Thanks everyone. My eldest is now 27, but you lot have suddenly made me feel younger
I am closer to 40 than 50.....for a few more months at least

Still got all my hair and not much grey yet. Still in good health. Need to be as I have a 3 and 4 year old to keep me going. When I am 60 I will still have 2 teenagers :facepalm: Am I allowed into the geriatrics group?
I grew up in Funeaton. Was born in Cov though. I won 2 tickets to see Cov play Liverpool. Early 78 IIRC as I was nearly 10. Loved watching Liverpool on the TV. They were winning everything them days. I was in a Cov end but surrounded by red shirts. When the game kicked off there was something wrong. I couldn't hear the commentator :facepalm: Felt a bit of an idiot when I found out you didn't have one when at the match

We won 1-0. I knew we were one of the best sides in England to be able to beat Liverpool. I was hooked. No way of getting to games.
Moved back to Cov not much after that. Met a lad who was Cov mad. We used to go to HR and try and sneak in or climb over the wall. If we never made it we would go in after HT. When I was 14 I started seeing a bird that lived on Swan Lane. Perfect for match day. HR was right in front of her house. As I got older I started earning money to go to games. At one stage kids could get a bus for 2p. Would do the Brummie away games......2p each way to Brum. Was a bit wild in the early 80's. Loved it though. Couldn't miss an away game for anything, although some games were an achievement to get to and get home in one piece
Loved HR. Still do. Have never been back to see what they have done to our old home. Probably never will. I want to keep my memories as they are. I still leave each game with a weak voice and have a sore throat the next day. I still jump about like a lunatic when we score. It don't matter what division you play in when the ball hits the onion bag. It is when you are in between games that reality hits home. Yes we need to get out of Div 3. I was born the year after we went up. Only ever knew top flight football. I was born on a Saturday at 3pm

When we get promoted back to the Championship the dream will be back on. One step away from where many of us believe we belong.
Every game and every goal is important. Us older ones have seen a fair few close escapes over the years. We know how important a couple of goals or snatched point could be at the end of the season.