robins reasons for leaving coming up soon on SSN... (1 Viewer)


New Member
said he loved it at ccfc, enjoyed working with joy, tim, steve...enjoyed working with the players, the fans were "outstanding" then threw in the remark about the council need to support the club...thats pretty much it

Mr Robins is totally full of self importance, there was only one reason he left, thats was greed, he has no morals.


New Member
Yes - and live in Westminster in London. I had a season ticket for the first 5 years after I moved here (and came back to Cov for every home game) but due to us having kids and work commitments abroad I only get back for about half the games now. Doesnt make my opinions less valid then anyone else's and I am certainly not a council stooge but I do think that in dealing with these people (the sort of people I deal with ever day) the Council have played the only hand they have - and played it well. After these last few years I just don't see how any sane individual cm blame anyone but SISU for the position we find ourselves in.

And as for liking whatever post - I have no feckin idea what I liked or didnt - am trying to do this whilst on a conference call to the states - sorry if I have pressed a wrong button or something??!!


Well-Known Member
"The ACL board will not resume talks until such time as CCFC and Sisu confirm in writing their acceptance of a Heads of Terms Agreement laid out in writing by ACL on 29 January. This agreement was discussed point by point in a series of meetings between the board and the three club directors and agreed verbally by all parties.

"The club directors, however, then proceeded to renege on this agreement. This is wholly unacceptable to the Board of ACL.

Is this what MR was referring to?


Well-Known Member
Not sure if you're meaning too, but you're really making me laugh. Sorry, gotta go, Kylie on line one.

Yes - and live in Westminster in London. I had a season ticket for the first 5 years after I moved here (and came back to Cov for every home game) but due to us having kids and work commitments abroad I only get back for about half the games now. Doesnt make my opinions less valid then anyone else's and I am certainly not a council stooge but I do think that in dealing with these people (the sort of people I deal with ever day) the Council have played the only hand they have - and played it well. After these last few years I just don't see how any sane individual cm blame anyone but SISU for the position we find ourselves in.

And as for liking whatever post - I have no feckin idea what I liked or didnt - am trying to do this whilst on a conference call to the states - sorry if I have pressed a wrong button or something??!!


Well-Known Member
For once I agree with you. It's his sole and only motivating factor in this.

A couple of weeks ago, I credited Waggott for his endeavour in trying to keep McGoldrick. People will gloss over it because it suits their myopia. It's alleged the club offered him £10K per week.

So, how the fook, a few weeks later, are the council stopping the club investing in the playing squad? Waggott own actions disproves Robin's desperate claims - as it would have represented recruiting the highest-paid player in the league

30 million to build a new stadium.

We are about to either win the lottery or do a high value carousel fraud. Or we are not as skint as we make out and it suits us to make out so we can drive very hard bargains in business deals.
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Well-Known Member
Sorry mistook the zzzz for boring.

I guess it is a bit like that urban speak where bad and sick means good.

I am with ya now bro, no means yes.

What are you talking about? Why would I be talking in 'urban speak'

You've lost the plot mate.


Well-Known Member
What are you talking about? Why was I be talking in 'urban speak'

You've lost the plot mate.

You said you were looking forward to my reply then put zzzzz

So I told you it is probably easier, if you to just don't read it.

You then told me you are genuinely looking forward to reading it.

So the only think I can think is that zzzz did not meaning boring. It means interesting.

Like when bad or sick means good.

TBF it would be a hell of a lot easier for me if you didn't read my posts, please
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Well-Known Member
See, he's not all bad. He left for the oppurtunity of being more, which is what any manager wants, so can we blame him for wanting to further his career? What would any of us do? He loves the club and its fans and would suprise me if he returns one day. Good luck to him

I just realised you mean this.


Well-Known Member
And as for liking whatever post - I have no feckin idea what I liked or didnt - am trying to do this whilst on a conference call to the states - sorry if I have pressed a wrong button or something??!!

"Mr Seyeclops, about that multi-billion pound buyout of HMV you've just committed us to, are you sure that was right?"

"Er, sorry no, was meant to be pressing enter on a post about Coventry City, must have pressed the wrong button, is that okay?"

"Fucking idiot". "Coventry who?"


Well-Known Member
He said loyalty is from both sides so does this mean SISU said we will pay the rent mark and then they haven't so we are now fucked the fuck have we got 30 million to build a stadium but not 10 million to buy half of one already fucking built utter bullshit from SISU


Well-Known Member
Just heard him getting interviewed on talk sport.

There is a synergy between the way I work and the way this club works.
Once I knew the way they want to do things and that that is the same say I want to do things it was a well considered straight forward decision.
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Well-Known Member
You said you were looking forward to my reply then put zzzzz

So I told you it us probably easier, if you to just don't read it.

You then told me you are genuinely looking forward to reading it.

So the only think I can think is that zzzz did not meaning boring. It means interesting.

Like when bad or sick means good.

I merely meant you tend to stretch out your posts.


Well-Known Member
As someone who's owned several Premier League clubs and dealt with stadium negotiations, I'd like you all to believe that I carry an extra authority on matters without question. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm off to my luxury yacht in Aruba.


Well-Known Member
Bottom line, Robins is a money grabbing little :jerkit: who would have gone the day after he signed a contact with us if he'd been offered a better deal. Look around, there are plenty about. Paul Ince and Monkey Heeed are two classic examples that immediately came to mind and if I could be really bothered, I'm sure I could get a big list going.

Hope Robins fails big time!


so many people looking for excuses for robins

there are none

hes betrayed ccfc


Well-Known Member
Just heard him getting interviewed on talk sport.

There is a synergy between the way I work and the way this club works.
Once I knew the way they want to do things and that that is the same say I want to do thing it was a well considered straight forward decision.

A definite synergy with the money they wanted to pay and what he wanted.


Well-Known Member
Are they not local representatives ? Are they not CCFC fans like the rest of us?? I don't often post but I elook at the board every few days and it is clear that there are increasing numbers of SISU clowns (dare I say paid stooges) on these boards. I work in the City of London and have seen theseo tactics in use time and again - an orchestrated campaign of misinformation to deflect from the truth - that SISU have virtually destroyed our club!!

Bet it's cold selling newspapers in the winter down there. How much is the Standard these days.


Well-Known Member
And bloody annoying for the conspiracy theorists amongst us.

He made no reference to the council.

Seems a strange thing to come out with on your first interview with sky sports.


New Member
He got on well with Joy and Tim................FFS, just another long line of individuals who have been paid one way or another to keep their gobs shut.


Well-Known Member
FFS! So now he's being bribed is he?! Ha, you conspiracy theorists are unbelievable.

Feel free to post your evidence here.

He got on well with Joy and Tim................FFS, just another long line of individuals who have been paid one way or another to keep their gobs shut.


Well-Known Member
The council have done very well out the stadium, let us just agree on that at least. It cost them NOTHING because all of the money was borrowed and paid back directly by ACL (until recently, and now ACL will pay the council directly after they borrowed to pay of the current loan). Amazingly, the council will profit from that because of preferential rates. Let's please put an end to this nonsense argument about the council 'saving us', or 'bailing us out'. They will ultimately gain, and also benefit from the kudos the big events there generate.

Point 2 - ACL is unsustainable as a business without a football club as anchor tenant. I know for a fact Ricoh will withdraw from the naming rights deal if the club leaves. Matchday income, catering, their cut of corporate hospitality and pitchside advertising as well as money from Ricoh would DISAPPEAR and with it so would ACL. They know this, SISU know this, so the council's threats are empty and a little bit pathetic. Stand your ground SISU.


Well-Known Member
The Standard is free - has been for ages!! And thanks for the concern but I am always warm in my £1 million pound westminster house.:p

Visiting the Houses Of Parliament? Good to know the central heating is on. Oh got to go I've got Simon Cowell on the line.


New Member
Starting to think the fact Robins made reference to the council is a conspiracy itself! :)

Why would he really mention the council when we have that clot David Bell doing bugger all..............earning the likes of £260k per annum, that's just one player who's not even contributing.

Mucca Mad Boys

Well-Known Member
He got on well with Joy and Tim................FFS, just another long line of individuals who have been paid one way or another to keep their gobs shut.

Is there any substantial, or credible evidence of bribery!? Or this this fantasy of the vehemently anti-SiSU camp to compensate for the FACT of MR blaming the council, not SiSU despite assumptions being made that it was the boards fault?

The comedy, keep going, serious, you're only denting your credibility for future reference!

:facepalm: :laugh: :facepalm: :laugh: :facepalm: :laugh: :facepalm: :laugh: :facepalm: :laugh: :facepalm: :laugh: :facepalm: :laugh:


New Member
Your posts do come across as the work of a high-rolling city type.

Not even near high rolling I'm afraid (you should see what some people here get paid whilst they are ruining the economy for everyone else) - comfortable maybe but London is an expensive place to live - most money on the mortgage leaves little spare. But I don't want you shedding a tear for me or anything.:(


Well-Known Member
Ashdown's been paid by ACL to mount this smear campaign! FFS!

Seyeclops666, don't worry - I don't find fiction emotional.


Active Member
The BBC article quotes Fisher as saying that "Loyalty is not a word in his (Robins) dictionary".

What a mess.

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