Supporters Consultative Group (3 Viewers)


Well-Known Member
It is odd that someone who claims to be a long standing city supporter didn't know this. It was such a common term.

I did know it - hardly the same though us it? Where did you sit at the ricoh and what were you called then? Just a Ricoher or something more specific to where you parked - a Cer?


Well-Known Member
To try and get this thread back on track...

Having slept on it, I remain genuinely shocked that when a group of City fans are doing nothing more than selling t-shirts with the message 'keep cov in cov' on and encouraging people to sign the ePetition (which everyone from Tim Fisher to Ann Lucas has signed) someone from the SCG would go out of their way to tell those fans that what they are doing is 'anti-sisu', they are completely wrong etc etc.

There have been several attempts to portray kcic, and me personally, as extreme and militant but the reality is kcic has never done anything that could be remotely classed as 'militant' and selling t-shirts with a widely supported message and promoting an ePetition calling to account all parties is not extreme! kcic is now reflecting mainstream opinion: acl/ccc have questions to answer but sisu are primarily responsible for moving us to NTFC; the key priority is getting us back to the Ricoh; what matters is the interests of the team and fans not a hedge fund or local authority. It is those, whether the scg member yesterday, certain posters on here, or the acl/ccc defenders who are ever more distant from the mainstream and are now at the extremes of what is going on

You have only done what the vast majority of us want to do but leave to others. What ever happens keep up the excellent work and don't change.
My suggestion is that you ignore the odd negative comment and if this person who approached you yesterday was intelligent enough to look at all sides he/she would have at least told you why they think this way.
What's bothering me is that a few "special" fans seem to have certain information but feel they have the right to keep it within a small group.
In the end it will be us the supporters who will end up paying the lawyers to put this information to the judge.


Well-Known Member
To try and get this thread back on track...

Having slept on it, I remain genuinely shocked that when a group of City fans are doing nothing more than selling t-shirts with the message 'keep cov in cov' on and encouraging people to sign the ePetition (which everyone from Tim Fisher to Ann Lucas has signed) someone from the SCG would go out of their way to tell those fans that what they are doing is 'anti-sisu', they are completely wrong etc etc.

There have been several attempts to portray kcic, and me personally, as extreme and militant but the reality is kcic has never done anything that could be remotely classed as 'militant' and selling t-shirts with a widely supported message and promoting an ePetition calling to account all parties is not extreme! kcic is now reflecting mainstream opinion: acl/ccc have questions to answer but sisu are primarily responsible for moving us to NTFC; the key priority is getting us back to the Ricoh; what matters is the interests of the team and fans not a hedge fund or local authority. It is those, whether the scg member yesterday, certain posters on here, or the acl/ccc defenders who are ever more distant from the mainstream and are now at the extremes of what is going on

You were bound to meet the shouty sisu in element sooner or later Michael ;-)

Just picking up on what Steve has just posted. I have never seen this crusade for truth by the state aid police as anything more than more debt for the club from legal fees. I doubt many of us fans would have voted yes for this debt had sisu given us a choice of whether to go on this crusade or not.
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Well-Known Member
Selling kcic t-shirts and handing out ePetition leaflets at Coventry market today, and not a cross word except for being visited by a person who announced themselves as being a member of the SCG who came to tell me how kcic is completely wrong. Just as the pro acl people have their mantra so the pro sisu people now seem to have a set series of points which run along the lines of, as I was harangued with today: sisu have invested £50m+ which shows what good owners they are; the Higgs court case shows the council has a lot to hide and sisu will win the JR; Simon Gilbert is pro council whereas Les Reid told the truth; Joy Seppala is a really nice person; the sisu skeleton argument is the absolute truth of the situation. When I said I wasn't interested in the JR or who's to blame but am interested only in how to get ccfc back to the ricoh asap the reply was 'well you're anti-sisu'. My reply was 'I've never bought into being pro/anti sisu/acl but like the majority of fans believe the council and acl have questions to answer but sisu are primarily responsible for moving ccfc to ntfc - and the ePetition is about calling all parties to account'. Their reply was something angry but inaudible and then to storm off! Really does seem there are acl and sisu fundamentalists with beliefs which they see as gospel and just refuse to engage in debate - either you agree with their fundamentalist belief or they just don't want to know. Thankfully, talking to scores of normal people today is great reassurance that while both angry and hugely saddened by what is going on (and also very despondent) the great majority of fans have no truck with the extremists at all. So a good day in the end.

Micheal you do a good job I think the most of us know what you mean when you label people extreme. You don't think we are going round planting bombs in the name of the Ricoh but they just will not listen to anyone's else's view point.

You probably have me in that category. :)

Keep doing what you are doing. It's a shame the chap stormed off would have been nice if he took the time to debate it with you.


Well-Known Member
I can assure you that the Sky Blue a Trust are not going anywhere. The Trust actually formed the original SCG and we will remain on the group to represent our members and all fans.

That's reassuring to know. It would be good to know that the fans consultation with the club will be represented by a good spectrum of fans with both views and not a cherry picked few


Well-Known Member
I don't remember fans going to the Ricoh or HR having special little labels.

The way moz used it sounded derogatory.

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Moz was talking to me at the time and I can assure you it wasn't meant in a derogatory way.


Well-Known Member
I was block 16er that is a term widey used around the Ricoh by regulars just like singers corner is known as the naughty corner.

so someone is called a sixfielder fucking hell how else do you describe the different sections of our fan base that has been decimated and divided by our beloved owners.

Grndel you use the terms Hillers NOPM birigade so what is the problem with sixfielder really Torch should change is name to toucymatic.

I did know it - hardly the same though us it? Where did you sit at the ricoh and what were you called then? Just a Ricoher or something more specific to where you parked - a Cer?


Well-Known Member
I did know it - hardly the same though us it? Where did you sit at the ricoh and what were you called then? Just a Ricoher or something more specific to where you parked - a Cer?

you claim to know the term yet to quote you ' I have never heard the term main stand brigade, sky blue stander, west stander '

So you have lied .....I haven't heard , I have heard suprise


Well-Known Member
you claim to know the term yet to quote you ' I have never heard the term main stand brigade, sky blue stander, west stander '

So you have lied .....I haven't heard , I have heard suprise

To be fair I know you used to sit in the TOSS end and I can see that term applying rather appropriately.


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
No doubt you will be high and mighty berating someone for being abusive again in the future, as in the past


FAO Grendull

Yet no response when the TRUTH is shown

Not estimated facts just plain fact
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New Member
When is the next SCG meeting?

Am sure a lot of us have questions to ask?

Who represents the Leamington/Warwick Supporters?


Well-Known Member
hahahaha sixfielder is a derogatory term! my word .........

Next thing you will be telling me the word "slope" is as well. Fuck this shit - I'm moving to Australia when I get the chance. You don't get the bullshit like that down there!


Well-Known Member
lol your true colours shining through micheal

cant wait for your next thread "attacked in street by pro sisu mugger"


Well-Known Member
hahahaha sixfielder is a derogatory term! my word .........

Next thing you will be telling me the word "slope" is as well. Fuck this shit - I'm moving to Australia when I get the chance. You don't get the bullshit like that down there!

Why? Does being a racist twat get you a visa there these days?


Well-Known Member
Are you genuinely calling me a racist twat?!

Generally to get a visa there you need qualifications. Quite simple really.

Yeah I pretty much am - If you are in this "politically correctness gone mad " brigade you are welcome to piss off elsewhere in my opinion.


Well-Known Member
read your own post mate, if you genuinely see no offence in that term then you you can add in ignorant to racist.

Perhaps you should have a look at this:

Is typing the word "slope" racist? I didn't refer to anyone being that did I? Is typing a word racist now rather than aiming it at someone? Considering most people (including myself) didn't know it was classed as a racist term until it came out that there were complaints made to the BBC says something doesn't it?

But poor me - little ol'ignorant racist twat. Go fuck yourself.


Well-Known Member
Australia has racist prime minister. so yeah go there if that does not bother you.

because your anti PC, no racist right?:thinking about:

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