The EU: In, out, shake it all about.... (6 Viewers)

As of right now, how are thinking of voting? In or out

  • Remain

    Votes: 23 37.1%
  • Leave

    Votes: 35 56.5%
  • Undecided

    Votes: 3 4.8%
  • Not registered or not intention to vote

    Votes: 1 1.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Well-Known Member
The first does fact check and they were not lies. Some things were not working properly, but the weren’t lies as such. The NHS is getting the billions ( 2 years later).

The second is not impressive. I always new those figures. It wasn’t a secret that less UK citizens live out of the country..
So they are lies?

And still being used to get another referendum.


Well-Known Member
I was trying to do you a favour. I assumed that when you asked the question you didn’t know that she was pro fox hunting, something I thought you had strong feelings against. Obviously I got that wrong and you’re pro fox hunting. I also thought you despised McDonnell because he was pro IRA (your words) and had nothing but contempt for anyone on here who supported him. Obviously got that wrong too. I also thought you hated Abbott and again had nothing but contempt for anyone on here who supported her. Obviously got that wrong too.

You think a fox hunting, John McDonnell and Diane Abbott supporter is OK. Fair enough it’s your choice.

Is mad Marts disease infectious Tony? You seem to have become insane.

Tony by your own stupid argument you suck Nigel Farages cock. What is it like?


Well-Known Member
Tony and Mart are beyond mental. It’s forum gold.

No. Forum gold is when someone mixes up the Roman Empire with the Holy Roman Empire and first says how learned Hutton is to mention the Roman Empire and when it turns out that he was on about the Holy Roman Empire, then he becomes a tosser.

Anyway I was trying to find quotes from your old fox hunting lover...


Well-Known Member
Is mad Marts disease infectious Tony? You seem to have become insane.

Tony by your own stupid argument you suck Nigel Farages cock. What is it like?

You asked why she was a looper and I gave you 3 reasons based on what I thought was your own red lines. Why was I wrong to do that? Have your red lines moved or did I get them wrong in the first place?


Well-Known Member
No. Forum gold is when someone mixes up the Roman Empire with the Holy Roman Empire and first says how learned Hutton is to mention the Roman Empire and when it turns out that he was on about the Holy Roman Empire, then he becomes a tosser.

Anyway I was trying to find quotes from your old fox hunting lover...

You and Tony really deserve each other - it’s providing amusement - seen any tombstones recently?


Well-Known Member
You asked why she was a looper and I gave you 3 reasons based on what I thought was your own red lines. Why was I wrong to do that? Have your red lines moved or did I get them wrong in the first place?

Are you mad Mart or Tony these days? Oddly I showed a friend a few of your posts the other day who works in the medical profession. He said you are classic example of someone with low self esteem

Here is my discussion on McDonnell which shows those “red lines” are a fantasy in your little head

Who did you really dislike but now like?


Well-Known Member
Are you mad Mart or Tony these days? Oddly I showed a friend a few of your posts the other day who works in the medical profession. He said you are classic example of someone with low self esteem

Here is my discussion on McDonnell which shows those “red lines” are a fantasy in your little head

Who did you really dislike but now like?

Ha ha ha. You’ve got a friend. I call BS right away. Nice to know that you’re so obsessed with me that you’re showing my posts to your imaginary friends though.


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Ha ha ha. You’ve got a friend. I call BS right away. Nice to know that you’re so obsessed with me that you’re showing my posts to your imaginary friends though.

The only question is whether he was on an appointment with his „medical friend“? Therapy or something like that? Lying on the couch?


Well-Known Member
No, but here’s an article on your maverick loopy Labour, fox hunting and May praising MP. I haven’t time to post her life story, but from her actions she’s not the full shilling. Been to the States on Arron Banks‘ tab as well. Campaigned with Farage.. Nice woman.

Is it time for Labour Brexiteer Kate Hoey to get her coat in Vauxhall?

Ah an opinion piece from the hard facts man from a journalist whose articles include truly bizarre pieces on how to teach sex education


Well-Known Member
No, but here’s an article on your maverick loopy Labour, fox hunting and May praising MP. I haven’t time to post her life story, but from her actions she’s not the full shilling. Been to the States on Arron Banks‘ tab as well. Campaigned with Farage.. Nice woman.

Is it time for Labour Brexiteer Kate Hoey to get her coat in Vauxhall?

Here’s a good one Labour's Kate Hoey defends her 'Stalin-like purge' of rival from photograph -

And another Labour's Kate Hoey faces angry backlash for sharing Breitbart news article

And another Kate Hoey Good Friday Agreement Comment Condemned By CLP

Not to mention she’s an Arsenal fan ;)


Well-Known Member
He posted the photo shopped picture. The Guardian journalist had taken it in Canada. Fact not opinion on my side. Usual „button pushing“ on Farage‘s.

What’s the word above the title on the post?


Well-Known Member
Ah an opinion piece from the hard facts man from a journalist whose articles include truly bizarre pieces on how to teach sex education

So she is of sound mind and is a typical right wing conservative? How the hell is she still in the Labour Party? Not the full shilling.. but you deflect to an article on sex education.. batty..


Well-Known Member
So she is of sound mind and is a typical right wing conservative? How the hell is she still in the Labour Party? Not the full shilling.. but you deflect to an article on sex education.. batty..

No I’m not saying she’s a lunatic just I don’t agree with her.

You’ve said it before Mart - anyone who argues against staying in the Eu is a lunatic, thick, a germ, insane, an unworthy person

You’d have loved germany in the 30’s Mart


Well-Known Member

The second is not impressive. I always new those figures. It wasn’t a secret that less UK citizens live out of the country..

No, I just pointed out that they weren’t lies. It says it if you read your post through ( the first one ).
You was saying....


Well-Known Member
No I’m not saying she’s a lunatic just I don’t agree with her.

You’ve said it before Mart - anyone who argues against staying in the Eu is a lunatic, thick, a germ, insane, an unworthy person

You’d have loved germany in the 30’s Mart

I have never said anything of the sort, but you brought out an unsavoury individual.


Well-Known Member
No I’m not saying she’s a lunatic just I don’t agree with her.

You’ve said it before Mart - anyone who argues against staying in the Eu is a lunatic, thick, a germ, insane, an unworthy person

You’d have loved germany in the 30’s Mart

Why would I have Germany in the 30‘s? Make Germany great again? Bully dissenters? The country walks out of the League of Nations and reoccupies the Rhineland, annexes the neighbors and persecutes people of a certain religion.... all in the name of sovereignty and control of borders. Don’t you get what is going on? The US have apparently ( now denying it) asked the U.K. to be lenient on the well known fascist Tommy Robinson.?Farage‘s US mates are paying „citizen journalist“ Tommy Robinson‘s legal costs. The scum are rising and Brexit is only a part of it. The U.K. and particularly, the US, is reminiscent of 30‘s Germany, or rather the beginnings in the 20‘s.


Well-Known Member
I don’t get what he is on about. The figures were well know.
He is lying. He was lying before the Brexit vote. Over 2 years later he is still at it.

How more blatant can you get?

Lies aren’t a rare thing in politics, sadly, but it is certainly rare to see one like this – one which has been openly admitted by a string of politicians, who are presumably brazenly hoping that nobody will notice. Now let’s be brutally honest here: neither Remain nor Leave exactly covered themselves in glory with their approach to the referendum campaign. Whether it was threats of “the end of Western political civilisation as we know it”, hints of World War III or threats of nearly a million job losses from Remain – or the infamous £350 million per week claim plastered on the side of a bus by Vote Leave which could have been better phrased – there were inaccuracies which ended up backfiring on the campaigns making the claim.

Yet one of the most audacious of lies has gone completely under the radar. Remember this one, which was trotted out in hustings up and down the country whenever the issue of uncontrolled immigration was mentioned?

“And there are almost as many Brits living elsewhere in the EU as there are other EU nationals in Britain.”

This lie was trotted out time and again in order to undermine Leave claims that it’s important for the UK to be able to control our borders after leaving the European Union; if it were true, then they could further argue that the pluses and minuses of such migration broadly balance out. It’s generally accepted on both sides that immigration can bring benefits; the difference is whether uncontrolled immigration from the European Union is a good or a bad thing.

If we did indeed live in a society where as many people moved to and from the UK to continental Europe, then it would have made the Remain case very slightly easier to argue. Instinctively that claim felt like it must be inaccurate: one of the big drivers for people to move to the UK from the rest of the EU is that English is the most-commonly taught foreign language in schools across the EU. If you’re looking to move somewhere, you’re likely to go where you speak some of the language. Irrespective of tabloid arguments over benefits, or a relatively-prosperous society with massive economic disparities, the language issue will always lead to different flows of migration.

The claim, though, is simply not true. Its chief proponent during the referendum campaign was Labour’s Richard Corbett MEP, and it’s still on his website today. Other MEPs such as Derek Vaughan have kept a version of it for posterity too. The Business For New Europe site makes the same claim and even Labour’s press teamhave made it.

So, how do we think that pro-EU Labour politicians would vote on this claim: “There are currently around 3.2 million citizens of the remaining 27 Member States (EU-27) resident in the United Kingdom and 1.2 million citizens of the United Kingdom (‘UK citizens’) resident in the EU-27” (The claim is Recital A of this text).

I spotted this text in the European Parliament Brexit resolution and forced a separate vote on those specific words. The words are a ‘Recital’ to the text, which means that they’re basic background information. Vote for or against, it won’t change the nature of the Brexit resolution – recitals are all about statements of fact. If a statement of fact is true, there’s no harm in voting in favour. If it’s a false statement, you vote against.

By forcing the vote, I forced those Labour politicians to make a decision about what to do. If they voted in favour, they’d be admitting to a clear lie during the campaign: 3.2 million and 1.2 million are not ‘about the same’, however you look at it. Yet if they voted against, they would be arguing that the European Union’s factual information was completely inaccurate. The text was a basic statement of fact.

The votes came in and, surprise surprise, every Labour MEP present voted in favour of those words (see page 63 of this document). They claim one thing during a referendum campaign, but vote in the European Parliament and admit completely the opposite. The figures themselves are broadly accurate, and they were after all merely stating a fact – so UKIP, Labour, Conservatives, Greens and even the Liberal Democrat all supported it. The difference was that those who’d claimed otherwise were admitting to their lie.

It’s one thing to tell a few porkies during a referendum campaign; it’s entirely another to head into a Parliament and, in effect, vote to state that they weren’t true.

The next time you see a Remain voter argue that the £350 million per week claim was dishonest, you can remind them that this claim was at least based in fact: the gross membership fee is indeed roughly that (though the context does matter: only the net fee could reasonably be spent on anything else).

Remain claims attempting to pull the wool over our eyes on immigration have no basis in fact whatsoever. Will the national newspapers respond by savaging the Remain campaign in the way they did the Vote Leave £350 million per week claim? I’m not holding my breath.


Well-Known Member
Why would I have Germany in the 30‘s? Make Germany great again? Bully dissenters? The country walks out of the League of Nations and reoccupies the Rhineland, annexes the neighbors and persecutes people of a certain religion.... all in the name of sovereignty and control of borders. Don’t you get what is going on? The US have apparently ( now denying it) asked the U.K. to be lenient on the well known fascist Tommy Robinson.?Farage‘s US mates are paying „citizen journalist“ Tommy Robinson‘s legal costs. The scum are rising and Brexit is only a part of it. The U.K. and particularly, the US, is reminiscent of 30‘s Germany, or rather the beginnings in the 20‘s.
'The scum are rising' ? Oh and Mart. Do you have your face covered when you march with the Antifa pricks ?


Well-Known Member
He is lying. He was lying before the Brexit vote. Over 2 years later he is still at it.

How more blatant can you get?

Lies aren’t a rare thing in politics, sadly, but it is certainly rare to see one like this – one which has been openly admitted by a string of politicians, who are presumably brazenly hoping that nobody will notice. Now let’s be brutally honest here: neither Remain nor Leave exactly covered themselves in glory with their approach to the referendum campaign. Whether it was threats of “the end of Western political civilisation as we know it”, hints of World War III or threats of nearly a million job losses from Remain – or the infamous £350 million per week claim plastered on the side of a bus by Vote Leave which could have been better phrased – there were inaccuracies which ended up backfiring on the campaigns making the claim.

Yet one of the most audacious of lies has gone completely under the radar. Remember this one, which was trotted out in hustings up and down the country whenever the issue of uncontrolled immigration was mentioned?

“And there are almost as many Brits living elsewhere in the EU as there are other EU nationals in Britain.”

This lie was trotted out time and again in order to undermine Leave claims that it’s important for the UK to be able to control our borders after leaving the European Union; if it were true, then they could further argue that the pluses and minuses of such migration broadly balance out. It’s generally accepted on both sides that immigration can bring benefits; the difference is whether uncontrolled immigration from the European Union is a good or a bad thing.

If we did indeed live in a society where as many people moved to and from the UK to continental Europe, then it would have made the Remain case very slightly easier to argue. Instinctively that claim felt like it must be inaccurate: one of the big drivers for people to move to the UK from the rest of the EU is that English is the most-commonly taught foreign language in schools across the EU. If you’re looking to move somewhere, you’re likely to go where you speak some of the language. Irrespective of tabloid arguments over benefits, or a relatively-prosperous society with massive economic disparities, the language issue will always lead to different flows of migration.

The claim, though, is simply not true. Its chief proponent during the referendum campaign was Labour’s Richard Corbett MEP, and it’s still on his website today. Other MEPs such as Derek Vaughan have kept a version of it for posterity too. The Business For New Europe site makes the same claim and even Labour’s press teamhave made it.

So, how do we think that pro-EU Labour politicians would vote on this claim: “There are currently around 3.2 million citizens of the remaining 27 Member States (EU-27) resident in the United Kingdom and 1.2 million citizens of the United Kingdom (‘UK citizens’) resident in the EU-27” (The claim is Recital A of this text).

I spotted this text in the European Parliament Brexit resolution and forced a separate vote on those specific words. The words are a ‘Recital’ to the text, which means that they’re basic background information. Vote for or against, it won’t change the nature of the Brexit resolution – recitals are all about statements of fact. If a statement of fact is true, there’s no harm in voting in favour. If it’s a false statement, you vote against.

By forcing the vote, I forced those Labour politicians to make a decision about what to do. If they voted in favour, they’d be admitting to a clear lie during the campaign: 3.2 million and 1.2 million are not ‘about the same’, however you look at it. Yet if they voted against, they would be arguing that the European Union’s factual information was completely inaccurate. The text was a basic statement of fact.

The votes came in and, surprise surprise, every Labour MEP present voted in favour of those words (see page 63 of this document). They claim one thing during a referendum campaign, but vote in the European Parliament and admit completely the opposite. The figures themselves are broadly accurate, and they were after all merely stating a fact – so UKIP, Labour, Conservatives, Greens and even the Liberal Democrat all supported it. The difference was that those who’d claimed otherwise were admitting to their lie.

It’s one thing to tell a few porkies during a referendum campaign; it’s entirely another to head into a Parliament and, in effect, vote to state that they weren’t true.

The next time you see a Remain voter argue that the £350 million per week claim was dishonest, you can remind them that this claim was at least based in fact: the gross membership fee is indeed roughly that (though the context does matter: only the net fee could reasonably be spent on anything else).

Remain claims attempting to pull the wool over our eyes on immigration have no basis in fact whatsoever. Will the national newspapers respond by savaging the Remain campaign in the way they did the Vote Leave £350 million per week claim? I’m not holding my breath.

I have only ever heard the 3,5 and 1,5 ( or now 1,2 ) figures. He seems to think the argument would only be a „bit easier“ if the migration were balanced. Which is an admission that it wasn’t about numbers, but the fact that EU migrants are foreign. The point about the 350 million claim, apart from it being false, is that it was never going to happen. The Cameron claim was that they would have to put 12 bn ( or 10 bn depending on which speech ) into the NHS within the parliamentary period. The election came quicker than expected, but they are ploughing this Cameron mentioned money into the NHS. Not the EU bonus, as there isn’t one. We are paying into the EU divorce bill during this period and if our GDP declines because we take a hit for the shorter term, there will actually be less tax revenue to fund the NHS.


Well-Known Member
'The scum are rising' ? Oh and Mart. Do you have your face covered when you march with the Antifa pricks ?

Some of them are scum as well. And I have never marched with them. However it is the rise of the right fueled by people like Bannon and Farage, and propaganda from dubious sites like Breitbart that is more concerning.


Well-Known Member
Why would I have Germany in the 30‘s? Make Germany great again? Bully dissenters? The country walks out of the League of Nations and reoccupies the Rhineland, annexes the neighbors and persecutes people of a certain religion.... all in the name of sovereignty and control of borders. Don’t you get what is going on? The US have apparently ( now denying it) asked the U.K. to be lenient on the well known fascist Tommy Robinson.?Farage‘s US mates are paying „citizen journalist“ Tommy Robinson‘s legal costs. The scum are rising and Brexit is only a part of it. The U.K. and particularly, the US, is reminiscent of 30‘s Germany, or rather the beginnings in the 20‘s.

A liberal fascist paradise?


Well-Known Member
As one reader commented having fact-checked the second one:

„Christ, what an obnoxious article, all predicated on "more" people wanting to "Quit" since 1996 and quoting a study to back it up.Well go and look at that study, the number of people wanting to Quit the EU in 1996 was 30%. THAT'S 30%.The whole article trying to make it sound like Britain has wanted to Quit for decades is based on a typical "Quitter" tactic, LYING.“
Did they ask the question alongside options of 'Remain in the EU' & 'Don't care' though? Coz you might find 60% or 10% wanted to remain. So no credibility in there at all really as it stands

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Captain Dart

Well-Known Member
A liberal fascist paradise?
Where you have the freedom to think what the leaders think and do what they tell you like a good boy.

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