Things that annoy you (14 Viewers)


Well-Known Member
Have said this before but: eating noises. Worse than screeching nails
Fuck me I'll jump on this bandwagon, one of my housemates is awful for it. Eats so quickly that he inhales as it goes in so on top of chewing noisily he inevitably belches all the way through it and after it. God help me if it's too hot as well because he sits huffing and puffing like a steam train as it burns his mouth rather than just letting it cool down.


Well-Known Member
Fuck me I'll jump on this bandwagon, one of my housemates is awful for it. Eats so quickly that he inhales as it goes in so on top of chewing noisily he inevitably belches all the way through it and after it. God help me if it's too hot as well because he sits huffing and puffing like a steam train as it burns his mouth rather than just letting it cool down.

I hate it as well, misophonia


Well-Known Member
Not had any illness since covid funnily enough despite having two young kids coughing at me regularly

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Off work with a fucking horrible cough at the moment. Missus and parents have got it too.


Well-Known Member
I’m the same normally but am flying for the 8th time in a month tomorrow, which probably hasn’t helped…avoided covid so far though.
Doesn't sound very environmentally friendly. Probably keep it to yourself or you'll have some weird looking kid glueing themselves to you in protest.

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Well-Known Member
Actually, the one particular farmer in his tractor that didn’t let me through in the country lane I’ve just been driving down…despite me being half way down the narrow stretch of lane, when he was at a passing point. Forcing me to reverse all the way back.


Well-Known Member
Just turned on the tv and that moron Rylan is on - how the fuck is he still on TV?
Is he the cretin who finds great difficulty in pronouncing the letter 't'?


Well-Known Member
Had better weekends mate. Just frustrating how hard it is to resolve things without it getting very messy. Whole system needs looking at.
A lot easier than it used to be. I went through it for 12 years with one of my children as the mother kept making false accusations. They treated every allegation as though true although after a year or so they knew it wasn't. She even went as far as getting someone to hit her and trash her house so she could blame me. But I could prove I was 200 miles away. Even with the proof the system was so slow it took months until my son saw me again. And even then she put yet another false accusation against me after the first visit so was months again until he saw me.

All you can do is stay calm. Keep away from the petty arguing she most probably starts. Always be on time. Never miss any contact whatever the reason. And don't diss the mother in front of the child. If she starts on you at pick up/drop off times request a neutral venue. Putting her to the hassle could stop it quite quickly. State it is for the benefit of the child.

Good luck. It should get easier with time.

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