NoI dont think they should even be on a bike.
The other morning there was about 5 of them on my way to work, all over the shop, no road sense, not aware of their surroundings or anything.
Let's get a proper bike lane (scooter's please) in place , I mean dedicated independent lanes for them or alternate routes entirely for them .
We're wedded to cars but it is changing,it has too .
Let's face it so many car journeys are short enough to be in e-scooter range .
Car ownership is going to become out of reach to so many on economic grounds ,a privilege or company vehicle .
It's easy and understandable that we as motorist's see them as dangerous or inconvenient but they are entitled to get about like the rest of us .
I always try to approach things like this through the prism of would I treat my daughter or grandkids respectfully if they were out on their bike's on the road .
Get the infrastructure in place , car's and smaller slower transportation don't really mix successfully.