I think as (finally

) mentioned, even if you take it as a friendly warning for the benefit of the trust... it's pretty shoddy to send a letter rather than a friendly communication, especially as the head of the trust is on the SCG, so not like Fisher couldn't tip him off after the meeting, is it!
And I have to admit, having once had to deal with a pack of legal letters myself over the most trivial of disputes where the aggressors had no leg to stand on, the initial response is one of 'oh bugger'. If someone calls me a twat on here then, well... I probably have no leg to stand on

If they threaten to get legal backing up that I *am* a twat, then things become very different.
After you stop and think about it, you realise there's nothing there, but the formality of it all makes something serious where it doesn't have to be.