Spy Poisoning (1 Viewer)


Well-Known Member
Those in the far right will be anti-Zionist and anti-Semitic. Though being the former doesn't de facto make you the latter, which is the lazy conclusion being jumped to against anyone with a negative comment to make about Israel.
David Baddiel wrote a good article on the whole Livingstone affair.

Brighton Sky Blue

Well-Known Member
David Baddiel wrote a good article on the whole Livingstone affair.

Yep. Problem Labour face is he is going to challenge expulsion with as much legal firepower as he can afford, which I'm guessing is quite a bit. He does have an unlikeable arrogant streak to him which makes me hope the party get shot of him. Don't like Momentum one bit either since it's effectively a personality cult but again don't see how it'll be put aside.


Well-Known Member
I know what anti Zionism is and I know what anti Semitic is. Some people like to blur the lines for political gain, like you. Others blur it because they’re stupid and don’t realise the difference. Same as members of the Indian community used to get labelled an abbreviation of a neighbouring country as a derogatory term. If people are using Zio as a derogatory term against all Jewish people then you’re in good company as you’ve misunderstood the meaning of Zionism and Zionist the same as them.

Judaism is a religion, Zionism is an ideology. Judaism as a religion is over 3500 years old. Zionism as an ideology is also only about 140 years old. As long as there has been Zionism there has been an anti Zionist movements in the Jewish faith even from within Israel itself, the OJC is almost 100years old and based in Jerusalem and predates the state of Israel. Haredi Jews are anti Zionist and is an older movement than the OJC. Hasidic Jews are anti Zionist. One of the three oaths is that Jews will not forcibly claim Israel. Many Jews believe Zionism is a direct threat to God. Many view Zionism as an ideology based on racism. Should I go on?

No Tony because as usual you spectacularly miss the point. The point is Corbyn and his friends in Hamas want the Jews removed from Palestine.

I’ve already proved to you that 90% of British Jews want Israel to remain as is but only 59% are Zionist’s as they are the religious order.

Mr Corbyn rejects the views of the 90% not the 59%

Tiny in patronising mood when he’s never heard a known kkk word for Jews and thinks it’s an uncle in Italian.


Well-Known Member
The Nazi deal with Zionist Jews was about the Nazis protecting the German economy. Nothing to do with being Zionist or supporting Zionism. That was just a byproduct.

Brighton disagrees with you he thinks it was hitler being compassionate before he “went a bit mad”


Well-Known Member
No Tony because as usual you spectacularly miss the point. The point is Corbyn and his friends in Hamas want the Jews removed from Palestine.

I’ve already proved to you that 90% of British Jews want Israel to remain as is but only 59% are Zionist’s as they are the religious order.

Mr Corbyn rejects the views of the 90% not the 59%

Tiny in patronising mood when he’s never heard a known kkk word for Jews and thinks it’s an uncle in Italian.

OK point by point.

Define Palestine. Are you talking about illegal Jewish settlements that contravene international law on the West Bank and Gaza? Are you saying that we shouldn’t up hold international law or are you suggesting we cherry pick which international law we uphold depending on your own personal political leaning? Or maybe you’re referring to Palestine as the state of Israel along with the West Bank and Gaza? In which case he never remotely suggested anything like what you’ve suggested he has ever.

Zionism isn’t a religious order it’s an ideology. Enough said.

Don’t think you ever did reveal your source for this poll. Has Corbyn ever actually said he doesn’t want Israel to remain? Presumably you have a link to this statement he’s apparently made.

There’s a reason I don’t know a KKK derogatory term for Jews. Not being a racist I don’t follow what the KKK is up to. Maybe you do but I don’t. And finally Italian for uncle is Zio. Look it up yourself if you don’t believe me.


Well-Known Member
Brighton disagrees with you he thinks it was hitler being compassionate before he “went a bit mad”

Sorry. I didn’t realise I’m legally bound to 100% agree with Brighton on everything. His understanding of anti Semitism and anti Zionism is pretty sound and based on fact rather than a blurring of the lines for political gain. Doesn’t mean I’m going to agree with him on everything he says and vice verse I don’t expect it to mean that he’s going to agree with me on everything. That’s called being a grown up. Give it a try yourself some time. You might find it liberating.


Well-Known Member
OK point by point.

Define Palestine. Are you talking about illegal Jewish settlements that contravene international law on the West Bank and Gaza? Are you saying that we shouldn’t up hold international law or are you suggesting we cherry pick which international law we uphold depending on your own personal political leaning? Or maybe you’re referring to Palestine as the state of Israel along with the West Bank and Gaza? In which case he never remotely suggested anything like what you’ve suggested he has ever.

Zionism isn’t a religious order it’s an ideology. Enough said.

Don’t think you ever did reveal your source for this poll. Has Corbyn ever actually said he doesn’t want Israel to remain? Presumably you have a link to this statement he’s apparently made.

There’s a reason I don’t know a KKK derogatory term for Jews. Not being a racist I don’t follow what the KKK is up to. Maybe you do but I don’t. And finally Italian for uncle is Zio. Look it up yourself if you don’t believe me.

I’ve already told you the source poll Tony I’m not doing it again. Oddly having made numerous requests to provide your source of information for your counter argument you have failed to provide anything - nothing new there

The Zionist argument I’ve blown apart by other links Tony - links I’ve included in replies to you - as far as I’m aware you should be able to access as there is no subscription- if there is PM me and I’ll hold your hand through the process.

The Zio statement came up from an interview by Andrew Neil when he massacred Ken Livingstone and referred to the deeply offensive term. Oddly enough I’ve shared that link as well Tony. Seems again you’ve not bothered to research before you speak.

I’ve stopped the ignore Tony and I’m disappointed. Still the snarling, contradictory rhetoric. The request for evidence which when provided you don’t see. The request for counter evidence ignored and replaced by babbling extracts from journals which you pretend are your own thoughts.

Tony you need to do better or it’s back in ignore.

I’ve given you a chance to engage in sensible debate. Don’t blow it please.


Well-Known Member
I’ve already told you the source poll Tony I’m not doing it again. Oddly having made numerous requests to provide your source of information for your counter argument you have failed to provide anything - nothing new there

The Zionist argument I’ve blown apart by other links Tony - links I’ve included in replies to you - as far as I’m aware you should be able to access as there is no subscription- if there is PM me and I’ll hold your hand through the process.

The Zio statement came up from an interview by Andrew Neil when he massacred Ken Livingstone and referred to the deeply offensive term. Oddly enough I’ve shared that link as well Tony. Seems again you’ve not bothered to research before you speak.

I’ve stopped the ignore Tony and I’m disappointed. Still the snarling, contradictory rhetoric. The request for evidence which when provided you don’t see. The request for counter evidence ignored and replaced by babbling extracts from journals which you pretend are your own thoughts.

Tony you need to do better or it’s back in ignore.

I’ve given you a chance to engage in sensible debate. Don’t blow it please.

I repeat

“Judaism is a religion, Zionism is an ideology. Judaism as a religion is over 3500 years old. Zionism as an ideology is also only about 140 years old. As long as there has been Zionism there has been an anti Zionist movements in the Jewish faith even from within Israel itself, the OJC is almost 100years old and based in Jerusalem and predates the state of Israel. Haredi Jews are anti Zionist and is an older movement than the OJC. Hasidic Jews are anti Zionist. One of the three oaths is that Jews will not forcibly claim Israel. Many Jews believe Zionism is a direct threat to God. Many view Zionism as an ideology based on racism. Should I go on?”

Just to add. Jews invented Zionism. Jews also invented anti Zionism. To assume that being anti Zionist also makes you anti Semitic is just ignorant to history and mostly this is a deliberate ignorance.

On that note I’m out. You’ve detracted this thread enough. Somebody must have said something honest about the Home Secretary. Honest and Home Secretary mentioned in the same sentence. There’s something you don’t see very often.
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Well-Known Member
I repeat

“Judaism is a religion, Zionism is an ideology. Judaism as a religion is over 3500 years old. Zionism as an ideology is also only about 140 years old. As long as there has been Zionism there has been an anti Zionist movements in the Jewish faith even from within Israel itself, the OJC is almost 100years old and based in Jerusalem and predates the state of Israel. Haredi Jews are anti Zionist and is an older movement than the OJC. Hasidic Jews are anti Zionist. One of the three oaths is that Jews will not forcibly claim Israel. Many Jews believe Zionism is a direct threat to God. Many view Zionism as an ideology based on racism. Should I go on?”

Just to add. Jews invented Zionism. Jews also invented anti Zionism. To assume that being anti Zionist also makes you anti Semitic is just ignorant to history and mostly this is a deliberate ignorance.

On that note I’m out. You’ve detracted this thread enough. Somebody must have said something honest about the Home Secretary. Honest and Home Secretary mentioned in the same sentence. There’s something you don’t see very often.

Tiny waves white flag of surrender. As baddiel states in this article he is not a Zionist as he is an atheist and that anti Zionism is usually a get out anti semites. Repeating phrases extracted from a book that you clearly do not understand won’t help you.

You need lessons in a lot of things - not just history

David Baddiel gave Ken Livingstone the perfect slapdown over his Hitler-Zionism claim


Well-Known Member
So we have gone from spies and poisoning to Hitler, to Corbyn, to the Jews and Zionism.

All we need now are a few barbs about Brexit and why black people don't eat crisps and it will be the Full Monty.

clint van damme

Well-Known Member
So we have gone from spies and poisoning to Hitler, to Corbyn, to the Jews and Zionism.

All we need now are a few barbs about Brexit and why black people don't eat crisps and it will be the Full Monty.

black people don't eat crisps because of Brexit! I didn't realise!


Did the Jews poison them? Never trusted them since I saw Snatch where Frank Butcher was the main one.


Well-Known Member
Dad now out of critical condition and improving.

Some odds things about all this. Usually if Russia want you dead and they get to you, you stay dead.

Botched job if it was the Russians and the Russians intention was to kill him.


Well-Known Member
Dad now out of critical condition and improving.

Some odds things about all this. Usually if Russia want you dead and they get to you, you stay dead.

Botched job if it was the Russians and the Russians intention was to kill him.

One thing everyone accepts (well other than Marxist Jeremy) is that this was an act purely state driven - ie manufactured weaponised in the same laboratory - so what other state would have done it?


Well-Known Member
Dad now out of critical condition and improving.

Some odds things about all this. Usually if Russia want you dead and they get to you, you stay dead.

Botched job if it was the Russians and the Russians intention was to kill him.
Very Very Strange affair .
Definitely time the Spooks put her up on TV for an Interview ,Skype to her Family whatever.


Well-Known Member
One thing everyone accepts (well other than Marxist Jeremy) is that this was an act purely state driven - ie manufactured weaponised in the same laboratory - so what other state would have done it?
Well, I agree, but it doesn't make sense that if Russia wanted to kill him that he's still alive.


Well-Known Member
Did your Mrs translate the speech last night ,some inaccuracies from the intrrpretor I believe especially around the term "You're playing with Fire" .


Well-Known Member
Did your Mrs translate the speech last night ,some inaccuracies from the intrrpretor I believe especially around the term "You're playing with Fire" .

I just asked for a pearl of wisdom from her and her response was 'The only free cheese you will get is in a mouse trap.'

Not sure that helps.


Well-Known Member
I reckon Livingstone will take a word in the ear to fuck off quietly for “the good of the left”, or at least I hope so. The guys drinking has obviously taken its toll and best for all for him to tend to his allotment now.

Momentum are OK, mostly idealistic young people in my experience, plus the odd old leftie tacked on in the hopes of an 80s revival which is unlikely considering the majority are the young idealists. There simply aren’t enough far left people to take over a major political party.

Edit: meant to be a reply but it didn’t work.


Well-Known Member
I reckon Livingstone will take a word in the ear to fuck off quietly for “the good of the left”, or at least I hope so. The guys drinking has obviously taken its toll and best for all for him to tend to his allotment now.

Momentum are OK, mostly idealistic young people in my experience, plus the odd old leftie tacked on in the hopes of an 80s revival which is unlikely considering the majority are the young idealists. There simply aren’t enough far left people to take over a major political party.

The suggestion is if they don’t let him back he’s taking legal action!


Well-Known Member
Looks like the USA has beaten us to the Maginsky act and locked up Vlads money ,over there at least .
It's an interesting divergence from Trumps oft stated desire to benifit from getting along with Russia, unless the State is driving things.


Well-Known Member
Looks like the USA has beaten us to the Maginsky act and locked up Vlads money ,over there at least .
It's an interesting divergence from Trumps oft stated desire to benifit from getting along with Russia, unless the State is driving things.

It’s getting crazier by the minute. The main actors are populists, including Boris. The „nicest“ most normal person is May. Her naughtiest act was running through a farmer‘s corn field as a kid ( according to her ). In comparison I think Trump, Putin and BoJo‘s naughtiest things may be a bit more serious than that.


Well-Known Member
Yulia released from Hospital.
TV interview imminent?
Habeas Corpas writ to follow ?

I wouldn’t think so. The police and secret services will see her and she has already declined a meeting with the Russian authorities- I can’t think why.

Meanwhile Macron allies himself to Trump and the prospect of military action against the Russian backed regime grows by the day.


Well-Known Member
I wouldn’t think so. The police and secret services will see her and she has already declined a meeting with the Russian authorities- I can’t think why.

Meanwhile Macron allies himself to Trump and the prospect of military action against the Russian backed regime grows by the day.
Fireworks tonight ?
Something cropping up on the news at three am ,saturation coverage by Six am, France ,UK USA in Alliied response ?
Until she gives an Interview there's bound to be the question of her choice.


Well-Known Member
After around 5 weeks of silence the Russian Ambassador vainly appealing for access to Yulia again today.
Media suggest the have pleaded for interviews to no avail with the suggestion her health is still very suspect and her fathers even more so.
It all runs extremely at odds to the lucid sounding girl in that phone call.
Meanwhile between both the Gaurdian and Telegraph this Week polar accounts of the clean up operation in Salisbury of up to months ahead, or virtually done and dusted to released back to regular use.

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