCFC fans like the rest of us?? I don't often post but I elook at the board every few days and it is clear that there are increasing numbers of SISU clowns (dare I say paid stooges) on these boards. I work in the City of London and have seen theseo tactics in use time and again - an orchestrated campaign of misinformation to deflect from the truth - that SISU have virtually destroyed our club!!


New Member
Exactly - part of the deal to go would be an agreement not to say anything against the club - it happens all the time in business.


Well-Known Member
You work in the City of London? Get out of here?!

Are you agreeing with yourself in the post above mine? Or did you forget to switch accounts?

Are they not local representatives ? Are they not CCFC fans like the rest of us?? I don't often post but I elook at the board every few days and it is clear that there are increasing numbers of SISU clowns (dare I say paid stooges) on these boards. I work in the City of London and have seen theseo tactics in use time and again - an orchestrated campaign of misinformation to deflect from the truth - that SISU have virtually destroyed our club!!
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Well-Known Member
No I don't but I don't trust the club or Robins either.

UK football is in a financial mess. There are too many teams throwing ludicrous amounts of money around (QPR) and not enough like Swansea, who created a football philosophy and stuck to it. The FA should be ashamed at what they've allowed to happen.

I don't disagree that the Financial playing field should be fairer, but if you allow yourself into this mess then this is the result.

Back to our bunch of trustworthy people Mark Robins is a hypocrite, Councils are councils and SISU well that's enough said, but I genunely detest the fact that everyone wants to blame SISU for everything, like with your example above regarding Financial Fair play, you have to look at the people before SISU for the current phlight as well as our current owners, ACL and CCC

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