Saturday, 3pm, Jimmy's Statue (3 Viewers)

  • Thread starter Deleted member 5849
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Well-Known Member
The problem is it becomes a self fulfilling prophecy - wasps fans will now believe we are the odd mad extremists and all other supporters are of the opinion the council and wasps have nothing to answer for

Really it’s a Saturday afternoon so most people should be able to go

Would have gone.. if I were in Cov. As things happen, was at a wedding at the WE here in Germany ( my step daughter). I am in Cov coming Saturday, but couldn’t have moved that either. Funeral. Obviously had no choice on that.

But, fair play to those who did bother. At least they got off their backsides.

Sick Boy

Super Moderator
I’ll have to check with the secretary but I’m sure it’s in the constitution it’s voted on at the AGM. I do agree it is an outdated system but it may even be a rule/law/regulation that it has to be done that way for all organisations of our classification in the country and there’s no way of us changing it. Some other processes are like that.

Thanks for the reply, I think it really would help to increase membership and help gain a wider and large insight into our fans’ thoughts, which is about the Trust should be about. If it’s only possible to have your voice heard by going to a pub in Coventry, then you’re excluding a large number of our fans who live outside of the city.

clint van damme

Well-Known Member
Was on the pop at 12 so plan went tits up....hate them glory hunters, got perfectly a brilliant rugby club already and i bet most of them wasps bastards have never set foot in coundon rd or the butts.........Fuck the council cunts too...

There was a bigger turn out at the Grapes protest.


Well-Known Member
I’ll have to check with the secretary but I’m sure it’s in the constitution it’s voted on at the AGM. I do agree it is an outdated system but it may even be a rule/law/regulation that it has to be done that way for all organisations of our classification in the country and there’s no way of us changing it. Some other processes are like that.
Thanks CJ, I think even if the online vote / survey is to garner opinion and get the views of the wider membership, which can then be debated at meetings, it would be something.
A 3 hour round trip on a weekday evening can sometimes be too much to get to the Ricoh on time, especially if there’s traffic (I have been slightly more successful than Liam Kelly though)


Well-Known Member
If it has to be a pub for a live meeting then why not before or after a game somewhere when people are already in the area and available.

clint van damme

Well-Known Member
Telegraph has a report on the protest stating it was a peaceful protest and tbat Wasps fans were coming up and wishing us all the best.
Good bit of public licity for our plight I reckon and it may not achieve much but the message has now reached a wider audience and as much as I don't like wasps been here I think the fans of both clubs being portrayed as on the same page regards the situation is probably a good one at this point.
No mention of SBT and in particular BHSB and NW so thanks again you pair!

Deleted member 5849

Telegraph has a report on the protest stating it was a peaceful protest and tbat Wasps fans were coming up and wishing us all the best.
Good bit of public licity for our plight I reckon and it may not achieve much but the message has now reached a wider audience and as much as I don't like wasps been here I think the fans of both clubs being portrayed as on the same page regards the situation is probably a good one at this point.
No mention of SBT and in particular BHSB and NW so thanks again you pair!
Excellent quote from Moz btw, nailing that it's about fans etc. and not blaming one party or another.

Also shows why the Trust are needed onside, as they have access to media for such quotes!

Deleted member 5849

It does say some even attended the Wasps match however. That's not true, as far as I was aware?

Deleted member 5849

It wouldn't be the telegraph without a bit of fabrication
I'll write to them to correct if I can guarantee my facts. Pretty sure of the 15-ish I spoke to, none went in.

Edit - frankly if one or two did that's not the point anyway.


Well-Known Member
Telegraph has a report on the protest stating it was a peaceful protest and tbat Wasps fans were coming up and wishing us all the best.
Good bit of public licity for our plight I reckon and it may not achieve much but the message has now reached a wider audience and as much as I don't like wasps been here I think the fans of both clubs being portrayed as on the same page regards the situation is probably a good one at this point.
No mention of SBT and in particular BHSB and NW so thanks again you pair!

It states it was organised by the PSB Group and supported by the Sky Blues Trust


Well-Known Member
I can’t find any legal requirement for an online ballot of all members to have to be physical and not online

It’s just a preference

I said I’d have to check. Members vote on things online through email, through software or a site. It’s just the board elections I’m not sure about.


Well-Known Member
I said I’d have to check. Members vote on things online through email, through software or a site. It’s just the board elections I’m not sure about.

Party leaders are elected online. People can vote in general elections on line - seriously


Well-Known Member
Also as many football boards can have trust representatives surely you can have a board member that represents the views of the biggest fans forum - Sky Blue Talk

A sub forum dedicated to the trust could be created and the elected member can then take questions from the forum and relay this at board meetings

Likewise information from the trust can be communicated back

There is no law at all that prevents this. It’s democracy in action

I’m sure Nick would allow elections to take place in here and monitor the results and declare the outright winner for election.


Also as many football boards can have trust representatives surely you can have a board member that represents the views of the biggest fans forum - Sky Blue Talk

A sub forum dedicated to the trust could be created and the elected member can then take questions from the forum and relay this at board meetings

Likewise information from the trust can be communicated back

There is no law at all that prevents this. It’s democracy in action

I’m sure Nick would allow elections to take place in here and monitor the results and declare the outright winner for election.
You are going back about 5 years when I suggested that. ;)

Broken Hearted Sky Blue

Well-Known Member
Tell you what, PSB group got hopes up by claiming 90-odd interested. Pretty sure we got most of the people there!

I don't really care who takes credit mind you.
Neither group organised anything but can't wait to be interview and photographed. Now it doesn't particularly bother me but why didn't these and other groups get behind this earlier? Then again it's probably better they didnt


Well-Known Member
It does say some even attended the Wasps match however. That's not true, as far as I was aware?

Same here. Didn’t speak to one person attending the Wasps game other than wasps fans who stopped to speak. Didn’t see any reporters either so not sure where they’re getting their information from.

Deleted member 5849

Neither group organised anything but can't wait to be interview and photographed. Now it doesn't particularly bother me but why didn't these and other groups get behind this earlier? Then again it's probably better they didnt

Yeah tbf not sure I need (or want :D) getting 21 people out of an average gate of 12,000 along for a protest on my CV!

Deleted member 5849

Same here. Didn’t speak to one person attending the Wasps game other than wasps fans who stopped to speak. Didn’t see any reporters either so not sure where they’re getting their information from.
Yeah, it potentially sends out the wrong message doesn't it. Safe to say if anybody did, they were vastly in the minority and it's not worthy of mention in a newspaper report.

So yeah... why's it there? I might ask them.


Well-Known Member
There was a picture of a guy in a city shirt, inside the stadium shaking hands with a wasps fan. Not sure if it was twitter or somewhere else, they might be talking about him.


Well-Known Member
Nobody I spoke to was going in to the game. Tried to speak to as many as possible too...I shot straight off at 4 as was going to Belgrade with the good lady to see the girl on the train! She was already slightly unhappy that I had nipped out for a couple of hours as kids had gone to grandparents!
Saw on twitter the guy in cov shirt. Pretty sure not part of protest, more going in to game off his own back and mingling with wasps fans!
I signed up to PSB grouo protest and had messages etc, couldn't find any of them there. Pretty sure most were from here.

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