Things that annoy you (19 Viewers)


Well-Known Member
The fact each of them comes in with a business proposal now surely means they already know who they'll have at the end and so just spend 12 weeks farting about making the rest of the vain dickheads in power suits look like the thickest people you'll ever meet.


Well-Known Member
Katie Hopkins was on one season I think, which shows you the calibre of people they have on. Although complaining about The Apprentice not rewarding business knowledge is like complaining about the refereeing in WWE.
They had a geezer on the annoying "In My Opinion" feature on 5Live yesterday morning. Professor from the business school at Bristol Uni: "In my opinion, the Apprentice is not an accurate reflection of the behaviours expected in the world of business".
No shit Sherlock - have some more of your massive professorial salary!


Well-Known Member
As irritating as everyone on it is I can't resist seeing them all either be cut down to size or invariably do it themselves.

Week 1 greengrocer task: "What colour are oranges?"


Well-Known Member
As irritating as everyone on it is I can't resist seeing them all either be cut down to size or invariably do it themselves.

Week 1 greengrocer task: "What colour are oranges?"
Yeah they are a bunch of dipshits, which does make it watchable despite them being exceedingly annoyingly incompetent and pretty ghastly individuals to boot!


The fact each of them comes in with a business proposal now surely means they already know who they'll have at the end and so just spend 12 weeks farting about making the rest of the vain dickheads in power suits look like the thickest people you'll ever meet.

I think one of them won the other year and their idea was pyjamas that are made in china but had no idea further than that?

Sick Boy

Super Moderator
On the coffee theme…People who say ‘Expresso’ instead of ‘Espresso’.
It doesn’t annoy me but used to really annoy my Italian ex.
She used to tell me off for it every time I did it…which was every time. ☺️
I say it on purpose to wind my other half up, she still falls for it every time - also the pronunciation of bruschetta is a good one.


Well-Known Member
They had a geezer on the annoying "In My Opinion" feature on 5Live yesterday morning. Professor from the business school at Bristol Uni: "In my opinion, the Apprentice is not an accurate reflection of the behaviours expected in the world of business".
No shit Sherlock - have some more of your massive professorial salary!

Cheers, every cut rate Business Studies teacher in the world is crying now. Nice one.


Well-Known Member
I hate the pronunciation of latte in the Costa ads, it is not lartay ffs
Ask for a Latte in Italy and you get a glass of milk - no idea how it got turned into a coffee.


Well-Known Member
Right you’ll be glad to know I have a couple more airport ones in the chamber from my trip home yesterday.

First one is when the plane has landed and the seatbelt sign has turned off. When the fuck did we become Americans and everyone just jumps out of their seats and pushes each other out of the way racing to form a queue to get off? You’ve just sat on a flight for 12 hours mate, you can’t wait another 10 seconds for me to get my bag down and then exit, given I’m the row in front of you?
im fine for you all to get up and stand awkwardly for ten minutes and fill the aisle with your bags and shit while they actually get the plane ready for disembarking (I’ll sit comfortably-ish in my seat) but better believe I’m forcing my way out if you’re sat behind me.

Baggage claim. My oh fucking my the baggage claim. In most places there’s a line. You wait behind the line and then when you see what you think is your bag, you move to the carousel and confirm if it’s your bag, you retrieve it, then you retreat back behind the fucking line. If this concept is too difficult for you, or there isn’t a physical line drawn so your brain can’t cope and just draw an imaginary line where everyone else is standing, then at the very least do not come and literally park right fucking in front of me.

Last night midnight in Melbourne I’m fucked after about a 30 hour journey, I secure myself a less popular piece of real estate further away from the “entry point” of the bags. so that I can avoid all of the fucking lemons climbing over each other. I shit you not people this bloke comes over which his big fuck off suitcase trolley and placed it right in front of me between the line and the carousel. He actually bumps be to wedge himself in because there is only 2-3 feet. There’s plenty of space but my guy decided that’s where he wanted to go.

I said to him “sorry are you actually serious?”. He looked surprised and offended and was like what do you mean and I was like “literally all of the space around here but you want to be directly in front of me and have your trolley touching the carousel?! Can you move please”

He did, and I got in trouble with the missus, but fuck me people are thick as shit.

10th flight since 28th November to be fair so think I’m fucked off with it. Ready to chill 😂


Well-Known Member
I'm trying to learn Italian at least to a basic level and while I reckon I've got pronunciation pretty much mastered from day one, I can't get to grips with sentence structure and remembering which of the 12 versions of each verb is correct in the context. Just moved on to questions as well, completely lost


Well-Known Member
I'm trying to learn Italian at least to a basic level and while I reckon I've got pronunciation pretty much mastered from day one, I can't get to grips with sentence structure and remembering which of the 12 versions of each verb is correct in the context. Just moved on to questions as well, completely lost
Is that similar to Spanish with conjugation?

like to drink
Tu bebes
Yo bebo
Nosotros bebemos

etc etc?

Right head fuck, just as you think you have got the hang of it you find some irregular verb that doesn’t follow the rules


Well-Known Member
Is that similar to Spanish with conjugation?

like to drink
Tu bebes
Yo bebo
Nosotros bebemos

etc etc?

Right head fuck, just as you think you have got the hang of it you find some irregular verb that doesn’t follow the rules
Exactly that, yeah

io bevo, tu bevi, lui beve, noi beviamo, etc (think those are right), there's logic to it but it's a lot to remember each time. I bet it's a piece of piss for a Spaniard to learn Italian and vice versa

Sick Boy

Super Moderator
Exactly that, yeah

io bevo, tu bevi, lui beve, noi beviamo, etc (think those are right), there's logic to it but it's a lot to remember each time. I bet it's a piece of piss for a Spaniard to learn Italian and vice versa
Unfortunately you just need to practise and try to memorise them - they do grammar in school until quite late and have to recite them. The regular verbs follow a pattern and you can quickly pick that up and then it’s case of learning irregular verbs - a lot of the other tenses are somewhat easier to learn though once you’ve mastered the basics.
Hardly any non native speakers speak a language perfectly though!
Spanish and Italian speakers can actually understand each other when they speak in their own language most of the time.

Brighton Sky Blue

Well-Known Member
Exactly that, yeah

io bevo, tu bevi, lui beve, noi beviamo, etc (think those are right), there's logic to it but it's a lot to remember each time. I bet it's a piece of piss for a Spaniard to learn Italian and vice versa
Being a private school boy I did Latin and so picking up basic Italian was relatively OK, but to be honest a French or Spanish speaker would find it easy. In general though when you talk to a native speaker don’t get too caught up on grammar-if a non native English speaker messes up their grammar with you but the vocabulary is still thereabouts, you can understand them just fine.

My only bad interaction over there was the ticket counter in Rimini trying to insist that you couldn’t buy tickets back into Italy when in San Marino. She didn’t like the reply ‘so nobody in San Marino can leave then?’


Well-Known Member
Going to bed fine, and waking up with a muscle pain in your back, when all you’ve done is slept….


Well-Known Member
I will admit to not knowing what a flat white actually is. I assumed it was a white coffee - aka Americano with milk. Is that not it? Or is it with hot but not steamed milk?
Thanks !!

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