Signs your getting old (1 Viewer)


Well-Known Member
the last few months when I wake up I’ve always had a backache

Hair out of the ear holes but I’ve just had to pull out a grey nostril hair


Well-Known Member
Signs You're getting old?

Even though you typed that, rather than said it, Daz, I still had trouble hearing you.

Oh, and your memory goes. :(

Also you keep nodding off and going to sleep a lot more than you used to do previously.

Oh, and your memory goes.


Well-Known Member
Having niggling injuries.

Falling a sleep in front of the TV.

Having to wake up in the middle of the night to go to the toilet.

I'm only 30 ffs.

I have the toilet thing. Drives me nuts.

I can never, ever sleep throughout the night and always go to the toilet and usually at least twice.

I record everything I am watching on the TV while I am watching it. Quite often have to rewind after a snooze, or go to the recording to pick up from where I dropped asleep.


Well-Known Member
Knowing that all your favourite actors when you were a kid are now dead.


Well-Known Member
Modern music really is shite.


Well-Known Member
Knowing if I was a footballer I’d be peaked and about to start the decline into my ‘twighlight’ years as a footballer!


Well-Known Member
When I go to my youngest daughters school when her friend gets picked up by her grandmother. I am nearly old enough to be her grandmothers dad :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
I’m off the beer for a month,
Had a skinful Saturday night. Used to get straight back on it but now need a few days recovery. Glad though as just heard an old pal of mine was told to stop/ease up on drinking, but he ignored the warning, and hear he's had a stroke aged 61.


Well-Known Member
There’s not much of a difference from enjoying a pint and needing one, my wife’s dad and his brother in my opinion are drink dependent but they refuse to acknowledge it. The argument they give is when they worked they used to always have 4/5 pints every night. And you could double that over the weekend but they never missed work, so they don’t see a problem, and now they’ve retired they spend more time in the pub

I noticed that I was having a drink at home most evenings so decided to try and do “dry April “ and then moderate it a bit more but it is a very easy habit to get into

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