when did i say best ever![]()
A few posts up:
Just read the thread about best ever CCFC player and see someone say "elliott ward"
Looks like memories are shot too.
when did i say best ever![]()
Just read the thread about best ever CCFC player and see someone say "elliott ward"
A few posts up:
Looks like memories are shot too.
Yet somebody blatantly from Wasps comes on and posts and it is fine, nobody has much of an issue. Fucking soft.
I think the stadium maintenance is circa £1M each. In that respect £100K is cheap even without all the revenues and for a better stadium.
Not too sure really, he must be a plant and be from SISU.
Yet somebody blatantly from Wasps comes on and posts and it is fine, nobody has much of an issue. Fucking soft.
So you weren't investigating to see if rfc was a plant before? It was brought up in this one because somebody says support your team and is a plant / pr machine but an actual one from wasps is fine.No the problem is that the wasps brought up in every thread even this one by the same posters day after day god this site is getting really boring!! Same old shit just another day...............
Fuck me thought GMK was bad.
I think the stadium maintenance is circa £1M each. In that respect £100K is cheap even without all the revenues and for a better stadium.
So you weren't investigating to see if rfc was a plant before? It was brought up in this one because somebody says support your team and is a plant / pr machine but an actual one from wasps is fine.
Just goes to show the mindset doesn't it.
What are you talking about? I was saying why it was mentioned in this thread?So Wasps has only been mentioned in this thread? I'll save you the time Nick, no they haven't and not by a pissing longshot.
So does that go to show the mindset of some?
I think it could have been a post worth discussing, until a certain someone turned it into the usual diatribe from the same old worn soapbox
I guess we don't all want the same things? In fact judging by some comments I feel there is lots of self pity about and people who find it all too convenient to site SISU as a reason they don't go to games.
Word of advice to the OP. Change your name to "Inside Knowledge" and just post pro Wasps and anti CCFC comments and the critics on here will be salivating like Pavlov's dogs.
Not too sure really, he must be a plant and be from SISU.
Yet somebody blatantly from Wasps comes on and posts and it is fine, nobody has much of an issue. Fucking soft.
I know its a controversial point to ever espouse any slight positives about SISU and I for one frankly don't have many. However I feel after decades of decline that pre dated SISU there must be more to CCFC's demise than one self centered hedge fund. Yes its abundantly clear SISU wanted land and the asset of the RICOH more than a successful football team and used the fans as collateral to cut off revenue streams and distress ACL.
It worked, maybe even too well as the asset became so cheap that an opportunist rival business in the form of a soulless sporting franchise saw an opportunity and took it.
As part of the waiting game strategy employed by SISU they had to cut costs and ensure we did not continue to be a loss making business. For me this is perfectly rational and I am sure most of us if we ran a business would want it to be self sufficient also. This is where for me it all went wrong and our fortunes have contrasted with those enjoyed in Wales by Swansea.
Hew Jenkins has always run a tight ship and the Swans are a profit making football club. So whats the difference between CCFC and Swansea?
For me its the Fans.........while we have spent less and less on players, fewer fans have attended so in turn we have a smaller budget and results have been poor. Swansea on the other had have grown their fanbase organically and as such have been able to expand their playing staff to include some household names, all the while we feed off transfer market scraps.
I am not trying to point the finger at CCFC fans, but I would hope you can see the correlation between a loyal fanbase and an improved squad. Of course their are other factors like inappropriate player identification and poor managers that have contributed to our demise but the fans are not blameless and had we had more loyal fans the dross we buy on free's could have been significantly upgraded.
I do think SISU want us to be successful but at ther same time are not prepared to put in their own money to achieve this aim. Manchester Utd have generated the Glazers over 400m of profit in a decade but on mass no one really questions this as the product is good (or was under Sir Alex).
I hope CCFC fans can see the direct link between revenues and players and to this end I would urge you all to get a season ticket this year early and put the funds in place so SISU and TM (when he signs) can give this club the best chance of getting the players that will make us a table topping team.
If you wait for success it might never arrive, so I would urge you like me to buy your ST and be part of the solution and not the problem as given the right following and manager (TM) those extra funds could once again make us a strong force in English football and give us fans days that put smiles on the faces of young and old alike and make the weekends football a pleasure and not a chore.
For me when TM signs its over to us the fans to back him, not passively but actively and if enough of us do I sincerely believe we could emulate Swansea and replicate their journey to the top table of English football where I truly believe we belong.
Fuck off then before you start copying and pasting a generic reply.Zzzzzzzzz. Christ Nick. You're getting more boring than intheknow.
Nothing mostly! thats sort of my issue
So based on our current fan base (judged on attendances) we deserve to be in league 1.
No it isn't the fans fault but its just an acknowledgement that the turnout of our fans has been poor.
Fuck off then before you start copying and pasting a generic reply.
Hilarious How people go mad about somebody suggesting everybody get beyond the team they support. What a wum they must be, support your team, jokers!
Because you're replies are not generic?
Can you go more than a couple of posts at the moment regardless of the topic without mentioning that there's wasp's plant on here and if sisu did the same there would be uproar whether anyone has mentioned wasps or not?
Whatever you think I am you've become the parody of me.
There's an interesting point buried in there. As bad as things have been under SISU we need to remember the downward spiral has not been solely under SISU's management. During this extended downward period we have had god knows how many managers, numerous complete overhauls of the squad, several owners, several chairman / chief execs etc, different board members, 3 different home grounds.
So where does the problem lie? I would hate to think it was the fans. There has been talk from within the club that the negative atmosphere at home games has an impact on the players but how much of an impact? And of course it can't be inspiring to play in front of a stadium less than a third full. Of course the other side of that argument is everytime we have a big crowd we lose!
It isn't generic, somebody was talking about plants and accusing other people. I didn't just randomly say it. Some of the posts in here proved my point that it would be a different story if it was pro CCFC compared to pro Wasps. What are people thinking suggesting getting behind CCFC on a CCFC forum, disgusting.
The parody of you? Better not let me sit near a window then saying catch phrases over and over again.
interesting :thinking about: forgive me if I am a little sceptical about a lot of this. Yes it is a chicken or egg situation to a degree but .....
So success or failure next season comes back to the fans? because CCFC/SISU have done all they can and it is the fans fault if they don't succeed? Really? Not trying to point a finger at the fans but you did exactly that.
I am going to take what you say at face value but to be honest I have heard this implied from some of the decision makers at the club. After what the owners and others have put us through I do find this shift of emphasis on to the fans disingenuous. Another excuse to hide behind. Give the fans something to believe in, give them action not sound bites, give them hope and they will back CCFC. Surely after 7 years they must know that. The only surprise to them should be that so many have remained loyal still. As yet they have given the fans very little. Everything they do seems confused, secretive, driven for reasons outside football and at worst appears inept. Why would people invest their hard earnt cash in that on the hope that something might change?
I know Swansea is flavour of the month but they are quite different in set up because of what they went through and how they solved it by being inclusive of the fans, and yes the partnerships they formed and propagated. They might well run a tight ship at the ground they share but it also included investment in the playing staff to achieve the success. They have a positive football attitude from the top down.
We know we are not loss making?. Do we ? the only factual information indicates losses so far. Now I have always advocated living within our means but that means spending wisely and frankly the money wasted on last years squad shouldn't give anyone confidence that CCFC/SISU are doing a good job. The transfer policy far from cutting costs I would think actually added to losses. I find it a scandal that we bring a player like Wilson through, achieve a decent price for him then squander any chance of success on the dross that was brought in. That wasn't down to the fans. Had it been spent wisely then better results would have followed and better crowds.
In League 1 CCFC has to use a Fisherism an upper quartile average crowd and yet achieved near disaster again. Teams that have poorer average attendances left us in their shadow. Larger crowds must surely equate to better income? (even ignoring the Ricoh limitations on other income). Larger crowds must mean the better income from advertising, sponsorship, merchandise and yet the club have failed to exploit that eager market - think shop, ticket fiascos etc.
I think it is great that they have dropped the ST price but cold economics of it means that drop the price 20% and you need to get 20% more people in just to stand still. That means increasing average crowds from just over 9k to 11k (and probably without a 28k crowd against Gillingham) That isn't really a function of price it is a function a success on the pitch which in part is achieved by the gamble of a small amount of funds at L1 level. It puzzles me that the opportunity to bring fans back in to the fold was when we came back to the Ricoh. If the fans were so important why not discount prices then? Why not market things then? Equally to increase matchday income by a net £1m requires an increase of over 4000 fans per game
CCFC has never been the best supported team in any division that the club has been in but despite all the off field antics still had one of the best average gates in L1 last season. That is the market CCFC are competing in ... L1. Despite being disconnected from the team by the owners on many levels they still turn up and part with their money, and would part with more in many cases if the opportunities were there. Yet what have they had season after season in return? Make them believe, make them want to give up the alternatives they have found, give them hope not a couple of results then more failure.
I will be happy if TM comes in as manager but lets be clear he is only part of a solution that will give fans some belief and even the best managers have dodgy runs of results. I worry about the expectation being placed on him. Will he get the backing? He says there are no extra funds so what will be sacrificed?
Can we emulate Swansea ....... got to be honest there is going to have to be major changes, a lot of luck and additional finance over and above that from the fans to get even half their success. Yes I could see us promoted from L1 but after that I can see a glass ceiling to the ability to succeed that even with crowds at 30K will require solving.
Sorry to be so negative but the OP came over to me as a club PR on season tickets and more importantly I think it is unfair to imply the owners are doing all they can so any success or failure is down to the fans
You do realise you're often repeated catchphrase line has become a catchphrase? I've put a seat out at the next window for you.
It isn't really a catch phrase is it, because you do often have a word of the day and keep repeating it as much as possible like a kid. If I was totally making it up and not just pointing it out you may have a point.
See. You're saying catchphrase again. I've put a cushion on your seat for you. Do you want a cup of tea?
Are you two married by any chance?