Can't disagree. Have flown in with both Flybe and Ryanair and you have to use a passport with both as their rules say so. But legally you don't need to. But as I said earlier I always take mine. Best proof of who you are.
To give her some credit, May has done well to keep it all going following on from the numerous concessions that the UK has inevitably given since 'negotiations' began.
Yea. The negotiations are basically 1. pay your bills - agreed in principle 2. no hard border in Ireland- Britain has to give way on N.I.. 27 countries against the UK. 3. citizens rights - might win on non EU wives, but otherwise - 27 countries against the UK.
Can anyone point to one provable advantage achieved so far from Brexit?
Yea. The negotiations are basically 1. pay your bills - agreed in principle 2. no hard border in Ireland- Britain has to give way on N.I.. 27 countries against the UK. 3. citizens rights - might win on non EU wives, but otherwise - 27 countries against the UK.
Can anyone point to one provable advantage achieved so far from Brexit?
Yea. The negotiations are basically 1. pay your bills - agreed in principle 2. no hard border in Ireland- Britain has to give way on N.I.. 27 countries against the UK. 3. citizens rights - might win on non EU wives, but otherwise - 27 countries against the UK.
Can anyone point to one provable advantage achieved so far from Brexit?
1. Fine. That isn’t 50b Sterling however.
2. Britain doesn’t want a hard border so nothing to “give way” on.
3. Citizens rights gaurenteed for all is simple and correct.
27 countries against the uk. What abc interesting way you think.
2. Which countries are on UKs side about the border? 3. which countries will allow the UK to water down citizens‘ rights?
I haven’t a clue what the individual countries want - only the parasites who “represent their issues” in the Brussels trough. I do know German motor manufacturers are extremely unimpressed with the Eu and it’s dragging out on trade talks. I suspect s peasant farmer in Poland doesn’t consider the Irish border question that much.
1. ok
2. so, N.I. and/ or UK in the CU or a sea border?
3.agree. Does the government agree?
1. It’s debateable. It’s a negotiation we can agree on.
2. Northern Ireland and the Britain have to have the same deal. It’s non negotiable. That doesn’t mean there has to be a hard border.
3. We can’t argue on that. We agree.
I haven’t a clue what the individual countries want - only the parasites who “represent their issues” in the Brussels trough. I do know German motor manufacturers are extremely unimpressed with the Eu and it’s dragging out on trade talks. I suspect s peasant farmer in Poland doesn’t consider the Irish border question that much.
Deloitte study finds that the German car industry would be severely hit by a ‘no deal’ Brexit | Open Europe
The negativity is already in the UK. The reality hasn't hit the EU yet as talks haven't started on a trade deal yet. But once the reality of job losses throughout the EU hits home if Juncker and Barnier go down the route of no trade deal things will quickly change.
Less jobs, less tax payable, more people to support and billions less going into the EU from our contributions?
And they won't care?
If they go down the route? It's up to the 27 other countries, they don't dictate the EU.
The Germans have already said the SM is more important to preserve than giving into the UK.
Prepare now for over-the-cliff Brexit, German industry says
It look like German industry takes that line too.
That’s fine to have that view but to put the SM over undoubtly hundred of thousands of jobs across the EU just shows you what we already know. The project is more important than its citizens. I find that a real shame.
All 27 countries need to agree. How often do all countries agree on something?If they go down the route? It's up to the 27 other countries, they don't dictate the EU.
The Germans have already said the SM is more important to preserve than giving into the UK.
Prepare now for over-the-cliff Brexit, German industry says
It look like German industry takes that line too.
All 27 countries need to agree. How often do all countries agree on something?
So if all 27 can't decide who gets the job of helping them to decide?
If they go down the route? It's up to the 27 other countries, they don't dictate the EU.
The Germans have already said the SM is more important to preserve than giving into the UK.
Prepare now for over-the-cliff Brexit, German industry says
It look like German industry takes that line too.
Wrong the German industry most definitely is not taking that line whatever it says public ally.
No. It’s citizens are more important as we can see for the support of EU citizens‘ rights in the UK and „no border“ in Ireland.
The SM is the guarantor of millions jobs in the EU.
It is a great shame the UK is leaving. Many leavers think that the UK saves a small percentage of GDP by leaving, but the jobs that will be lost and uncertainty that will be created by leaving will eat up any savings.
Mart accept you are wrong for once. It’s just been admitted, the SM and EU project is more important than citizens jobs. Sickboy just said it. It’s no secret. Stop making it up for goodness sake.
Unless you’re saying the EU will put jobs ahead of the SM then I take it back and apologize.
I'd wager that if you asked every citizen in the 27 countries if the UK should get a favourable deal to keep German industry happy, it'd be a resounding no.
I agree 100%. Shame that the Germans dictate and what Merkel says goes. We’ve said this. The Germans will never ever comperemize their biggest markets including selling cars.
As Astute says talk is cheap. I will believe it when I see it.
If that's the case then why has the UK given so many concessions? Davis' backed down from his promised row of the summer within a morning.
If the UK has the upper hand in negotiations, why doesn't it refuse to go along with any of the demands? After all, apparently it's going to be a free trade deal regardless?
The answer is simple. The UK government dont want to leave the EU. I think that’s fair to say. It also is weak and incompetent. I think you’ll agree.
We do as a country have a really strong hand to play. We have played it all wrong either deliberately or incompetently.
In fairness to the EU they are good at bullying and negotiating and I am jealous of it. Fair play to them it’s nothing illegal and it’s paid off for them. They have seen we are weak and split and have had the better deal so far.
The free trade deal is a formality as it’s in their interests more than ours to keep free trade for a very simple reason of a 70b trade surplus we have with the EU but they will get circa 50b out of us as well. That’s a big result for them.
Juncker? Tusk?
Having had wankers like Farage insulting them for years, I think they will not be working to help us.
We have the equivalent of a SISU relationship with them now.
We have agreed to pay what we owe ( at least some of it ). That means that the EU get what we have signed up for. A big result? Us paying to cover our liabilities?
Yes we are weak and divided. Who, or rather, what made us weak and divided?
A free Trade Deal will mean staying in the single market. It will be interesting to see how that pans out.
What does your mate Farage say on the subject of 50bn?
We are leaving so he should be rejoicing.
Farage insulted them?
You do him a disservice, MartKiel. He did far more than insult them. He exposed them and the rest of the unelected, parasites for what they are. And now the genie’s out of the bottle, there’s no way they’ll ever get it back in.
Whether it’s 5 years or 10 years, the clock is ticking for the doomed EU.
Oh I am thrilled we are leaving you are right.
I personally think 50b is too much but it’s not official and 2 years we will be basically a member anyway in a transitional deal. That’s 22b anyway.
Why does it mean staying in the SM. We are leaving the SM. It’s been confirmed. Do keep up.
You were the one who mentioned a free trade agreement. If we are leaving the SM and CU we are unlikely to get a free trade agreement. Most likely would be the WTO trade terms.
So no other country in the EU would lose out if there wasn't a trade deal?I'd wager that if you asked every citizen in the 27 countries if the UK should get a favourable deal to keep German industry happy, the overall result would be a resounding no.
I'm honoured that you've elevated me to the status of EU spokesman. All i need to see how is an EU football team and I can die happy.![]()