The protest on Sky against Sheffield is becoming a farce. (1 Viewer)


We all have our own views, it's only nonsense to those who do not agree.
I don't know the answers but have now stopped trying to be a diplomat and going with how I genuinely feel and what I can see.

It's not nonsense because others don't agree, it is nonsense because when asked simple questions about the stuff they are putting out they have absolutely no idea about the things they are saying.

This is the problem, people aren't interested in facts or trying to see what's going on. They would rather listen to people reeling stuff off over and over.


Well-Known Member
It's not nonsense because others don't agree, it is nonsense because when asked simple questions about the stuff they are putting out they have absolutely no idea about the things they are saying.

This is the problem, people aren't interested in facts or trying to see what's going on. They would rather listen to people reeling stuff off over and over.

If enough people say stuff which isn't necessarily accurate, which they do, then like Chinese whispers it spreads and before you know it is a cast iron fact. As you point out how many times have you asked people on here to explain why our ST money goes directly to SISU and they can't tell you, they just come back with "so, you're happy with SISU, are you?"


We all want something to believe in.

So we all believe in things people shout just because, rather than because they are true?

I think the way that PSB group for example seem to crumble and revert to "why do you defend SISU, you are obsessed with us" when asked simple questions about the statements they put out says just how much they can backup the stuff they say. It isn't about "wanting something to believe in".


Do you know anyone from the PSB group Nick?

What difference does it make to the things they put out? In fact, it probably means I won't just believe it because they are my mate.

You are now defending them because I said they couldn't prove something, which they couldn't. "wanting something to believe in" just shows people will believe it because they want to, not that it's true.


Well-Known Member
Everyone has a point of view, even you Nick.
If they want to start a rumour or say something they have the same right as you do.


Everyone has a point of view, even you Nick.
If they want to start a rumour or say something they have the same right as you do.

It's not about having a point of view, it's about putting out propaganda they have no idea about. They can't back up their point of view with any basis or even debate anything about it.

Why would people unite and back things if they can't explain anything about the stuff they are pushing?


But if that rumour is totally spurious and unsubstantiated surely it weakens their position?
It also defeats the object of their cause?

Exactly, if people can't see that making stuff up makes it easier for SISU then it is worrying.

Not to mention it means less people will get behind their cause.


Well-Known Member
But if that rumour is totally spurious and unsubstantiated surely it weakens their position?
It also defeats the object of their cause?

That's the crux it for me. Why start a rumour if it isn't true and try and make it out it is?


Not defending or supporting any rumour just saying we all need a dream to believe in

A dream of SISU getting my season ticket money?

I am struggling with the logic behind it. People are open to make shit up without any basis behind it because they want something to believe in?

You aren't helping their credibility, not everybody will believe everything because they say #SISUOUT but the worrying thing is that people actually do.

Captain Dart

Well-Known Member
it's about putting out propaganda
That's what Tim Fisher does isn't it? I think he often uses Les you know to help him. Though he seems to be fresh out of ideas at the moment unless he has a bombshell to drop on CWR to throw everyone.


You are just avoiding addressing the issue. In the end it's garbage isn't it and gives fisher ammunition.

Exactly, it makes it so easy for them. If me asking "how does my ticket money go to sisu" makes them struggle then what does that say? It will be a field day.


Well-Known Member
That's what Tim Fisher does isn't it? I think he often uses Les you know to help him.

The same way the council use you you mean? There was a poster on here called jack griffin who was a real council worshipping c**t. Whatever happened to him?


That's what Tim Fisher does isn't it? I think he often uses Les you know to help him. Though he seems to be fresh out of ideas at the moment unless he has a bombshell to drop on CWR to throw everyone.

Would Tim Fisher not be able to answer a basic question about something he had said, whether it is bollocks or not?


Well-Known Member
PSB is a very small group as I understand it yet what they say is in the public eye yet being ridiculed and yet to some taken seriously.
Like I have said everyone wants to believe in something.


PSB is a very small group as I understand it yet what they say is in the public eye yet being ridiculed and yet to some taken seriously.
Like I have said everyone wants to believe in something.

Ridiculed how? Is asking them a basic question ridiculing?

It's the same as when Michael was putting statements out, he made a rental offer to the club via the press. Ask him anything about the offer and people went apeshit, there were melt downs.

"wanting to believe in something" doesn't really explain what the point of it is? Is it for attention? Likes?


Never looked it as a question, thought you were making a statement.
I don't have the answers, just trying to say that people need something to get behind or believe in.

Why would they get behind things that are made up or the people saying them can't back up or even explain how they got to that conclusion?


Well-Known Member
Okay so let's break this down....

1) We have NOPM so people won't buy tickets to go in
2) we have ST holders

So who is going on to the pitch and risk getting banned! I doubt it would be the latter in this scenario unless a very small group of people buy tickets for this distinct purpose.

Likely outcome..... two fat blokes invade the pitch....


Well-Known Member
Ridiculed how? Is asking them a basic question ridiculing?

It's the same as when Michael was putting statements out, he made a rental offer to the club via the press. Ask him anything about the offer and people went apeshit, there were melt downs.

"wanting to believe in something" doesn't really explain what the point of it is? Is it for attention? Likes?

What I was trying to say is nothing to do with me or PSB group, it's just that what ever anyone says if it has anything of interest or bit of hope some people will want to believe in, if silly, right or wrong.
Everyone says something that they regret.


Well-Known Member
Never looked it as a question, thought you were making a statement.
I don't have the answers, just trying to say that people need something to get behind or believe in.

? marks are a bit of a giveaway?

And I think the point on TF safety was in the thread sky-blue-trust-useful-or-misguided


Well-Known Member
Okay so let's break this down....

1) We have NOPM so people won't buy tickets to go in
2) we have ST holders

So who is going on to the pitch and risk getting banned! I doubt it would be the latter in this scenario unless a very small group of people buy tickets for this distinct purpose.

Likely outcome..... two fat blokes invade the pitch....

This fat bloke is not going onto any pitch, they would need a fork truck to get me over the boardings.


Well-Known Member
Okay so let's break this down....

1) We have NOPM so people won't buy tickets to go in
2) we have ST holders

So who is going on to the pitch and risk getting banned! I doubt it would be the latter in this scenario unless a very small group of people buy tickets for this distinct purpose.

Likely outcome..... two fat blokes invade the pitch....

Or agitators who do not support the Club anyway


What I was trying to say is nothing to do with me or PSB group, it's just that what ever anyone says if it has anything of interest or bit of hope some people will want to believe in, if silly, right or wrong.
Everyone says something that they regret.

They don't regret it, they keep saying it. It wasn't an oopsie.

How does them saying that SISU take the ticket money give people hope? It seems like people are more interested in a protest or being angry than anything else, they are playing up to it for a bit of attention.


Well-Known Member
? marks are a bit of a giveaway?

And I think the point on TF safety was in the thread sky-blue-trust-useful-or-misguided

Well as you probably know I am not as educated as some, still looked at them statements and if you were asking me questions I do not know the answers. I have never tried to call myself an award winning journalist or anything like that.


Well as you probably know I am not as educated as some, still looked at them statements and if you were asking me questions I do not know the answers. I have never tried to call myself an award winning journalist or anything like that.

Would you make statements about things though if you didn't know the actual answers?

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