The EU: In, out, shake it all about.... (6 Viewers)

As of right now, how are thinking of voting? In or out

  • Remain

    Votes: 23 37.1%
  • Leave

    Votes: 35 56.5%
  • Undecided

    Votes: 3 4.8%
  • Not registered or not intention to vote

    Votes: 1 1.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Well-Known Member
Well... this thread in recent times has made me long for the days of Leave Means Leave, Remoaners, traitors to the country, taking back control of our boarders, and casual discrimination against immigrants, while blaming them and the EU for this country's woes.

Congratulations all.

Not my idea of entertainment. I miss Astute and Selmayr. Never thought I would say that.


Well-Known Member
Just watched Ann Widdecombes maiden speech in the European Parliament and she’s going on about how the leaders of the European Parliament are “undemocratically” elected. She may have a point but when she’s happily stood next to the self appointed leader of Brexit Ltd while saying it she probably isn’t the person to be making that point.

Alan Dugdales Moustache

Well-Known Member
Not my idea of entertainment. I miss Astute and Selmayr. Never thought I would say that.
Well, common sense would suggest they are alive and well and are talking ccfc somewhere. Completely out of your comfort zone.
There's always the Samaritans.


Well-Known Member
Just watched Ann Widdecombes maiden speech in the European Parliament and she’s going on about how the leaders of the European Parliament are “undemocratically” elected. She may have a point but when she’s happily stood next to the self appointed leader of Brexit Ltd while saying it she probably isn’t the person to be making that point.

It is the bit about the oppressed and slaves rising up against empires that is a bit over the top and hypocritical from a Brit. Just read some Irish thread on Twitter, they are amazed. And she got fish in as well.

Alan Dugdales Moustache

Well-Known Member
The Troll thinks Selmayr is discussing CCFC with Astute. FFS. Still no more serious threats yet.
I doubt whether anyone on here is going to lose sleep over your terrible situation. Nice to keep the population up to date on your bowel movements, though.
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Well-Known Member
"There is a pattern consistent throughout history of oppressed people turning on their oppressors, slaves against their owners, the peasantry against the feudal barons, colonies Mr Verhoftstadt against their empires and that is why Britain is leaving," said Widdecombe to jeers


Sick Boy

Super Moderator
"There is a pattern consistent throughout history of oppressed people turning on their oppressors, slaves against their owners, the peasantry against the feudal barons, colonies Mr Verhoftstadt against their empires and that is why Britain is leaving," said Widdecombe to jeers


It’s beyond embarrassing, especially considering the country’s history with its empire.


Well-Known Member
It’s beyond embarrassing, especially considering the country’s history with its empire.

President of Ireland in Germany. German President says that Germany stands by Ireland. Ireland’s core values are Germany‘s core values. No reopening of old wounds because of Brexit. I am at a reception for the President of Ireland tomorrow evening. I will see what he says to the Irish community here in Germany.

The Irish were the oppressed and had to rise up against an Empire. Not the UK triggering article 50 which allows the UK to walk away. The rest of Europe is gobsmacked by Widdecombe‘s speech. Only in Brexit Britain do people accept this bullshit.


Well-Known Member
No that’s not populism.

Populism is specifically aimed at complaints working class people have that are being “ignored”. Except usually that’s because they’re not an issue or they’ve been considered and found lacking as policy solutions.

Anti-immigration stuff is populism. “Fuck the bankers” stuff is populism. “Brexit” as a solution to everything from low pay to rebalancing the economy is populism. “Spend more on the NHS” isn’t, that’s a real policy that can be discussed.

Farage and Corbyn are populists, so is Johnson. It’s about garnering support rather than seeking solutions. Light on facts and heavy of blaming shadowy enemies. Easy to spot because they melt when asked for detail.

Read then think about Labour, Tory, UKIP, LibDems or any other mainstream party's policies & it applies to the lot of them!

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Well-Known Member
Johnson’s leadership campaign is the perfect example of populism. He’s barely campaigned, when he has its rarely on policy and consists mainly of slogans.
See I think & hope he fails in his leadership bid...but he HAS campaigned - just with the right people at the right time. I have said before, his campaign was aimed specifically at the Tory MPs whose votes he needed to get to the end stage. Then while the others were on TV & he was being critisised for not being on TV, he was probably campaigning with the Tory membership. He will campaign with the general public on TV when there is a need to win their votes & not before.

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Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
President of Ireland in Germany. German President says that Germany stands by Ireland. Ireland’s core values are Germany‘s core values. No reopening of old wounds because of Brexit. I am at a reception for the President of Ireland tomorrow evening. I will see what he says to the Irish community here in Germany.

The Irish were the oppressed and had to rise up against an Empire. Not the UK triggering article 50 which allows the UK to walk away. The rest of Europe is gobsmacked by Widdecombe‘s speech. Only in Brexit Britain do people accept this bullshit.

Maybe Ann Widdecombe is with Jeremy and supports the actions of the IRA. She certainly made a good fist at saying just that.


Well-Known Member
See...imo this is where the (impartial) BBC treats us like we are a bit stupid in general. Question Time...Tom Harwood makes a point which is resoundingly applauded. Fiona Bruce cannot resist commenting that there were also many people in the audience "sitting on their hands". Now I cannot say with hand on heart that similar opposites have not been stated, as I do not watch every week, but I have never seen QT where a Remain point similarly applauded has been similarly so put-down. So those with that tendancy to support the underdog will (given the anti-Brexit reporting) support Brexit!

Or maybe that is them indirectly & finally accepting that we are actually departing the EU?

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Well-Known Member
No amount of T-shirt wearing, hashtag making and opinion polls is going to change where we are currently heading.

We are going to leave on Oct 31st without a deal unless the following happens: a) the incoming PM calls a general election off their own back b) there is a successful vote of no confidence raised in relation to a no-deal Brexit - in order for that to happen you need Labour to whip ALL its MP's (bar the 6 or 7 that will definitely rebel) AND there has to be sufficient Tory MP's prepared to turn their back on their party and probably lose their seat. And that is of course assuming that the DUP can't be 'bought off' again into a supporting position, and every other independent and minor party backs the motion.

3 years after the referendum, and the Remain camp are still making the same assumptions and the same mistakes. Remain lost - the side that has lost should be the conciliatory one, the one reaching out to implore those that voted to Leave to change their minds. They are doing the opposite and all it points to is defeat, whether that is Brexit happening with them having precisely zero impact on it, or even if somehow they got a people's vote - and Remain loses again.

People want to slag off Labour that's fine. But in the parliamentary arithmetic they have 248 MP's - and the Lib Dems have 13. There are more independent MP's than Lib Dems. Attacking the group that you need is utterly nonsensical when a) you are vastly inferior in size b) without their unequivocal support you are pissing in the wind. The Tories still control the balance of power - they are prepared to subvert parliament to get this through.

Remain need to take a serious look at themselves.

Alan Dugdales Moustache

Well-Known Member
I am at a reception for the President of Ireland tomorrow evening. I will see what he says to the Irish community here in Germany.
Oh yes, make sure you report back. We're all on tenterhooks. Say hello to the Irish premier from all of us on SBT.


Well-Known Member
No amount of T-shirt wearing, hashtag making and opinion polls is going to change where we are currently heading.

We are going to leave on Oct 31st without a deal unless the following happens: a) the incoming PM calls a general election off their own back b) there is a successful vote of no confidence raised in relation to a no-deal Brexit - in order for that to happen you need Labour to whip ALL its MP's (bar the 6 or 7 that will definitely rebel) AND there has to be sufficient Tory MP's prepared to turn their back on their party and probably lose their seat. And that is of course assuming that the DUP can't be 'bought off' again into a supporting position, and every other independent and minor party backs the motion.

3 years after the referendum, and the Remain camp are still making the same assumptions and the same mistakes. Remain lost - the side that has lost should be the conciliatory one, the one reaching out to implore those that voted to Leave to change their minds. They are doing the opposite and all it points to is defeat, whether that is Brexit happening with them having precisely zero impact on it, or even if somehow they got a people's vote - and Remain loses again.

People want to slag off Labour that's fine. But in the parliamentary arithmetic they have 248 MP's - and the Lib Dems have 13. There are more independent MP's than Lib Dems. Attacking the group that you need is utterly nonsensical when a) you are vastly inferior in size b) without their unequivocal support you are pissing in the wind. The Tories still control the balance of power - they are prepared to subvert parliament to get this through.

Remain need to take a serious look at themselves.

I agree that they don’t have the upper hand on tactics, apart from the march earlier this year. That did motivate people. It is hard to convince people who are so convinced that leave won’t be a disaster. Even if some now see the potential pitfalls, it is difficult for them to fo a U turn. The changeuk farce only weakened the movement and the latest liberal shirt wearing didn’t inspire confidence. The next march is 12 October, by which time BoJo will have had a chance to put his foot in it. So, who knows?

One thing about BXP is that their use of the media and SM Manipulation is light years ahead of remain. Which is frightening. Then they have the Telegraph, Mail, Sun and Express behind them. Not good.


Well-Known Member
I agree that they don’t have the upper hand on tactics, apart from the march earlier this year. That did motivate people. It is hard to convince people who are so convinced that leave won’t be a disaster. Even if some now see the potential pitfalls, it is difficult for them to fo a U turn. The changeuk farce only weakened the movement and the latest liberal shirt wearing didn’t inspire confidence. The next march is 12 October, by which time BoJo will have had a chance to put his foot in it. So, who knows?

One thing about BXP is that their use of the media and SM Manipulation is light years ahead of remain. Which is frightening. Then they have the Telegraph, Mail, Sun and Express behind them. Not good.

You'll never convince a portion of the population - that has to be accepted. There is still a huge amount of people that could be if the argument was coherent, compelling instead of the patronising 'you must have been stupid to vote leave' line that is still being trotted out. If the only strategy is hoping Boris will fuck it up then there is no chance really. Remain have to unite and welcome people, whether they are Lib Dems, Greens, Labour and Tory voters that don't want to leave. Arrogantly strutting round like Chuka and Jo Swinson when you only got 13MP's - declaring you are the future of politics in this country will not work.

The media - it's not 'manipulation' - they are just better at it (a bit like the idea that SISU and Wasps are essentially the same beasts but one did have better PR)

You only have to look at how Trump and Labour in GE2017 used it effectively to gain support for their campaigns. They didn't need the print media - nor would they get it, so they simply circumvented it. Unfortunately getting a load of middle class Londoners to put #FBPE and EU flag in the Twitter bios is not effective.


Well-Known Member
It is the bit about the oppressed and slaves rising up against empires that is a bit over the top and hypocritical from a Brit. Just read some Irish thread on Twitter, they are amazed. And she got fish in as well.

BXP is making us an absolute laughing stock on the world stage. We come across like a bunch of children. Stupid, shrill, snowflake children.


Well-Known Member
You'll never convince a portion of the population - that has to be accepted. There is still a huge amount of people that could be if the argument was coherent, compelling instead of the patronising 'you must have been stupid to vote leave' line that is still being trotted out. If the only strategy is hoping Boris will fuck it up then there is no chance really. Remain have to unite and welcome people, whether they are Lib Dems, Greens, Labour and Tory voters that don't want to leave. Arrogantly strutting round like Chuka and Jo Swinson when you only got 13MP's - declaring you are the future of politics in this country will not work.

The media - it's not 'manipulation' - they are just better at it (a bit like the idea that SISU and Wasps are essentially the same beasts but one did have better PR)

You only have to look at how Trump and Labour in GE2017 used it effectively to gain support for their campaigns. They didn't need the print media - nor would they get it, so they simply circumvented it. Unfortunately getting a load of middle class Londoners to put #FBPE and EU flag in the Twitter bios is not effective.

People on Twitter constantly lift stories, and believe them, from the online side of the print media. The word print media is not actually the correct term as it is the online version that spreads like a wild fire.

They do manipulate, or at least in many articles it is the headline that feeds the fire, but the last sentence usually adds a bit of balance. People don’t always get to the last sentence before blasting things into the Internet. BXP people tend to do that more, probably they have more time as a large proportion are older people and already retired or semi retired. This has been proven by research.

I wholeheartedly agree that remainers come across as patronising. When people are wound up and angry, then a remainer comes and says what you are saying is wrong, he’s ruining the rant, and when he gives you facts, he is a know-all.

To me it is obvious that 65 is less than 500, and that dodgy businessmen, insurance company owners, fag packet populists and hedgefund owners are not genuinely interested in the forgotten people.

That the USA, China and Russia do not want a powerful bloc ruining their games is pretty much self evident.

But, I get abused for suggesting such things.



Well-Known Member
What does everyone think of the wonderful new EU leaders recently announced? Shall we have a discussion about them?

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