Could be .Sounds like when he DOES die Russia can claim that he was recovering just fine and then we must have killed him.
Was I bollox.I didn't insult him. I didn't name call. I asked him to go and find out for himself about the difference between anti zionist and anti semetic and challenged him to define most Jews when there are so many factions and faction among factions of Jews all with different views. He was lumping them all in one pot when talking about the opinions of one set of jews. It's like assuming that protestants go to confessions, bow to the pope and all protestant church leader have a vow of celibacy. All Christians but Christians with apposing views. Not that I'd expect you to understand that.
Can we keep this thread to topic .
Seem to be overspill from two other lengthy threads crossing over here .
What do you mean polite, just fuck right off.Can we keep this thread to topic .
Seem to be overspill from two other lengthy threads crossing over here .
Quick read my arse. I’ve read numerous books over the years about Israel and Palestine, seen countless documentaries and have been to Israel and Palestine in person. I’ve been pointing out for months that Corbyn is not anti Semitic but if you wanted to claim that he’s anti Zionist you’d have a point. I know the difference between anti Semitic and anti Zionist for a reason and have done for decades. You probably thought Zion was a township in Jamaica because it’s a line of a Bob Marley song until I brought the subject up.Was I bollox.
You did a quick read on the meaning and got it totally wrong. You then kept getting it wrong.
What you was stating showed you knew more than the Jewish people on the matter.
But no surprise here. You will chat any crap to make Corbyn look perfect and have a go at anyone who doesn't share your one sided views on Brexit.....although you don't mention that Corbyn wants out and has done for a lot of years.
Quick read my arse. I’ve read numerous books over the years about Israel and Palestine, seen countless documentaries and have been to Israel and Palestine in person. I’ve been pointing out for months that Corbyn is not anti Semitic but if you wanted to claim that he’s anti Zionist you’d have a point. I know the difference between anti Semitic and anti Zionist for a reason and have done for decades. You probably thought Zion was a township in Jamaica because it’s a line of a Bob Marley song until I brought the subject up.
Corbyn is a socialist (not communist as some on here think) so why you think people don’t realise he is pro leave is beyond me. It isn’t news and even if I don’t agree with him on this subject it doesn’t detract from the arguments that he makes that I believe he is correct in.
Corbyn isn’t anti Zionist he’s anti the Jewish community having a homeland - which is due to their race.
Just call him a Nazi and be done with it G
Russians have published a recording of a call she's supposed to have made to her cousin, presumably her cousin is being bugged. Nice.
Yulia Skripal: I'm getting stronger daily
Almost like a Metaphor.They need to sack that scriptwriter.
Corbyn isn’t anti Zionist he’s anti the Jewish community having a homeland - which is due to their race.
Well according to Tony Corbyn hates Zionist’s (the term Zio is considered anti semetic and enimated from right wing extremists but let’s set that one aside) so I guess he can’t be as according to you and Ken Livingstone Hitler was a Zionist - yet I thought ken and Jeremy were such good friends.
Really? I always thought Zio was Italian for uncle but if you say so. I always Zion is a modern translation of the Latin word Sion which is a translation of the Hebrew word for Jerusalem. But hey, I’m sure you know better.
I bet his shit smells of roses to you. You have an excuse ready for everything.Quick read my arse. I’ve read numerous books over the years about Israel and Palestine, seen countless documentaries and have been to Israel and Palestine in person. I’ve been pointing out for months that Corbyn is not anti Semitic but if you wanted to claim that he’s anti Zionist you’d have a point. I know the difference between anti Semitic and anti Zionist for a reason and have done for decades. You probably thought Zion was a township in Jamaica because it’s a line of a Bob Marley song until I brought the subject up.
Corbyn is a socialist (not communist as some on here think) so why you think people don’t realise he is pro leave is beyond me. It isn’t news and even if I don’t agree with him on this subject it doesn’t detract from the arguments that he makes that I believe he is correct in.
I bet his shit smells of roses to you. You have an excuse ready for everything.
Yet you haven't said why every politician that wants us out of the EU is a twat but never comment on Corbyn wanting us out.
We know that. But he knows more about the Jewish people than they know themselves.Remember Tony couldn’t even work out how to read the link I’m curious which books he has read as his base assumption is incorrect.
We know that. But he knows more about the Jewish people than they know themselves.
Well he knows a large percentage don’t support having Israel but oddly can’t find a reference. Perhaps he read Mein Kampf and got confused. Make sense given his political leanings.
Well according to Tony Corbyn hates Zionist’s (the term Zio is considered anti semetic and enimated from right wing extremists but let’s set that one aside) so I guess he can’t be as according to you and Ken Livingstone Hitler was a Zionist - yet I thought ken and Jeremy were such good friends.
Never said he was a Zionist but referred to a Nazi plan to relocate European Jews to another part of the planet to create a separate state (under SS control). Objectively speaking there was some overlap with the aims of both plans.
What does your mate Peter Hitchens think of the possibility of the Russian State being involved? Is he more BoJo on this, or more Corbyn?
Yes Tony as always I do
'It probably originated on the American far right.'
Stunning 'proof' G
But Mr Livingstone says he’s a Zionist. Was he?
Not what he said was it G, actual quote was 'Hitler supported Zionism before he went mad'
Did he support the creation of a Jewish state in the Holy Land-no evidence to say he did. Did he support wanting to move all the Jews to a specific place-initially, before the war turned against him.
Not a racist term then? So I guess Wog wasn’t or Paki. Far enough if that’s your opinion.
An opinion piece with a throw away line about 'it probably started on the American far right' I'm sure you'll agree isn't much evidence. Come back with something more concrete and of course I'll accept it.
Yes Tony as always I do
Was tempted to make the same point myself. Can’t say I’ve heard the term before myself but it is apparently out there and like all derogatory terms isn’t based on fact, it’s based on bigotry and bastardisation of a word in its true meaning.An opinion piece with a throw away line about 'it probably started on the American far right' I'm sure you'll agree isn't much evidence. Come back with something more concrete and of course I'll accept it.
Was tempted to make the same point myself. Can’t say I’ve heard the term before myself but it is apparently out there and like all derogatory terms isn’t based on fact, it’s based on bigotry and bastardisation of a word in its true meaning.
The Nazi deal with Zionist Jews was about the Nazis protecting the German economy. Nothing to do with being Zionist or supporting Zionism. That was just a byproduct.But he supported Ziomism