Song creation thread (1 Viewer)

long way home

Well-Known Member
Tune, The importance of being idle.


We go behind
But we'll get 97 for our stars to shine
We'll be fine
If you give Cal a minute
He's got no limit
He'll set Vik up, for the boys to win it.

Hey, hey

And We'll go behind

That's it Uber on its way ..


Well-Known Member
Haven't read every one so apologies if this is a repeat. Old skool adaptation from Ernie Hunt song I think.
He's here, he's there, he's every fucking where Calum O'Hare. Calum O'Hare etc.
Appropriate I think in view of his playing style and simple.


Well-Known Member
Something classy. Tune of La Donna e Mobile:

Viktor Gyokeres
Han komm fran Sverige
Som IKEA kottbullar
Nu ar han himmelsbla

(Viktor Gyokeres, he comes from Sweden, like IKEA meatballs. Now he's a sky blue)
I think you do something with Dabo to Fanicculi Faniccula.

Brighton Sky Blue

Well-Known Member
I thought exactly this the other day. The video of Hibs fans singing that song at the cup final gives me goosebumps every time. Someone needs to write one.

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It's great even at Easter Road never mind at Cup finals. Couldn't find a way to adapt the lyrics in our case though


Well-Known Member

God the suggestions in this thread are awful & so so cringeworthy 🤦🏻


Well-Known Member
Feeling Hot, Hot, Hot

Ole, ole
Ole, ole
Ole, ole
Ole, ole
Simon Moore, Moore, Moore
Simon Moore, Moore, Moore
Simon Moore, Moore, Moore
Simon Moore, Moore, Moore


Well-Known Member
Could some lyrical genius makes some words up to this bad beat... PUSB
Imagine this on the terraces.

Oogaa oogaa oga chaacka

Had it in my head all morning


Disgruntled Sky Blue

Well-Known Member
Been allowed some screen time today so decided to make some use of it by coming up with a song for young Callum. To the tune of Enjoy Yourself by The Specials.

Enjoy O'Hare,
He's better than you think
Enjoy O'Hare
While we all have a drink
His skills will flow, as quickly as you blink
Enjoy O'Hare, enjoy O'Hare,
He's better than you think

It's been a long week ....... 😡!


Well-Known Member
To tune of Karma Chameleon

There's a Callum in our team all the way
If you watch him you will see how to play
He's a man without restriction
He's a man who doesn't know
How to stop. It's an addiction
He comes and goes
He comes and goes

Callum, Callum, Callum, Callum
Callum, Cal lum O'Hare
He comes and goes. He's everywhere
Playing is so easy and he's scoring in all my dreams.
In all my dreams
In all my dreams

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