There is also a trend inside my works for people with PhDs to give themselves the title of Dr in their signature, even though it's the civil service and we don't care one iota that you have a PhD.
Dubed, BA, BSc, MSc, PhD.
They really shouldn't. Technically, it's Dr. Wisdom but it seems so pompous, especially when it's not a medical doctorate - you wouldn't want me stepping forward on a plane if you'd had a heart attack! I once fell out with one of our stakeholders (for wont of a better word!) who insisted on calling me Dr. and refusing to use my first name, even when I asked them to. In the end I snapped and told them it was a horrendous affectation that was embarrassing, and totally irrelevant.
They weren't happy after that.
Now obviously there are times when it might be relevant, but don't use it until it is... which is very rarely these days!
I suppose I should also add in the annoyance, people who treat you differently once they find what title you have. I mean, just decide if you like or hate me, think I'm competent or incompetent based on what I *do*!