How shallow.
I don't stand for allowing the club to get ripped off with a immoral rent, whoever owns us, neither do I support SISU's immoral ways of handling this saga (if it works, I won't complain though), so I'm happy to support this move somewhat, if it's a temporary solution. This may turn out to be a shrewd move, equally it could turn out to be catastrophic, we'll have to wait and see! I think it'll lead to short-term losses less people coming, which may, however, be neutralized IF we get revenues, but long-term could be better, in the form of a rent agreement. I don't know what will happen.
It'll be interesting to see if SISU have called ACL's bluff that they don't need CCFC, if so, it'll be used as a lever to return to the negotiation table, and get an even further favourable rent agreement, if ACL really don't need CCFC, well, the move shoots the club in the foot... With a shotgun.
Anxious times ahead people, brace yourselves.