The EU: In, out, shake it all about.... (22 Viewers)

As of right now, how are thinking of voting? In or out

  • Remain

    Votes: 23 37.1%
  • Leave

    Votes: 35 56.5%
  • Undecided

    Votes: 3 4.8%
  • Not registered or not intention to vote

    Votes: 1 1.6%

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  • Poll closed .


Well-Known Member
And did that come about through sheer hard work on your part here in the UK . If so then every respect for you.
What do I know ? Quite a lot actually but I don't bang on about what I've purchased on here.
Bang on about it?

Ask Grendel about moving to the Cotswolds. So why didn't I? Because I can't afford to. But for less than the price of a shite house in a shite area of Coventry you get something very nice in the part of France my family are.

Hard work? 168 hours work in the 16 days before I join my family in France on Saturday. Does that class as hard work?

Alan Dugdales Moustache

Well-Known Member
Like I said you are twisting it.

I have compared house prices of Coventry to where my family have moved to. So you bring up the Cotswolds because it is as safe as where they have moved to. Yet you have still not mentioned how much it would cost to move to the Cotswolds. I wonder why that is.....

When I am over we are going to look at a 17th century cottage with 6 bedrooms and nearly an acre of land. It is ready to move into. And all for a massive 68k including estate agent fees. What would that get you in the Cotswolds?
So it's all about cheap houses and a huge garden then .


Well-Known Member
So it's all about cheap houses and a huge garden then .
Are you playing at being dumb?

Lifestyle. Remember? Family time. Better climate. Safe surroundings. Friendlier people. Yes....outdoor space. Teach my youngest lad to fish as lake is within 10 second walk from side of house. Close enough to phone up wife to bring me a cold beer when I want one. Good Strict school for my kids.

Didn't have this planned but bloody Brexit forced my hand. But never mind. You got what you wanted. Never mind anyone else. But as you know I still see.both sides of the Brexit argument. You take your pick. Crooked UK government against crooked EU leaders.

At least we know who to blame in the future if we do end up leaving the EU.

Alan Dugdales Moustache

Well-Known Member
Are you playing at being dumb?

Lifestyle. Remember? Family time. Better climate. Safe surroundings. Friendlier people. Yes....outdoor space. Teach my youngest lad to fish as lake is within 10 second walk from side of house. Close enough to phone up wife to bring me a cold beer when I want one. Good Strict school for my kids.

Didn't have this planned but bloody Brexit forced my hand. But never mind. You got what you wanted. Never mind anyone else. But as you know I still see.both sides of the Brexit argument. You take your pick. Crooked UK government against crooked EU leaders.

At least we know who to blame in the future if we do end up leaving the EU.
Well that's great news for you.
Why the aggression ? If you've worked hard for it fair play to you. Never had reason to get into point scoring with you and don't intend to do so, but don't accuse me of being dumb and don't start giving it the Brexit crap and say I got what I wanted. What did I want ?
Don't moan that Brexit forced your hand to move while at the same time stating you've now got a wonderful life with more than could have ever dreamed of in the UK.


Well-Known Member
Are you playing at being dumb?

Lifestyle. Remember? Family time. Better climate. Safe surroundings. Friendlier people. Yes....outdoor space. Teach my youngest lad to fish as lake is within 10 second walk from side of house. Close enough to phone up wife to bring me a cold beer when I want one. Good Strict school for my kids.

Didn't have this planned but bloody Brexit forced my hand. But never mind. You got what you wanted. Never mind anyone else. But as you know I still see.both sides of the Brexit argument. You take your pick. Crooked UK government against crooked EU leaders.

At least we know who to blame in the future if we do end up leaving the EU.

Phone up wife fucking hell


Well-Known Member
But that is what is so divisive. For yrs generally people such as us have merely shrugged their shoulders even when such changes in the value of the pound have been more dramatic. Now some of us make it into something that is likely to have a dramatic impact on us all...just because they think it adds weight to their argument.
Reality, £5-10 on the average family holiday budget for a week on the Costa del Sol or similar

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You do know that it is not just holiday money? It is everything that is imported.


Well-Known Member
Is that right?

Show me where then.

Negative inpact? So Germany having a negative impact on their currency because they share it with weak countries like Italy is all bad? What is bad is a strong currency or hyper inflation. I have been saying this for the last few years. But it isn't harming us now like it isn't harming Germany. Those who are being harmed are those with weak economies that share a currency with Germany.

Or would you like to put a spin on having our currency devalued isall bad news. Because if Brexit does go tits up it will be the devalued £ that will save us from harm. Then it will go back to where it should be.

We’ve been through this. Devaluation has positives. They don’t last long if they are accompanied by inflation because we need to import things like food and parts for manufactured goods. The initial price advantage is lost because manufactured goods made with imported parts become more expensive and workers demand more money as they have become poorer. The government have deliberately devalued before, but in this case we are not calling the shots. The market is reacting to uncertainty and the UK losing output through not being in the SM and CU. GDP is predicted not to grow as fast as before.


Well-Known Member
That's right, so maybe Tony & similar will forgo his holiday & find some worthy poorer families to give his hard earned cash to help through these difficult times instead?

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The people who voted Brexit are responsible for difficult times ahead. A high proportion of them pensioners who can afford to sit back and relax whilst the working population takes a hit.


Well-Known Member
Which actually in general typifies the German response to its European “allies” - do as you are told or else

Thanks for this post - I will possibly use it in support of an article on the German dominance on Europe in the comments section. I’m particular intrigued by threats made by Helmut Kohl in 1996 which I was not aware of which show an “integrate or be damned” approach to the rest of Europe

My German missus told me she wants to go Cornwall, and you are going to use that in an article about German dominance? I can’t see any other sign of dominance from Germans in my post. Brexit is a cock up, but the exchange rate has worked in Eurozone‘s favour. What has that got to do with Germany?


Well-Known Member
Remain shouldn't be on a new vote though,It lost 3 years ago.
What cant people understand about that?
Shall we have a re-run of the vote in 1975 when we joined the common market?
FFs just leave and get on with it the world will still turn on 1st November!!

We did have a re-run of 1975. 1975 was decisive. 2016 was a win, but nothing like enough to get the whole country behind it. Brexit is a major change and a huge risk. A 4 Point win on an advisory referendum is not enough to be able to go into negotiations with a strong hand. Which is evident. BoJo will get nowhere with his no deal threats. Everyone in Europe sees him as a clown trying to look tough. Britain, what are you doing? Is one headline referring to BiJo most likely to become PM.

Opinion here is that the UK is off it’s head having BoJo as PM.


Well-Known Member
There’s no zero hours contracts here to massage the figures.

I’m not denying Italy has problems but it’s problems are internally created and cannot be blamed solely on the EU.

We don’t have zero hours contracts here. 15 hours a week is the lowest full time employment. There is a limit on how many times temporary contracts can be renewed.

Alan Dugdales Moustache

Well-Known Member
Germany? Full employment. A job starts at 15 hours a week. Used to be 8. you cannot have permanent zero hours jobs. So it is really full employment.
It really is a wonderful place, courtesy of the rest of the E.U.

Alan Dugdales Moustache

Well-Known Member
We did have a re-run of 1975. 1975 was decisive. 2016 was a win, but nothing like enough to get the whole country behind it. Brexit is a major change and a huge risk. A 4 Point win on an advisory referendum is not enough to be able to go into negotiations with a strong hand. Which is evident. BoJo will get nowhere with his no deal threats. Everyone in Europe sees him as a clown trying to look tough. Britain, what are you doing? Is one headline referring to BiJo most likely to become PM.

Opinion here is that the UK is off it’s head having BoJo as PM.
Not that anyone in the UK gives a shit what the Germans think. Genuinely. And you are really, really boring.


Well-Known Member
I’m quoting Italians not a football forum but what you are saying is that anecdotes are greater than stats and oddly when it suits you you like a lot of what Mad Mart says on here do you not?

Yeah, because mad Mart is not mad. He disagrees with you a lot, but that is not madness.

I live abroad. SB lives abroad. Astute will live abroad. Maybe we see things differently to someone who stays in the UK and has the stereotypical racist views on other Europeans. I heard an interview with an English journalist on French radio when I was driving in France. The question was why the English didn’t like the French? He answered, because of the war. But, we were on the same side says the French interviewer. No, I mean the Napoleonic war. The English guy explained that there has been so much anti French propaganda since these times, it is part of the English mentality. Even now where both countries are in the EU.

That is it. With you it is more anti German which started big time during WWI. Generations of anti German propaganda. Ok.
I understand the need for that during the war, but I think it is pretty obvious that Germany is not a Nazi state to anyone with more than a half a brain cell. Or maybe not.

Alan Dugdales Moustache

Well-Known Member

Alan Dugdales Moustache

Well-Known Member
Yeah, because mad Mart is not mad. He disagrees with you a lot, but that is not madness.

I live abroad. SB lives abroad. Astute will live abroad. Maybe we see things differently to someone who stays in the UK and has the stereotypical racist views on other Europeans. I heard an interview with an English journalist on French radio when I was driving in France. The question was why the English didn’t like the French? He answered, because of the war. But, we were on the same side says the French interviewer. No, I mean the Napoleonic war. The English guy explained that there has been so much anti French propaganda since these times, it is part of the English mentality. Even now where both countries are in the EU.

That is it. With you it is more anti German which started big time during WWI. Generations of anti German propaganda. Ok.
I understand the need for that during the war, but I think it is pretty obvious that Germany is not a Nazi state to anyone with more than a half a brain cell. Or maybe not.
I wondered how long it would take before you decided that those of you who live abroad are simply better than the rest of us. About 30 seconds. No one cares. The highlighted stuff is bullshit you have made up to suit your comments.


Well-Known Member
That's not anti German. It's a fact. Why would anyone here care ? This is the UK, not Germany.

Not quite true though. We were told that the German car manufacturers would put pressure on Merkel to make a deal. David Davis said he would be in Berlin on the day after Brexit. The mood here is that the UK is shooting itself in the foot.

Maybe people should be interested as it is not what we were promised.

Alan Dugdales Moustache

Well-Known Member
Not quite true though. We were told that the German car manufacturers would put pressure on Merkel to make a deal. David Davis said he would be in Berlin on the day after Brexit. The mood here is that the UK is shooting itself in the foot.

Maybe people should be interested as it is not what we were promised.
I'm sorry but you've reached new levels of boring. We don't care about the mood in Germany.


Well-Known Member
I wondered how long it would take before you decided that those of you who live abroad are simply better than the rest of us. About 30 seconds. No one cares. The highlighted stuff is bullshit you have made up to suit your comments.

Who said „better“? I said when you live abroad you meet different people and see how other people live and see things. It is a fact. The same with the areas here which are most anti foreigner. Largely in the East which has the lowest percentage of foreigners. I employ temporary staff from many countries. I am not interested in the stereotype pictures of them. I judge the person.

Why would I make up that about the radio interview? It stuck in my mind, as in my lifetime the French have never done anything particularly anti British, with the exception of De Gaulle trying to keep us out of the forerunner of the EU. The prejudice is inbred.

Not to say that it isn’t on the other side.

Alan Dugdales Moustache

Well-Known Member
Who said „better“? I said when you live abroad you meet different people and see how other people live and see things. It is a fact. The same with the areas here which are most anti foreigner. Largely in the East which has the lowest percentage of foreigners. I employ temporary staff from many countries. I am not interested in the stereotype pictures of them. I judge the person.
Why would I make up that about the radio interview? It stuck in my mind, as in my lifetime the French have never done anything particularly anti British, with the exception of De Gaulle trying to keep us out of the forerunner of the EU. The prejudice is inbred.
Not to say that it isn’t on the other side.
Yawn. Lets face it , you're just anti- British. Are you inbred ?

Alan Dugdales Moustache

Well-Known Member
You use the word „we“. I presume you mean „I“.

You should care about the mood in Ireland, Germany and the EU in general. At the end of October it’s put up or shut up time for BoJo.
Unlike you I don't obsess about it. Life goes on. More important things to worry about to be honest. No point in worrying about something out of my hands is there ? Nothing you can do either.


Well-Known Member
Yawn. Lets face it , you're just anti- British. Are you inbred ?

No, but you obviously are. In which way am I anti British? You have the same attitude as Trump. If you think the country is doing something detrimental and going in the wrong direction, you are anti that country. No, I am pro Britain. Brexit is not Britain. It is a regressive step. Taking us to nowhere. Look at us now, being played by Iran. Desperate for favours from the USA. We sent ships to China. China canceled trade meetings. We were supporting Trump. The Iran thing is strange. At the end of the day we are supporting Trump. We are becoming even more of the USA’s Poodle. Trump insults May. We do nothing. Trump insults the ambassador. BoJo cannot say anything. Trump gets people chanting send them back. What can we say? It is hard for the UK to have it’s own profile. We need the USA like never before because if we leave with no deal we’re fxxked.


Well-Known Member
Unlike you I don't obsess about it. Life goes on. More important things to worry about to be honest. No point in worrying about something out of my hands is there ? Nothing you can do either.

No, I cannot do anything. I can’t do anything about SISU either. But I have my opinions. I can’t do anything about going to St Andrews either.

The forum is full of people who have opinions, but can’t do anything about it.

Last time I was at St Andrews they were all humming the dam busters theme and holding their arms out to symbolise aircraft bombing Cov. Could be in for some interesting times.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, because mad Mart is not mad. He disagrees with you a lot, but that is not madness.

I live abroad. SB lives abroad. Astute will live abroad. Maybe we see things differently to someone who stays in the UK and has the stereotypical racist views on other Europeans. I heard an interview with an English journalist on French radio when I was driving in France. The question was why the English didn’t like the French? He answered, because of the war. But, we were on the same side says the French interviewer. No, I mean the Napoleonic war. The English guy explained that there has been so much anti French propaganda since these times, it is part of the English mentality. Even now where both countries are in the EU.

That is it. With you it is more anti German which started big time during WWI. Generations of anti German propaganda. Ok.
I understand the need for that during the war, but I think it is pretty obvious that Germany is not a Nazi state to anyone with more than a half a brain cell. Or maybe not.

Have you employed any good looking young boys recently?


Well-Known Member
Have you employed any good looking young boys recently?

I don’t employ boys. I sell alcohol. The accusation was that I only employ good looking young women. I don’t, but some happen to be, as do some of my male staff. I fancy some of the women, which is academic as I am 64 years old and I live with my missus. Your point was?

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