The EU: In, out, shake it all about.... (24 Viewers)

As of right now, how are thinking of voting? In or out

  • Remain

    Votes: 23 37.1%
  • Leave

    Votes: 35 56.5%
  • Undecided

    Votes: 3 4.8%
  • Not registered or not intention to vote

    Votes: 1 1.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Well-Known Member
I hope to god boris doesn't get the top job. May is the only one for me that would be suitable.

Now it's s leave vote I hope others follow suit and the eu collapses. It would make the divorce a lot easier imo!

I also hope it leads to us using ALL of our own goods/services e.g. All emergency service vehicles should be British made.

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dancers lance

Well-Known Member
Dr evil type "spoiled" ..... ?? Lol
Cameron's amendment speech to the EU...


Well-Known Member
I hope to god boris doesn't get the top job. May is the only one for me that would be suitable.

Now it's s leave vote I hope others follow suit and the eu collapses. It would make the divorce a lot easier imo!

I also hope it leads to us using ALL of our own goods/services e.g. All emergency service vehicles should be British made.
Even if it's more expensive?
I don't get the things I've heard re the demise of our fishing Industry, overfishing was killing the prospects anyway, yet have any of us suffered from a shortage or extortionate prices.
It's Friday and I'm just about to have mine.


Well-Known Member
Let's have a look at these Lib Dems again. Could see a rebirth of them yet. Still can't tell you what their leaders name is without google so they have a lot of hard work to do still.


Well-Known Member
May is toast. She sided unequivocally with Bremain and therefore cannot be trusted to negotiate a Brexit.

Gove will be given her job as his reward for backing the winning side.

No she didn't. She may well have been remain but she quite cleverly didn't put herself at the forefront of it all. I doubt boris will get the job as he isn't liked enough by the party.


Well-Known Member
Even if it's more expensive?
I don't get the things I've heard re the demise of our fishing Industry, overfishing was killing the prospects anyway, yet have any of us suffered from a shortage or extortionate prices.
It's Friday and I'm just about to have mine.

Yes no question. I do still believe the economy is the be all and end all, so put the money in to your own economy.


Well-Known Member
Let's have a look at these Lib Dems again. Could see a rebirth of them yet. Still can't tell you what their leaders name is without google so they have a lot of hard work to do still.
You're not thr only one. Someone said today that this could be the rebirth of the Lib Dems, I asked who thr leader was...they didn't no either.

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Well-Known Member
Here's a possible side effect of voting out. There's a lot of talk about people emigrating now. I must confess that myself and my wife have talked about it today as we're unsure what sort of a future this country is going to offer our children and at the end of the day they come first. Here's the problem if skilled workers and people with enough wealth leave this could mean net migration might have to go up to fill the hole in skilled workers. Here's another problem, if all this continues to weaken the pound the UK will find it harder and harder to fill this gap which will again have a negative effect on the economy and probably the NHS. Benefiting the EU we've just voted to leave.

But isn't this in effect what the EU was causing with other countries? Specifically Eastern European countries?

The idea behind the EU, I believe, was to create a level playing field across the countries but because of the disparity in pay a lot of skilled and educated people were leaving these countries and taking residence in countries with a perceived better standard of living such as France, Germany, the UK etc.

I didn't hear many people bemoaning this fact yesterday though funnily enough?


Well-Known Member
Aren't many in the eu ex communists?

They all are running it how they know best. We have got out of this one. Obviously time will tell.

I for the record am happy and I'm pleased the people weren't bullied into a remain vote. People voted out as that was their choice. Clear view we are better off outside now.


Well-Known Member
The referendum has just magnified a problem with politics in general. People don't care about facts, Gove was even on TV saying people don't want to hear from experts! They just want soundbites and don't care if they are factually accurate or not.
I'm sure most people don't even understand what they are voting for.

dancers lance

Well-Known Member
Let's have a look at these Lib Dems again. Could see a rebirth of them yet. Still can't tell you what their leaders name is without google so they have a lot of hard work to do still.[/QU
I'm sure most people don't even understand what they are voting for.
I know, I couldn't make my mind up, but I reckon Gareth Gates will just edge it, I like Will Young but he's a bit camp for my taste, Saturday's final will sort it all out, Go Pop Idol!!


Well-Known Member
I'm sure most people don't even understand what they are voting for.
There was only two bloody options on this but all day there's been a parade of voters on TV and radio saying they voted out but didn't want to leave the EU. You put a cross in the wrong box then!


Well-Known Member
I'm sure most people don't even understand what they are voting for.

Undoubtedly that's the case.

Funnily enough Boris and Gove are all of a sudden very noncommittal on the numbers on reduced immigration from the EU because of Brexit and the timescales of this reduction, if there actually is a reduction. They didn't need to be committal to gain votes from people who didn't understand what they were voting for but they'll have to be now that it's happening and this is just one of the "issues" that people will realise that they've been conned on.


Well-Known Member
There was only two bloody options on this but all day there's been a parade of voters on TV and radio saying they voted out but didn't want to leave the EU. You put a cross in the wrong box then!
4-5 people from my office said they didn't vote and woke up this morning and are now gutted that we have voted out.

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Well-Known Member
I've already had a couple of people who voted, first thing they asked me if this means England can't play in the next European championships.

Personally I chose to not vote and I can live with that decision.
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dancers lance

Well-Known Member
I've already had a couple of people who voted, first thing they asked me if this means England can't play in the next European championships.

Personally I chose to not vote and I can live with that decision.
Being able to express your democratic right to abstain is just as important as being able to cast a vote in a free society.


Well-Known Member
I still love the idea of asking the same people who voted for Boaty McBoatFace as the name of your new shiny ship.


Well-Known Member
Being able to express your democratic right to abstain is just as important as being able to cast a vote in a free society.

Yes, fully agree.. The right to vote is the most important thing. What you do with it is your business.


Well-Known Member
Nonsense. It disengagement from mainstream politics for large sectors of the country. It's a resounding defeat if you take out London and the other countries.

It's a swipe at the lazy inept political system.
Yes. But a Referendum result to put us into an uncertain future is not very clever. Anyway, I'm staying in. I am going to try to get dual nationality. I will apply for German citizenship next week. Some over here with Irish parents will be applying for Irish passports. Scotland and Northern Ireland should now get a referendum. Older English voters have no right to drag other countries out of the EU. Remain won in those countries. It's democracy, get over it.


Well-Known Member
For Britain? I don't know but it's up to us and not the EU for a change. For the EU? It continues to collapse and the Netherlands, and possibly even France, will be the next to go.
So we are out, don't have a plan and it is up to us. ( Sounds familar ). We are laughing stock because of this attitude. The EU needs reforming and it will be reformed now. We gave them a wake up call, but we will only be spectators.


Well-Known Member
Of course they thought about it.....but like me, probably thought they should concentrate & vote on the question in hand.....not succumb to the fear of the sky falling in....

I faced a similar dilemma myself.....I've lived in Liverpool over 20 years now....the only reason I'm here is because of the EU Objective 1 funding that allowed me to return to college after a long period on the dole....
Liverpool as a city would still be on its arse if it wasn't for the EU re-distributing funds more fairly than the British government....

...but I voted with an eye on the future...not the past......

Embrace change.....try to shape the future for my kids....

I'm proud of the British people today.......finally standing up to the machine!
Remember that objective 1 funding and money from the 2007-13 ESF and ERDF programme was always matched by the British govt. Certainly in the latter, Mersey side had millions..

dancers lance

Well-Known Member
So we are out, don't have a plan and it is up to us. ( Sounds familar ). We are laughing stock because of this attitude. The EU needs reforming and it will be reformed now. We gave them a wake up call, but we will only be spectators.
We will see how much of a laughing stock we are after the elections in Germany and France.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, me and the missus had the same conversation this morning.

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Here's a possible side effect of voting out. There's a lot of talk about people emigrating now. I must confess that myself and my wife have talked about it today as we're unsure what sort of a future this country is going to offer our children and at the end of the day they come first. Here's the problem if skilled workers and people with enough wealth leave this could mean net migration might have to go up to fill the hole in skilled workers. Here's another problem, if all this continues to weaken the pound the UK will find it harder and harder to fill this gap which will again have a negative effect on the economy and probably the NHS. Benefiting the EU we've just voted to leave.
I had a conversation about my missus emigrating. She's not so keen, but I will keep beavering away.

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