Sky Blues Trust Guardian link (1 Viewer)


Well-Known Member
Glad to see KCiC did an email drop with a link to the Guardian story, which has been retweeted, liked 100's of times ..and that's all the Trust were basically doing making people aware of the story.

The Trust should immediately put the link back up as a matter of freedom of speech. If Sisu want to sue them I'm sure plenty of fans would support the Trust including financially. Sad state of affairs when you can't even link to a national newspaper article for fear of legal action.


Well-Known Member
Glad to see KCiC did an email drop with a link to the Guardian story, which has been retweeted, liked 100's of times ..and that's all the Trust were basically doing making people aware of the story.

The Trust should immediately put the link back up as a matter of freedom of speech. If Sisu want to sue them I'm sure plenty of fans would support the Trust including financially. Sad state of affairs when you can't even link to a national newspaper article for fear of legal action.

No one would support them financially unless you are offering?


New Member
The juggernaut continues unswayed. They do not threaten, they only do business in good faith :facepalm:


Well-Known Member
Surely as long as no lies have been told it would be very difficult for Sisu to sue for libel,in fact Sisu themselves could be sued for a Malicious Action.



New Member
I would imagine the Trust would want to be the masters of their own destiny. "Lies" "inaccuracies" call them what you want, those ain't the trusts case to argue, as is any litigation towards The Guardian. Bullies win lots of battles, we have to accept that sometimes.

Deleted member 5849

I would imagine the Trust would want to be the masters of their own destiny. "Lies" "inaccuracies" call them what you want, those ain't the trusts case to argue, as is any litigation towards The Guardian. Bullies win lots of battles, we have to accept that sometimes.

Not that I'd suggest this was the motivation either, but I'd suggest taking the link down and informing everybody why, matter of factly, probably pushes the argument in a certain direction far more effectively than just leaving it up there anyway.

The irony is that doing as SISU wish could well, in this instance, be the worst thing for SISU's public perception that could have happened...


Well-Known Member
I hope The Trust put up a full copy if the Guardian article and a copy of the 'legal' letter from Sisu, on the basis of informing their members, Cov fans and freedom of speech.
I would be more than happy to donate £100 if there is any action against the Trust and I suspect a lot of support would be out there if that happened.

Time to make a stand.


Well-Known Member
Most of us are saving money from not going to Northampton. We could all donate at least some of this as it is for the future of our club.

Deleted member 5849

There's no need to waste time pushing it though is there?

What gets SISU more negative publicity in this instance than doing exactly what SISU have asked?


New Member
The £1 membership gives that person 1 share in the trust. The money cannot be used for any other reason, it has to be kept in a separate account. The fighting fund is made up of donations and monies raised by the trust. If anyone wants to donate then check out the trust web site, alternatively you could download the sent from coventry too album. You'll be getting something for you money and helping the trust

It's also on amazon, spotify and bandcamp.

Also if you have any music minded friends ask them to download it. It's actually a very very good album that showcases the very best of the talent we have around at the moment.

Yes I know it's another plug :) but I make no apologies for it because the best way the trust can be effective is by having a decent fighting fund on hand.


Well-Known Member
There's no need to waste time pushing it though is there?

What gets SISU more negative publicity in this instance than doing exactly what SISU have asked?

If the Trust just go quiet, this will be forgotten in a few days and the Trust will just look spineless.
They have got some publicity from taking it down, if they put it up and Sisu's letter, they keep it alive and take a stand.
..and in the end there is a real principle at stake here in terms of freedom of speech and the principle of keeping their members informed of views.

Deleted member 5849

If the Trust just go quiet, this will be forgotten in a few days and the Trust will just look spineless.
They have got some publicity from taking it down, if they put it up and Sisu's letter, they keep it alive and take a stand.
..and in the end there is a real principle at stake here in terms of freedom of speech and the principle of keeping their members informed of views.

Sure if SISU do push it, the Guardian aren't above standing up for themselves...

In this instance I don't see what's gained. In fact, in terms of national attention, SISU v the Guardian gets it more than anything SISU v the trust would ever get.


New Member
I hope The Trust put up a full copy if the Guardian article and a copy of the 'legal' letter from Sisu, on the basis of informing their members, Cov fans and freedom of speech.
I would be more than happy to donate £100 if there is any action against the Trust and I suspect a lot of support would be out there if that happened.

Time to make a stand.

Remember the letter will be addressed to an individual from the trust, it's only right and proper that the trust check to ensure there are no come backs on him as an individual before they decide what to do. I'm sure everyone would agree that.


Well-Known Member
Remember the letter will be addressed to an individual from the trust, it's only right and proper that the trust check to ensure there are no come backs on him as an individual before they decide what to do. I'm sure everyone would agree that.

A link was posted to a National newspaper article, if any court ruled that as libel, it would have a massive impact to reporting, social media in this country.
It ain't gonna happen.


New Member
A link was posted to a National newspaper article, if any court ruled that as libel, it would have a massive impact to reporting, social media in this country.
It ain't gonna happen.

I would suggest the trust or the individual doesn't have finances needed just to pay for the legal bits prior to and court hearing. Also if the threat of court action is to include equally the trust and the guardian based on something that may not be correct then it may need a seperate court case to split the two defenses. I dunno, but it's exactly what SISU do, tie others up in expensive litigation.
Not even sure what putting the letter up on the internet proves.


New Member
Sure if SISU do push it, the Guardian aren't above standing up for themselves...

In this instance I don't see what's gained. In fact, in terms of national attention, SISU v the Guardian gets it more than anything SISU v the trust would ever get.

Club v the fans, thats the story IMO!


Well-Known Member
Surely we should support the Guardian. If enough people show this is general opinion of the SISU regime what argument do SISU have?


New Member
David Conn is a very rare journalist, he gets to the truth and publishes an article that considers what SISU have done to the supporters of Coventry City. He knows SISU has no intention of ever bringing Coventry City FC back to its City, as the real reason is Joy, Timmy and Labovitch are determined to go down in history as the owners who removed a football club from its City just to get at its Council.


David Conn is a very rare journalist, he gets to the truth and publishes an article that considers what SISU have done to the supporters of Coventry City. He knows SISU has no intention of ever bringing Coventry City FC back to its City, as the real reason is Joy, Timmy and Labovitch are determined to go down in history as the owners who removed a football club from its City just to get at its Council.

Yes I'm pretty sure that is sisus sole aim....


Well-Known Member
Just a pity that the judge on the recent JR appeal fell for it. Without that I am sure that some movement on a possible return would have been made.


Well-Known Member
See the Guardian article now have over 1200 shares and retweets-- hope Joy has plenty of ink in the printer (and stamps).
No lawyer will recommend going after anyone other than the primary source of the article- an excellent article which is still there and being shared btw.

Deleted member 5849

The better queston to ask would be what's in it for them to provoke? What reaction do they hope for?

Deleted member 5849

Perhaps we're over analysing - perhaps this is just what they do?

Perhaps ACL should have over-analysed a bit, re: administration, golden share etc.

Never wise to just stumble into following the desired path. One of the options is indeed 'nothing' and 'nothing'... but to discount the possibilities without asking the question.

Jack Griffin

Can someone please explain to me the donkey and lion reference?

Apart from it being total bollocks, it was a reference to a description of the British Generals in WWI, actually they won that war, so whatever one might think about the means their strategy worked.


Well-Known Member
Remember the letter will be addressed to an individual from the trust, it's only right and proper that the trust check to ensure there are no come backs on him as an individual before they decide what to do. I'm sure everyone would agree that.

You are correct, the letter was addressed to the Secretary of the a Trust and he wants to get further legal advice before we put the letter out into the public domain.

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