I'm not justifying anything. Quite the opposite in fact. I don't think a takeover is justified. Because the club will be earning no money whomever comes in. People seem to want someone to come in and throw money at the club. It won't happen. And even if it did, it would only postpone the problem. Coventry are not a big club. The stadium is too big, unowned and mostly empty. They need to live within their revenue stream, or cease to exist.
It doesn't matter who currently owns the club. They will have to operate within the same budget. That means building a team for less money than they earn. Average attendance has always been around 14,000. Even in the Premier League. The squad wages need to be less than whatever that generates. Speculate to accumulate doesn't wash here. It needs to be a life long commitment to live within means. If that results in League 1 football, so be it. Asking for more investment is like debt ridden people taking out one of those consolidation loans. Borrowing more when you're losing money makes no sense.
The sooner people 'open their eyes' and accept that Coventry are going to be poor for a few years yet, the better.
Chap the whole purpose of the SISU deal was to invest for a short to medium term then sell it on - its how they make their money for clients. Of course a takeover is relevant its what they do
If you were not seeking to justify SISU's position why bring up their original takeover at all, it has no relevance to now other than they are here. I never said it was a justification of a new takeover - but you sought to imply we should be eternally grateful for their original involvement - not sure I am and even if i was i am certainly not forever grateful. They have had nearly 4 years to sort this out, the basic problems have never changed. I am not interested in the history - what is being done now is what is important
Last thing I want is for money to be thrown at the club in the vain hope some of it sticks bringing success. Suggest you read some of my previous posts because I believe a sustainable small investment coupled good cost control and some player sales is the way forward. Basically a hybrid between what RR wanted and what SISU are doing. Those posts will also tell you that I wholeheartedly believe in the club living within its means. That however does not necessarily preclude investment in the squad
Before you go quoting statistics at least check them out - our crowd average has never been 14K in the championship at the Ricoh. The crowds are only part of the solution, player sales another, success on the pitch another and off pitch income streams another. If there was someone willing to bankroll investment then thats a possible other source so long as it is sustainable from a salary point of view. Think you need to widen your thinking.
Also the size of the stadium is important - it is what allows the various income streams currently going to ACL, it is also what gives potential for crowd growth or the big match paydays. That is the reason SISU and others want to own it. it isnt too big its under utilised
Of course it matters who owns the club - it matters to all proper fans because if they trust the ownership they part with their money easier. There are all sorts of alternatives and structures. The club will have no choice but to live within its means - the football league will demand it, but couple that with academy player development and player sales then the picture isnt necessarily so gloomy as you paint.
As for the budget well that can vary depending on what the owners prioritise or the success of the team. All budgets are not the same. It isnt just the squad wages in the budget, in 2010 the club had 90 employees they were not all players
I dont think what SISU has done has been all bad, there have good things and the cost cutting is painful but appropriate. However your blythe acceptance of our lot puzzles me and makes me wonder what passion you actually have for CCFC because it doesnt come over in your posts at all chap. Yes be realistic in our understanding but never to hope for better ?
speculate to accumulate doesnt always work agreed but the purchase of a Dann or a Fox would make a difference wouldnt it....... or better still develop the academy sign a Gael, a Conor, a Cyrus and increase their value and sell on
Am very aware of the CCFC financial predicament, very realistic in my assessment doesnt mean I am accepting of all that is thrown at me. SISU have lost the trust of their primary income source chap and this is the greatest piece of realism here because it will be almost impossible to rebuild - that affects all aspects of their involvement in the club. That above all is why SISU need to find an acceptable deal and move on