Supporters' group tells Coventry City FC owners to clarify stadium plans (1 Viewer)


Well-Known Member
There's people on here who had a clue about Wasps before it was announced. Do a search and you'll find posts.

It is this stage that if you remember what happened and could see what was going to happen some try to say that you are a CCC lover.

You had one (not mentioning the name) that was still saying the Ricoh was a white elephant. Others were saying it was just CCC making out there was others interested as part of the game with SISU. And when it was all done and even now you have some say that our club should have been offered the same deal. I agree with this. But even when the deal went through Fisher said they would never had done the same deal as they wouldn't have taken the mortgage over. And when you point this out you get the usual line of only believing Fisher when it suits. Nothing to do with looking at other things that happened like SISU going behind the backs of Higgs and CCC to try and get a big reduction of the loan off YB. So because of this they try to make out I am a CCC lover. I am as much of a CCC lover as they are a SISU lover.


Well-Known Member
Come on guys, we all know the things that SISU have done wrong but that doesn't mean that all of the other parties are in the right all of the time. As supporters our sole interest should be the football club and this polarisation of SISU and CCC is just a diversion.

Yes SISU started playing hardball over the rent and that escalated into a war with the council, but CCC didn't have to sell ACL to the owners of Wasps. Neither parties actions were in the interests of the football club or its supporters.


Well-Known Member
agreed but im pretty sure i remember council coming out with comments like rent non negotiable and right to veto any sale all the damn time


Well-Known Member
Come on guys, we all know the things that SISU have done wrong but that doesn't mean that all of the other parties are in the right all of the time. As supporters our sole interest should be the football club and this polarisation of SISU and CCC is just a diversion.

Yes SISU started playing hardball over the rent and that escalated into a war with the council, but CCC didn't have to sell ACL to the owners of Wasps. Neither parties actions were in the interests of the football club or its supporters.

Anyone that says that CCC did the right thing by letting Wasps have the arena either needs their head looking at or is a WUM. But understanding why they did it is a totally different matter.

And I will say it yet again. I put most of the blame on Richardson for putting us in the situation of being homeless and no funds to build his dream. SISU and CCC were as bad as each other by acting like twats in the way they dealt with the matter. And we are the ones left to suffer. But we are not the only ones. There are also the Wasps supporters that have had their club taken away from them.

The only winners so far are Wasps. But even that is debatable. They have to raise over 1m each 6 months and then another 35m by May 2022. How easy will it be to raise a total of just over 50m in 7 years?

To me our best bet is to try and get a cheap 7 year rental agreement. Then buy the stadium off the bond holders.


Well-Known Member
You had one (not mentioning the name) that was still saying the Ricoh was a white elephant. Others were saying it was just CCC making out there was others interested as part of the game with SISU.

Well – I am not sure what you define as a White Elephant. However, here I one definition;

“A business or investment that is unprofitable and is likely to remain unprofitable. In the case of a business, a business usually becomes known as a white elephant if it is unable to turn a profit because it is so expensive to operate and maintain.”

So I would say that is very accurate wouldn’t you? The only time it has ever been profitable was when the main tenant was being charged a nonsense amount to prop it up. Most posters claimed that the stadium was a goldmine. One, who I am sure will return when a court case appears again, stated that it was worth around £50 million. Certainly the purchase of the Higgs share at £6 million was viewed a “bargain”. In the end it was an expensive problem that had to be given away for a tiny percentage of what many considered its true worth and with a six fold increase in its lease.

And when it was all done and even now you have some say that our club should have been offered the same deal. I agree with this. But even when the deal went through Fisher said they would never had done the same deal as they wouldn't have taken the mortgage over. And when you point this out you get the usual line of only believing Fisher when it suits.

This is classic you. You try and paint yourself as someone of balance but ultimately cannot. “I agree with this but” is a cop out. The comment by Fisher after a deal is done is ridiculous. The line of only believing when it suits is accurate as that is what you do. Unless of course you believe that we are building a new stadium and of course a statue of Joy Seppella. If not then yes you do select statements by Fisher as evidence when it suits. [/QUOTE]

Nothing to do with looking at other things that happened like SISU going behind the backs of Higgs and CCC to try and get a big reduction of the loan off YB. So because of this they try to make out I am a CCC lover. I am as much of a CCC lover as they are a SISU lover.

Interesting statement. Is it not the case that the Council tried to get a reduction in the loan and only actually purchased at the full amount with serious reservations (odd as the stadium was a goldmine and certainly not a white elephant)? Did they advise Sisu they were doing this? Did they not collude to sell the stadium behind the clubs back?

Odd for such a balanced chap who always “wants the truth” you didn’t mention any of that. Very odd indeed.


Well-Known Member
And I will say it yet again. I put most of the blame on Richardson for putting us in the situation of being homeless

Why you persist with this factually inaccurate nonsense I do not understand.


Well-Known Member
You never let us down with your lack of wisdom do you Grendel.

Wasps moved so far to take over what is a white elephant?

The arena had an independent valuation of 45m before the bond issue. You know that the value dropped when SISU took us to Northampton. But hey just ignore the truth as you usually do. The value went back up when Wasps started playing there and then when we went back.

And the rest of the garbage you have come out with was expected as I said. I give reasons. You give nothing but anti CCC propaganda.

So when do you say that Fisher is being truthful? You like to have a go at anyone who mentions him. I gave two reasons why he looked to be truthful this time. You just gave your normal diatribe.


Well-Known Member
Why you persist with this factually inaccurate nonsense I do not understand.

Who sold HR without a replacement being built? What happened to the money we received from HR?


Well-Known Member
Who sold the right to move back?

Are you saying that anything can put Richardson in the clear after what he has done to us and our club? Why do you keep sticking up for Richardson?


Well-Known Member
Nothing. Ha, you've tied yourself up there. It was CCC who said it.

Just as a matter of balance, what did Sisu say about building bridges at the time ?


Well-Known Member
You never let us down with your lack of wisdom do you Grendel.

Wasps moved so far to take over what is a white elephant?

The arena had an independent valuation of 45m before the bond issue. You know that the value dropped when SISU took us to Northampton. But hey just ignore the truth as you usually do. The value went back up when Wasps started playing there and then when we went back.

And the rest of the garbage you have come out with was expected as I said. I give reasons. You give nothing but anti CCC propaganda.

So when do you say that Fisher is being truthful? You like to have a go at anyone who mentions him. I gave two reasons why he looked to be truthful this time. You just gave your normal diatribe.

Unfortunately you seem to fail to grasp what the term White Elephant means. Not much I can do about that.

The valuation before the bond? It is a valuation on the basis the bond succeeds and that Wasps are a success in the future business operations. It is not based on today it is a projection.

Two reasons Fisher appeared to be truthful. What are they?

- It suits my argument
- It suits my argument


Well-Known Member
I know who the players are. It was an honest mix up. If you find the OP when I made that honest mix up ask yourself what happened that day, what time of day it was when I made it and what state I might have been in given what happened that day.

The funniest thing about that post is watching certain posters bring it up everytime they can't concede the point I've just made (down to little man syndrome would be my guess) so they just throw that out instead of admitting I've made a point that they can't argue against because it flies in the face of their opinion. Or as some call it "fact".

Seriously Tony, I couldnt give a sh*t if you can name players or not, it was fun to throw the hook, and get the bite. ;)

(It was my first and last joke about it)
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Well-Known Member
Unfortunately you appear to have picked a quote that backs up my point.

Which is a shame from your POV, as there are many he says which don't!

Alas, moving Wasps in may offer CCC a short term capital gain, but the intrinsic cultural value that comes with time and therefore the association will take decades to build. Unless we want to go for a civic identity like MK (new, vibrant, playing on its lack of heritage and the specacle, ahead of any reference to its past) then it just won't work.

And the problem is, Coventry *depends* upon its past to create its own distinct identity, its own aura if you will. Wasps just won't help that.

But then that's the problem with politics and the economy full-stop nowadays - there's no incentive to look long term. It's a shame that CCC ended up playing the SISU game by mirroring the SISU policy really.

It's the way of the world i'm afraid. Everything moves on so fast and is replaced by the latest craze.
Coventry City and it's heritage are still here. It will be Sisu's choice if that changes.

You seem to have ignored the TF quote at the time and hence one of the reasons that made CCC decide to move in Wasps.

Can I ask you what CCC should have done at the time if the main tenant was 'still' threatening to move out ?


Well-Known Member
Wow thanks for coming. What an insight.

Who is Grendle - seriously if you are going to attempt a put down do it right.

I apologise, My predictive text has reformatted. It used to say Grimdull. It's more appropriate.

Back to my point. You talk absolute nonsense and avoid answering questions. Sometimes I think you're really young, immature and your lack of understanding should be forgiven. However, I would hazard a guess that your a middle aged, unfulfilled person who tries to push some agenda against CCC as a way to make yourself feel better.


Well-Known Member
Come on guys, we all know the things that SISU have done wrong but that doesn't mean that all of the other parties are in the right all of the time. As supporters our sole interest should be the football club and this polarisation of SISU and CCC is just a diversion.

Yes SISU started playing hardball over the rent and that escalated into a war with the council, but CCC didn't have to sell ACL to the owners of Wasps. Neither parties actions were in the interests of the football club or its supporters.

If they believed TF that Sisu were still going to build a new stadium they had no choice.
Perhaps if he kept his mouth shut they would not have panicked ?


Well-Known Member
Search for the Grendel responses. Classic :claping hands:

He was one of many who wouldnt believe that the Council would sell to a franchise sports team from another City.

Rather than crowing about it, in order to get some brinksmanship over Grendel, look at how many people did believe it might be true. Very few.

Captain Dart

Well-Known Member
No someone who just responds to mindless shit like your post.

If you could spell his name it might give you 1% more credibility, than the 0% you have at present.

Important points 1) ability to spell posters name 2) ability to identify players. Does anything else matter?


Well-Known Member
I apologise, My predictive text has reformatted. It used to say Grimdull. It's more appropriate.

Back to my point. You talk absolute nonsense and avoid answering questions. Sometimes I think you're really young, immature and your lack of understanding should be forgiven. However, I would hazard a guess that your a middle aged, unfulfilled person who tries to push some agenda against CCC as a way to make yourself feel better.

I push the football clubs agenda - the council have done nothing but sell the football club down the toilet. I find that slightly annoying. If you don't then well done you.

Out of interest show me a question I have not answered.

For what it is worth my impression of you is.......well actually I have no impression. You seem a rather boring and irrelevant individual.


Well-Known Member
Nothing. Ha, you've tied yourself up there. It was CCC who said it.

I know that if you look back.
If you are building bridges it needs to be both ways.

TF was blabbing about still building a new stadium even as we moved in.
Obviously the bridge he was building was elsewhere.

In answer to my question ............ SFA

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