Well-Known Member
No, I'm not necessarily against subsidising private industry as a blanket rule - in some cases it does prevent a big shock to local or national economies that would have knock-on effects down the line. I'm more for subsidising infrastructure and services that are beneficial to society as a whole but predominantly the people though. If private businesses also benefit then that's fine but it shouldn't be the main or intended beneficiary.
My point is that if these free-market capitalist advocates truly believed in the system they wouldn't request or even accept such intervention even if offered because it skews the outcome.
America have started this trade war with China due to state subsidy creating artifically low prices, but the US subsidies it's own industry as well in certain ways. There was a documentary a few years ago where some businesses were being kept competitive because they were allowed to use prisoners as a workforce - pretty much slave labour.
The 2008 crisis was a disaster created by the financial services sector. Many individuals knew it was coming and rather than trying to prevent it positioned themselves to profit personally and then added fuel to the fire. So when it all eventually went tits up and the businesses they controlled had been put on the brink you'd imagine this epitome of capitalism would be adamant that it wouldn't want state aid as govt had no place interfering in the market. But amazingly they were immediately cap in hand asking for bailouts which were way in excess of anything other industries had required before. Then once they'd got the money all of a sudden it's back to the mantra of 'no state intervention' when the likes of regulation and bonuses are questioned.
Capitalists are far quicker and happier to accept financial help than most of those on income support. That is the irony.
So you don’t agree with BSB and Schmeee that think we should close businesses that can’t afgitd to increase wages
Was it you they made the analogy about governments subsidising machine repairs?