SOC Statement (7 Viewers)


Well-Known Member
1. Yes, the club will still be viable. Too complicated to explain why and no point because it makes much more sense to sell before that (As per their obvious plans). There is ALWAYS someone who will buy the club for £1 from an administrator whilst there are this many fans turning up - they ALL have to pay to get in, meaning creditors have a chance of getting their money back.

2. I am doing something constructive - I'm trying to keep silly 'title/perk seekers' from getting involved and hindering processes from 'real businessmen' trying to buy businesses. Time for bed kids - Leave the adults to it!

Because the "real businessmen" have done such a good job with our club in the recent past? Like I said, I don't think this one statment from the SOC does any harm - granted, I don't think it will push through a deal either! But it seems to be getting a hell of an over-reaction - from both sides - which I don't really understand.

The Reverend Skyblue

Well-Known Member
As far as I know They held democratic elections amongst those that showed up, people won't get elected if they could'nt be arsed to go in the first place.

It seems to me there are one or two professional moaners that come on here lately, who will moan and bitch about anyone, and about anything. They would'nt be happy if they won the lottery and as far as i'm concerned a wee bit of jealously is playing its part at the moment. If they are so unhappy about things lets call a holt now to SOC, and get behind there next great idea.

I hate being around miserable people, who moan for England, but have nothing to offer to help any cause ,whatever its aim. I am not an active SOC participant, but like someone else says before me, i am behind anything or anyone who can be arsed to get off there backside and try and make a difference, in this case trying to highlight SISU hate campaign against our club.

This matter has divided fans who have a common cause, how the fuck did that happen ?, just because someone can write posh and speak well about SISU's attempt to ruin this club ,it gets peoples back up, WHY !!

The Rev

ps. watch the moaning fuckers have a go at me now, thing is I don't give a fuck let them moan at me, then they may leave the SOC boys get on with there work


Well-Known Member
the S.O.C. coming out with statements like that is a sure sign of self importance in a world of finance and business dealings.
As a fans group then represent them by all means but as advocates of the business world you have no place and should not be making statements like that.
As a fan that actually offends me. I don't want or need your opinions thrust upon me. You are a minority group who pretend to represent the fans of CCFC. No you don't. You represent your own agenda for a minority group.

Absoloutely smashed it! Exactly what I wanted to say but I couldn't write it! Well done you!!!!

The Reverend Skyblue

Well-Known Member
I challenge mexico88 to prove what he says, and he can make it as complicated as he can, as there are some on here with more brain cells than his, so go on prove what you say. To say he is patronising is an understatement.
He sounds like he's been there and done everything, so he is saying no company has been liquidated while it has had paying customers. Football clubs have gone under while having paying customers, Halifax Town and Chester City, Bradford PA for three ,had decent crowds,hence paying customers but went under ,and I for one will spend tonight doing some home work on this

The Rev


Well-Known Member
So if you are not pro SOC you are anti SOC, and if you are not anti SOC you are pro SOC? :thinking about: :facepalm:

It looks like the days of not having a preference on difference subjects are gone. I admire what some of our fans have done to let SISU know we are unhappy and to highlight our plight, but it does not mean I agree with everything they say or do. We all have a choice, but too many people seem to think their ways and thoughts are right and refuse to listen or think about anyone elses ideas.


New Member
I challenge mexico88 to prove what he says, and he can make it as complicated as he can, as there are some on here with more brain cells than his, so go on prove what you say. To say he is patronising is an understatement.
He sounds like he's been there and done everything, so he is saying no company has been liquidated while it has had paying customers. Football clubs have gone under while having paying customers, Halifax Town and Chester City, Bradford PA for three ,had decent crowds,hence paying customers but went under ,and I for one will spend tonight doing some home work on this

The Rev

None of them teams played for the second biggest city in the Midlands with a population of over 300,000 though, hardly comparable.

The Reverend Skyblue

Well-Known Member
None of them teams played for the second biggest city in the Midlands with a population of over 300,000 though, hardly comparable.

I did'nt say it was comparable, look at what he said will you about admin, he said NO Company. If you want to say things say like he did,then say it does'nt take into account small clubs. If that club owes £1 or £100 000 000 ,try telling the creditors left at those clubs, who probably went bust because they did'nt get paid by the clubs i mention, and see if it mattered to them.
He said NO company

The Rev


Well-Known Member
So if you are not pro SOC you are anti SOC, and if you are not anti SOC you are pro SOC? :thinking about: :facepalm:

It looks like the days of not having a preference on difference subjects are gone. I admire what some of our fans have done to let SISU know we are unhappy and to highlight our plight, but it does not mean I agree with everything they say or do. We all have a choice, but too many people seem to think their ways and thoughts are right and refuse to listen or think about anyone elses ideas.

I don't believe that you have to be pro or anti SOC there are areas that most people would agree on ie sisu to sell and go yet that doesn't mean they have to miss a game or are wrong to boycott a game etc

I agreed with the original stance by the protesters and yet don't agree with everything they are now saying regarding easing off sisu bad press. I am not going to start shouting SOC down either
There are and always will be grey areas


Well-Known Member
For the record; I am on the side of anyone who is trying to make a difference and,so far as I can see, SOC are attempting to do just that.


New Member
Really cannot believe that people are having a pop at SOC...comments like "getting too big for our boots", "snob's club with meetings and agendas" and "self-appointed" are just deluded - I can only presume that these same posters do not vote in elections because "it doesn't make any difference" and "politicians are all the same" - banal, mindless, petty comments from people who are standing on the sidelines moaning.

SOC's committee was voted in democratically to speak on behalf of the entire SOC membership. If they hadn't have reacted in some way to the biggest announcement of the entire takeover process, the same "supporters" would be moaning "where's SOC, why aren't they making noises about this?" Sadly I think a lot of people have a negative, cynical view about everything surrounding this club, and are too quick to complain when anything happens.

This was a really positive statement by a fans'-own group in support of a much-needed development in the takeover process - and all some people do is complain about the SOC statement and criticise. What would you rather do, burn down the Ricoh???

No, on second thoughts, don't answer the last question.


What a thread.

Only Coventry City supporters would have a go at a group of fans trying to oust terrible owners who are dragging us to non league and couldn't give a sh*t about us.

If they've been asked to make a statement then they're going to aren't they?!

I cannot for the life of me understand why any City fan would have a problem with SOC.

Do you want what's best for the club?? Because that's what SOC want!

100% of us must agree with the sentiment - to want what's best for the future of the club. Assuming that's true why aren't people going along to meetings to give input if they don't agree with the way things are being done? Oh no that's too bloody easy - sit behind a keyboard moaning at people trying to make a difference.

Just can't get my head around it. :censored:


I didn't mean to offend or be negative.

I appreciate that SOC want to help the club, but sometimes the statements and comments will put some people off. Yes, they need to be organised and not look like a man and his dog before SISU and others but sometimes they may lose credibility with the fans with the approach.

I obviously want the best for the club, I have even offered to give them a section on here for their discussions and plans.


New Member
ashbyjan, think you need to slip a few 'feck' and 'sh1ites' into your statements. Oh, and perhaps walk around with a tough looking dog outside the Ricoh, maybe a can or two in the other hand. Get a bit anti like. A 'mam & dad' tattoo maybe? You're bound to get the gobby brigade onside then.


Well-Known Member
fair enough comments Nick maybe as they were asked to make a comment it may have sounded better not using the word statement but more of a comment or response to questions would have been seen as less of what ever it is that annoys people


ashbyjan, think you need to slip a few 'feck' and 'sh1ites' into your statements. Oh, and perhaps walk around with a tough looking dog outside the Ricoh, maybe a can or two in the other hand. Get a bit anti like. A 'mam & dad' tattoo maybe? You're bound to get the gobby brigade onside then.

Who are the gobby brigade?


Super Moderator
Personally I cant see why the statement was not posted on here and gmk to find out what up fans make of it prior to issuing, or is soc limited to the 100 or so that can make it to hen lane each week?


Well-Known Member
I think everyone should remember all of us want the best for the club and just because we pick different roads to go down to acheive this doesn't make it wrong... Pro Sisu, anti Sisu,, SOC or other nobody is wrong in what they are doing its an opinion and a judgement call...

I mean its a messageboard designed for fun and interaction as we all share common ground, its not life or death, so lets take ourselves a little less seriously and one day we may get to do something together really positive that will change outside perception of us and the club !!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sisu would love this post, by the way!!!
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New Member
Get of soc's back. They are only acting for the good of the club and fans if you agree or not. The alternative is to sit on your arse and watch us go down pan with the likes of luton and plymouth


Well-Known Member
....or sit on you arse at the ricoh in acceptable numbers so the club is on a sound financial football. Support the team, perish the thought!


Well-Known Member
just a question, perhaps naive, but has anyone on this forum said that they actually like, or agree with the way sisu have conducted their business over recent years ?
to try and malign the intentions of soc does nothing for the aim to sort out the mess the club are currently in,
i believe, that true ccfc fans are disgusted at the way the club is going,
and so are the hundreds of people i've spoken to,



Well-Known Member
I think having attended well over 1,000 matches my commitment is beyond reproach. If people want to campaign, protest whatever I have no issue. To label people who don't but do support the team is absurd. Ultimately in life you get what you deserve and the pathetic stay at home fans who never go unless we play a premier team in a cup are giving us what we deserve.


New Member
I didnt like the statement but support SOC and what they are trying to achieve.

The statement did sound a bit pompous and self important but then im imagining SOC dont yet have a PR department and a team of copywriters to analyse each and every word.

Id rather have read 'We support anyone trying to deal with the incompetent snake oil salesmen that run our club and will happily pay for SISUs first class rail fare when they do eventually take the hint and fuck off with their tail between their legs'. But i doubt anyonw would have printed it.


....or sit on you arse at the ricoh in acceptable numbers so the club is on a sound financial football. Support the team, perish the thought!

Well that would be ideal Duffy - but still not with these arseholes as owners. We're an investment to them and no more. I'm sick of sitting in a stadium less than half full too - but can see why people stay away.

The fans need excitement. Hopefully new owners will provide it. I see the club I love heading for league 1 followed by god knows what and have to do something about it.

It's out of despair that i argue with posters who won't back SOC because the way I see it they are letting SISU off the hook like City isn't worth fighting for - and it definitely is.


Well-Known Member
I don't see anything wrong with issuing a statement, although I think in the grand scheme such statements won't even be read by the powers that be. I applaud anyone who uses their own free time to do something about our plight and those who are criticising SOC need their bloody heads testing or come up with a better solution, which I doubt they will.


New Member
My initial reaction to the statement was an image of SISU and Hoffman smirking away. A statement wasn't required and I can imagine how it can get peoples backs up but that said, there doing there best (SOC) and there not professional people doing this so a bit of slack on this occasion I think....

The CableGuy

Well-Known Member
I get the feeling that SoC are damned if they do, damned if they don't.

If SoC didn't make a statement:

"WAHHHH! What the frack are they doing!?!? They should be more vocal and releasing statements! Their not very organised are they!!??"
When SoC do make a statement:

"WAHHHH! Who the frack do these guys think they are??!?! How dare they talk to the media and release statements! They could and should have emailed me first about the statement and got my approval before releasing it......goto the meetings??! Frack that! There's only 50 of them there!!"
At least their doing something, for that they have my respect.

In the mean time, Lets all Sing Together.....because we all want the same thing, right? A brighter future for Coventry City Football Club.


This is one of the things I meant last week, it seems to be a bit strange. Would Hoffman / SISU really want SOC's permission to go ahead with a multi million pound takeover? Would they care what SOC said about the takeover? Would these business people really need the help of a few fans?

No offence to the SOC fellas, but again when you see a title saying "SOC Issue Statement" it is way too formal and just puts people off :(
I think it's thought out with genuine intent, its just poorly worded so it comes across a little corny


Well-Known Member
I'm all for SOC and their voice, but the statement does seem to be a little pompous. I'm still confused over what they are trying to achieve though now that Hoff is on the scene. I presumed the point was to get SISU out and now that they are talking to Hoffman....


Well-Known Member

SOC release a sensible statement and everyone wants a kick off.

What a joke.

Sorry I though we lived in a democracy where people are allowed an opinion without being shouted down. Clearly not. We are obviously now in a Stalinist state and anyone with a slightly different view can spend a few weeks in a gulag for a bit of mind correction.


Well-Known Member
Completely and utterly bemused by this, and to be honest all the bickering is just depressing. Only Coventry fans could argue about a statement from a group trying to do what they believe is right in saving the club.

As the Cable Guy stated in his previous post, SOC are damned if they do, damned if they dont.

The fact that they are in existence shows that there are a group of people willing to put their own time and effort into trying to save the club, from the way it is being run into the ground by SISU.

Now it may not be everyones cup of tea, but it is their perogative, and one thing they have done is bring publicity for the clubs plight, and increased negative publicity against SISU. In my eyes, that should be commended.

If you disagree dont get involved, if you dont like their statement then dont read it, but for fekks sake as they are a group that is currently in the news and involved in the campaign to oust our current owners, then surely the press are likely to ask them for their thoughts, (rather than asking each individual fan) and so they release a statement.

Obviously the statement will not be to everyones taste, but if it doesnt appeal to your pallate them why not form your own group and do a statement yourselves which is to your taste, and then approcah the press yourself.

I am not pro SOC, not anti, but applaud efforts from people who are trying to do their best to change the sitaution at the club, whether it makes any difference or not, as I am equally respectfull of those who dont get involved with such, of which i am one.

At the end of the day the statement may make little difference to the outcome of the talks, but of those in the talks there may be some who take note of it, as there may be some that dont, as there may be some that like the way its written as eqaully there be those that dont.......but i bet they dont argue and bitch about it like we do.

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