Are you Stuart Linnell?
Seen as crowds are down nearly 50% since Sisu took over facts would suggest otherwise.
That was a general statement from him. I know people who went, but don't purely on the football, nothing to do with SISU, in fact, I don't know anyone who refuses to go because of SISU.
If we were in the prem, I bet those people who are boycotting SISU, would go even if SISU were still owners, they use that as an excuse because deep down, they CBA.
Everybody, I repeat, everbody I talk too considers getting Sisu out as being the only way the club will move forward.
Do you only talk to yourself then? I doubt your: mum, wife, children, work buddies, boss, random people, acquaintances, non-football people think that, surely not?
Or do you mean 'everybody', meaning 1-2 people? I'll give an example, [to a friend] 'everyone is coming to this party, come out', I don't literally mean everybody, or do I?