The EU: In, out, shake it all about.... (15 Viewers)

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    Votes: 1 1.6%

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Well-Known Member
You don't think she'll be confirmed in October then?
Of course they will. The Euro MPs are there representing their (apparent) sovereign governments who have jointly agreed or been cajoled into agreeing to nominate her in the first place. Imagine the embarrassment were they to vote to reject what their own govt wants...the govt elected by the people as-in. That could only happen in the UK & even then in bizarre circumstances

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Well-Known Member
You have proof that all Brexit voters like Trump and think all Muslims are bad. Show some evidence .
Showing his bigoted approach again. Even Rahul Jariwala was on R5Live refusing to label Trump as racist, advising that having been on the receiving end of racisit often in the past he feels that without knowing an individual well, mere ill-chosen terms & language should be assumed whoever is saying stuff. Also, said that labelling people as racist is as provocative as genuine racism to the recipient.

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Alan Dugdales Moustache

Well-Known Member
More to the this EU Army going to start going & occupying other non-EU nations as well now??? That's a very historically German thing to do isn't it?

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It's not anything like the EU was meant to be for starters.


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
More to the this EU Army going to start going & occupying other non-EU nations as well now??? That's a very historically German thing to do isn't it?

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A there isn’t an EU army. B Germany wouldn’t control it anyway C Germany cannot take part in wars of aggression and D nobody in Germany wants more wars.


Well-Known Member
Showing his bigoted approach again. Even Rahul Jariwala was on R5Live refusing to label Trump as racist, advising that having been on the receiving end of racisit often in the past he feels that without knowing an individual well, mere ill-chosen terms & language should be assumed whoever is saying stuff. Also, said that labelling people as racist is as provocative as genuine racism to the recipient.

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Trump wanted the Central Park 5 executed and publicly pushed for it. They were proven innocent. He was the one who constantly claimed Obama was born in Kenya. It was proven that he was born in the USA. He called black Football players „sons of bitches“. He tried to ban all Muslims, knowing full well that, apart from 9/11, virtually no one has been killed by Muslims in comparison with the regular mass shootings and general shootings by non Muslims.

Now he is telling 4 USA Congress women of colour to go back their vile countries. All are American citizens, 3 were born in the USA. He also talked about black populated countries being „shit house“ countries.

He relaxed gun control for people with a mental health history, but banned Muslims.

If you are white, young and a good looking female and foreign, that’s fine, he‘ll marry you.

He is a racist, As was his father who was arrested at a KKK gathering in 1926, and his family business was done in 1973 for not selling apartments to black people.

There is no discussion.


Well-Known Member
You have proof that all Brexit voters like Trump and think all Muslims are bad. Show some evidence .

I didn’t say that. Trump supporters usually follow the Trump lead, UKIP, and now BXP are climate denying parties. Their fans on Twitter are tweeting about Brexit, Muslims and

I don’t believe all people who voted Brexit are like that , but this combination is widespread. Follow them on Twitter and you will see that. Especially BXP followers.


Well-Known Member
Of course they will. The Euro MPs are there representing their (apparent) sovereign governments who have jointly agreed or been cajoled into agreeing to nominate her in the first place. Imagine the embarrassment were they to vote to reject what their own govt wants...the govt elected by the people as-in. That could only happen in the UK & even then in bizarre circumstances

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Who cajoled the heads of states?

Alan Dugdales Moustache

Well-Known Member
What a silly argument. Will you also be whining that Britain has outgrown its original aim?
Why is it a silly argument ? What was the original aim of Britain ?

Alan Dugdales Moustache

Well-Known Member
I didn’t say that. Trump supporters usually follow the Trump lead, UKIP, and now BXP are climate denying parties. Their fans on Twitter are tweeting about Brexit, Muslims and

I don’t believe all people who voted Brexit are like that , but this combination is widespread. Follow them on Twitter and you will see that. Especially BXP followers.
Yes you did.

Alan Dugdales Moustache

Well-Known Member
A there isn’t an EU army. B Germany wouldn’t control it anyway C Germany cannot take part in wars of aggression and D nobody in Germany wants more wars.
Any country will stimulate a war of aggression if circumstances arise. Nobody wants war in Germany right now , nor anywhere else in Europe. That's not to say that in 20 years there won't be a set of circumstances that will make war inevitable. Unless you know better of course.


Well-Known Member
But, Estonia is in NATO. If Estonia was in an EU army and the EU army was in NATO, the deterrent
Any country will stimulate a war of aggression if circumstances arise. Nobody wants war in Germany right now , nor anywhere else in Europe. That's not to say that in 20 years there won't be a set of circumstances that will make war inevitable. Unless you know better of course.

That’s true, but we can only go on known facts. The fact is Germany will not go to war as it is written into it’s constitution. To change that you need a two thirds majority. National referendums are not allowed because they were used by the populist Nazi party in the past. There isn’t an EU army, just a defence force, which is not capable of, or allowed to attack another country. It is little more than sharing resources and some joint regiments.

Climate deniers are prominent in the Brexit party. EU Elections 2019: These Climate Science Deniers are now Members of the European Parliament As are Trump fans. That doesn’t mean all Brexiters fall into that category, but the grouping of Trump, Brexit and climate denying is widespread.


Well-Known Member

Brexiters are a fucking national embarrassment. I’ll never forgive them for the shame and ridicule they’ve brought onto this country.

Why is it a silly argument ? What was the original aim of Britain ?

Mostly banning Roman Catholics from taking the throne.

It’s a silly argument because time moves on and things change. “This isn’t exactly what it was” isn’t an argument, it’s a statement of the bloody obvious about literally everything ever.


Well-Known Member
A there isn’t an EU army. B Germany wouldn’t control it anyway C Germany cannot take part in wars of aggression and D nobody in Germany wants more wars.
A, It has been the UK against having an EU army. Some at the top of the EU see it as a good thing of the UK leaving the EU.

B, Germany keeps getting top jobs in the EU. They have more than they should on average. And each time that someone gets a job without keeping to the rules it is a German that has got the job.

C, Germany couldn't start WW11......

D, Nobody in Germany?


Well-Known Member
Brexit Party MEP worked for Cambridge Analytica

What a lovely lady. Any involvement in the last Kenyan election doesn’t smack of someone interested in democracy.

Have you seen the video of her denying she works for them? Ridiculous. I can’t understand what motivates some of these people or how anyone is willing to let it go because they play to their prejudices.

There is a soft coup of democratic states going on and Brexiters are cheering it along. This will end very badly.

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Well-Known Member
Any country will stimulate a war of aggression if circumstances arise. Nobody wants war in Germany right now , nor anywhere else in Europe. That's not to say that in 20 years there won't be a set of circumstances that will make war inevitable. Unless you know better of course.
So Mart emphasises previously there is no problem with an EU Army. He suggests Russia would have stayed out of Ukraine were there one in the Ukraine (which unless invited by the Ukraine amounts to occupation) & yes you are quite right, for all we know German aggression in the right circumstance could just be on a slow-burn.

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Well-Known Member
Like the Treaty of Versailles you mean. That worked out well didn't it?

The EU is more complex than the Treaty of Versailles. Which wasn’t a negotiation, it was imposed.

No comparison.

The EU is the opposite of the Treaty of Versailles. It brings countries together. The fact that there are joint Franco German regiments is a major achievement.

There can be no European wars as long as we are a Union.

The most warlike nation in modern Europe is now leaving the EU.


Well-Known Member
So Mart emphasises previously there is no problem with an EU Army. He suggests Russia would have stayed out of Ukraine were there one in the Ukraine (which unless invited by the Ukraine amounts to occupation) & yes you are quite right, for all we know German aggression in the right circumstance could just be on a slow-burn.

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You know nothing. How does a slow burn work in a country committed to peace and multilateral cooperation, with a written constitution banning it from wars? There is absolutely no desire anywhere for Germany to fight in foreign wars. Just to claim that it will change, against all present facts, is pure speculation.

You miss that I said an EU army will probably be in NATO. There isn’t an EU army and no one knows what it’s brief will be, if it ever takes shape, but 27 countries are not going to give a free hand to do what it wants.

To claim that so many countries will want to hand over all sovereignty is a wild claim.

Sick Boy

Super Moderator
Showing his bigoted approach again. Even Rahul Jariwala was on R5Live refusing to label Trump as racist, advising that having been on the receiving end of racisit often in the past he feels that without knowing an individual well, mere ill-chosen terms & language should be assumed whoever is saying stuff. Also, said that labelling people as racist is as provocative as genuine racism to the recipient.

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Trust you to make excuses for an individual whose base thinks nothing of chanting “send her back” after the recent controversy.


Well-Known Member
A, It has been the UK against having an EU army. Some at the top of the EU see it as a good thing of the UK leaving the EU.

B, Germany keeps getting top jobs in the EU. They have more than they should on average. And each time that someone gets a job without keeping to the rules it is a German that has got the job.

C, Germany couldn't start WW11......

D, Nobody in Germany?

A BoJo said the UK would be a bulwark if there ever was an EU army.

B Germany doesn’t. German MEPs or Germans have some top. positions. Germany is not represented as a country in the Parliament, Commission ( it has a commissioner like the other countries) and in the parties it’s MEPs belong to. VderL is the first German commission president since the 60s. Germany abstained in the vote in the Council ( where it is represented as a country). Didn’t even vote for VderL

C Germany couldn’t start a war today, or in the foreseeable future. Which is what we are talking about.

D Nobody, meaning the overwhelming almost 100% of the population. Not even AfD want a war, I am assure there are groups of NeoNazis and weapon hoarders spread around the country, but they are statistically irrelevant.


Well-Known Member
So Mart emphasises previously there is no problem with an EU Army. He suggests Russia would have stayed out of Ukraine were there one in the Ukraine (which unless invited by the Ukraine amounts to occupation) & yes you are quite right, for all we know German aggression in the right circumstance could just be on a slow-burn.

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For all we know = pigs might fly.

Sick Boy

Super Moderator
We would have European neighbours that had deliberately chosen to make the UK poorer, and that would change and harden British attitudes to Europe for a generation.

That’s not something that wiser heads in Europe actually want.

Quote by Jeremy Hunt.

As expected there are going to be attempts at passing on the blame and avoiding any sort of responsibility , it’s pathetic.

Blame those who said that the UK would get the best of both worlds and that a deal would be easy and that the UK held all of the cards.

Even after leaving it will still be someone else’s fault; even on wider issues it seems the country will refuse to look at itself in the mirror and take responsibility.

It’s shocking that these morons are even in charge of the country.


Well-Known Member
Have you seen the video of her denying she works for them? Ridiculous. I can’t understand what motivates some of these people or how anyone is willing to let it go because they play to their prejudices.

There is a soft coup of democratic states going on and Brexiters are cheering it along. This will end very badly.

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I saw it when it was on C4 news. She was giving it proper billy big bollocks telling the interviewer that what she was being libellous and warning her not to go down this path as if it she was going to ruin her, straight on to her lawyer in front of her as soon as the interview ended for effect. Only she seemed to have forgotten that she’d previously given an interview where she’d bragged about working for Cambridge Analytica, working on the disputed presidents campaign, bragged about some of the questionable characters involved as if was something to be proud of etc.


Well-Known Member
Trust you to make excuses for an individual whose base thinks nothing of chanting “send her back” after the recent controversy.
Read the post...I was reporting comments made by a black UK politician. Neither he or I are making excuses for, or condoning what was said.
Trump former advisor has publicly said he doesn't believe him to be racist. He said he just has a knack & inclination for going right up close to a wire, & when the wire is charged up with the electricity he brings to it - he settles it all down to his satisfaction again by removing the charge. I think by that he means he runs the agenda &'s just the a lot of the time only he & his closest confides know the true agenda.

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Sick Boy

Super Moderator
Read the post...I was reporting comments made by a black UK politician. Neither he or I are making excuses for, or condoning what was said.
Trump former advisor has publicly said he doesn't believe him to be racist. He said he just has a knack & inclination for going right up close to a wire, & when the wire is charged up with the electricity he brings to it - he settles it all down to his satisfaction again by removing the charge. I think by that he means he runs the agenda &'s just the a lot of the time only he & his closest confides know the true agenda.

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His true agenda is pretty obvious. The go home/send her back thing is abhorrent. God help the UK if it moves away from a European mindset to that of the USA.


Well-Known Member
Read the post...I was reporting comments made by a black UK politician. Neither he or I are making excuses for, or condoning what was said.
Trump former advisor has publicly said he doesn't believe him to be racist. He said he just has a knack & inclination for going right up close to a wire, & when the wire is charged up with the electricity he brings to it - he settles it all down to his satisfaction again by removing the charge. I think by that he means he runs the agenda &'s just the a lot of the time only he & his closest confides know the true agenda.

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Trump has surrounded himself with liars. The White House is a fake news factory.

There is no discussion as to whether he is a racist. The only debate is whether he is a racist or an extreme racist.

The last time the leader of a developed nation stood before a crowd at a rally chanting anti a particular race or religion was in the 1930s. You are worried about your fiction of Germany planning to invade countries on a slow burner, which isn’t happening, whilst ignoring the fascist leader of the most powerful country in the world openly wanting to expel non aryan opposition politicians. You will just keep denying reality and inventing phantasies.

Alan Dugdales Moustache

Well-Known Member

Brexiters are a fucking national embarrassment. I’ll never forgive them for the shame and ridicule they’ve brought onto this country.

Mostly banning Roman Catholics from taking the throne.

It’s a silly argument because time moves on and things change. “This isn’t exactly what it was” isn’t an argument, it’s a statement of the bloody obvious about literally everything ever.

Yes they do. Perhaps its time to move on.

Alan Dugdales Moustache

Well-Known Member
Trump has surrounded himself with liars. The White House is a fake news factory.

There is no discussion as to whether he is a racist. The only debate is whether he is a racist or an extreme racist.

The last time the leader of a developed nation stood before a crowd at a rally chanting anti a particular race or religion was in the 1930s. You are worried about your fiction of Germany planning to invade countries on a slow burner, which isn’t happening, whilst ignoring the fascist leader of the most powerful country in the world openly wanting to expel non aryan opposition politicians. You will just keep denying reality and inventing phantasies.
I don't think anyone said Germany was planning to invade countries on a slow burn, but it's no more fanciful as saying Germany will never start a war ever again.

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