The EU: In, out, shake it all about.... (11 Viewers)

As of right now, how are thinking of voting? In or out

  • Remain

    Votes: 23 37.1%
  • Leave

    Votes: 35 56.5%
  • Undecided

    Votes: 3 4.8%
  • Not registered or not intention to vote

    Votes: 1 1.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

Alan Dugdales Moustache

Well-Known Member
So which part of "We didn't win two World Wars to be pushed around by a Kraut" doesn't come across as sense of superiority? Also the 'we' is there to evoke a sense of it was us alone. Ignore the allies, French resistance, German infiltrators. It was us - the Brits. Images of Spitfires and Churchill are used to evoke a sense of superiority due their reputations.

If you want to invoke a sense of identity as British there are loads of non-war/conflict iconography to choose from.
Everyone knows all of this stuff. Shock, horror, without the Russian victory in the East, without American backing , without our allies etc etc . We all know this . So what? What is so shocking ?


Well-Known Member
None of them can actually explain in detail what they actually voted for. Too busy name calling and referencing WW2
Yet I bet lots of them used to sing "the Great escape " every May at Highfield road when we were in the premier League .

Youre really not helping the case that Leave voters are rational and intelligent people here...

Alan Dugdales Moustache

Well-Known Member
Youre really not helping the case that Leave voters are rational and intelligent people here...
I'm not. I'm pointing out that remainers are saying we're thick. There's a clear difference. I couldn't care less if you do but I am pointing out it's simple sour grapes. You lost the referendum to a bunch of thickies according to your lot. Now that all the sweeter.


Well-Known Member
I'm not. I'm pointing out that remainers are saying we're thick. There's a clear difference. I couldn't care less if you do but I am pointing out it's simple sour grapes. You lost the referendum to a bunch of thickies according to your lot. Now that all the sweeter.

It seems to be you and G saying they’re thick while accusing Remainers.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Alan Dugdales Moustache

Well-Known Member
I think the point is the baby boomers who didn't go through the war. They didn't experience the horror of Europe at war and what those images relate to. It's the 30-60 year old blokes who see them as Britain winning against those evil foreigners (ignoring the fact that if it weren't for rebels in occupied Europe and alliances with foreigners joining our ranks we'd have probably lost).

It's by no means the standard fit of a leave voter but there's enough of them to make it worthwhile producing them and firing up that jingoism.
30-60 ? Did you just pick those numbers for fun ?

Alan Dugdales Moustache

Well-Known Member
The same evidence as all Italians are lazy and corrupt and need to work harder I’d assume
Italian WW2 tanks - 4 gears, all reverse.

Alan Dugdales Moustache

Well-Known Member
Italy is a majorly corrupt country. His comments are no different to some of the sweeping generalisations that you make on here either.
And France's public toilets are shockingly filthy. Worse than some away grounds I've been to.


Well-Known Member
I've noticed on this thread that there is notable increase in "thickness" "ignorant" remarks aimed at those who don't support remain as we approach yet another Brexit deadline.
It's just sour grapes, pure and simple. It hasn't gone the way of the superior group so it's time reassure themselves that the other group are just thick. These remarks are for them to comfort each other. Sad really.
This was something that came out on the radio the other day. Quite a few getting really annoyed at the insults. Being branded a racist was one of the main gripes.


Well-Known Member

Alan Dugdales Moustache

Well-Known Member
Just watching C4 news and Boris is doing the typical election shots at a school and he’s struggling to use a pair of scissors, he couldn’t keep his crayon in the lines either.
You're all a bit sad really . Doesn't everyone use crayons?
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Well-Known Member
My god Richard Tyce talks some bollocks. Apparently now we never held all the cards like him and Ferage were claiming during their unofficial Brexit campaign but, but if we we have the “clean break” brexit they now want (YOU’RE NOT ALLOWED TO CHANGE YOUR MIND, IT’S UNDEMOCRATIC!) we definitely will. Can someone who takes the Brexit Party seriously please explain to me why you believe you can take them seriously when their current stance is self confirmation of incompetence.

Alan Dugdales Moustache

Well-Known Member

Doesn’t mean remainers are better people, just that on average have shown better information processing skills.
Don't put yourself down .


Well-Known Member

Doesn’t mean remainers are better people, just that on average have shown better information processing skills.

Yeah if only 3% more had achieved a third in environmental studies at Cumbria “university” imagine where we could be now


Well-Known Member
Makes me laugh that people on here are denying that there was a plethora of emotive crap sent round social media and the like. There’s a documentary on it on Netflix about how they tapped into peoples’ fear. Hell, look at Farage’s ‘Breaking Point’ stunt and tell me it’s not built on fear.

Alan Dugdales Moustache

Well-Known Member

Doesn’t mean remainers are better people, just that on average have shown better information processing skills.
Perhaps we should all be rounded up and put to work in a labour camp.
Followed by a second referendum .

Alan Dugdales Moustache

Well-Known Member
Makes me laugh that people on here are denying that there was a plethora of emotive crap sent round social media and the like. There’s a documentary on it on Netflix about how they tapped into peoples’ fear. Hell, look at Farage’s ‘Breaking Point’ stunt and tell me it’s not built on fear.
Lots of superior beings on here would tell you that the leave vote is almost exclusively made up of retired people, the majority of whom don't use the internet, let alone Facebook or Netflix. They must have voted leave because they don't remember WW2.

Sick Boy

Super Moderator
Makes me laugh that people on here are denying that there was a plethora of emotive crap sent round social media and the like. There’s a documentary on it on Netflix about how they tapped into peoples’ fear. Hell, look at Farage’s ‘Breaking Point’ stunt and tell me it’s not built on fear.
The crap about Turkey imminently joining the EU and Turks flooding Britain was a prime example.

Alan Dugdales Moustache

Well-Known Member
What on earth are you on about?
Who tapped into who's fears and when ? Are you talking about how people voted leave because of the fear factor put about by media ?

Alan Dugdales Moustache

Well-Known Member
The crap about Turkey imminently joining the EU and Turks flooding Britain was a prime example.
Didn't influence anyone I know . Would you have welcomed them in with your little Turkish flag ? Sweet .


Well-Known Member
Who tapped into who's fears and when ? Are you talking about how people voted leave because of the fear factor put about by media ?

Yes. There is a documentary of how the people behind Leave.EU (Cambridge Analytica) built up data pools of peoples’ emotional pressure points and exploited them through a type of targeted marketing.

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