Things that annoy you (8 Viewers)


Well-Known Member
Who has told women this is attractive and can we stop?

There was a woman recently who posted a “guess my age” picture, people guessed mid forties, she was 22!

The theory was she’d got all the stuff done that old women get to look young (Botox, filler, the silly eyebrows, the bad tan) and ended up looking like a 42 year old trying to look 22 rather than an actual 22 year old.

I’m getting proper radicalised over this stuff with two young girls. The ex has got the nine year old on a “regime” for skin care, the only tangible difference is her skin seems to be constantly getting rashes now!

Fucks sake women, stop falling for snake oil and fucking yourselves up.
Women smoking and vaping annoys me.
Women drivers driving cars too big and powerful for them, usually husband or Bf's car to be fair.
Women with tattoes.
There is a reason guys like younger women and it is because women who do all the above crap to their bodies age so quickly. Women see it as empowerment but it is quite the reverse really as if they wish to be a lady of leisure as so many do in later life then surely ensuring they look attractive in their middle age to keep their guy happy is important.


Well-Known Member
All listener request radio shows.

Why do they always request the most overkilled songs of all time? Nothing is ever requested that you haven't heard within the last week or less!

DJ: Hiya, what would you like us to play?

Caller: Ooh can we have 'Just wanna dance the night away' by The Mavericks?

DJ: Of course! Not heard this one in ages...


Well-Known Member
All listener request radio shows.

Why do they always request the most overkilled songs of all time? Nothing is ever requested that you haven't heard within the last week or less!

DJ: Hiya, what would you like us to play?

Caller: Ooh can we have 'Just wanna dance the night away' by The Mavericks?

DJ: Of course! Not heard this one in ages...

Especially these days when there’s countless ways of listening to it on demand.


Well-Known Member
All listener request radio shows.

Why do they always request the most overkilled songs of all time? Nothing is ever requested that you haven't heard within the last week or less!

DJ: Hiya, what would you like us to play?

Caller: Ooh can we have 'Just wanna dance the night away' by The Mavericks?

DJ: Of course! Not heard this one in ages...
The whole concept is weird really, presumably if you like a song that much you'll have your own copy of it

Sent from my Pixel 7 using Tapatalk


Well-Known Member
Adverts for things I have already bought.

I have bought a ticket to see Interpol in November. Why am I seeing adverts for Interpol in November, YouTube!?

Also, the loudness of some of the Youtube ads...

I'm getting adverts for an ad-blocker now, I kid you not. 😁


Well-Known Member
Thumbnails on streaming services ruining the cliff-hanger at the end of an episode. A major but not indispensable character had been kidnapped so they could be killed, cuts to black as it's about to happen and a thumbnail appears with them alive and bandaged up in the next episode.

Confused Harry Potter GIF


Well-Known Member
Somebody has left a poor dog tied to a tree in Willenhall (Also chopped their ears).

I honestly hope they get hit by a bus and then it reverses back over them. Horrible cunts.
I'm Willenhall born and bred.
The 22 and 13 services used to be prolific - To such an extent you had to dodge them sometimes.
Not much chance now tho of that scum bag meeting his or her demise via a bus.
However, echoing Fernando's gripe above, I hope they drown.


Well-Known Member
When you can feed yourself for a week on the same budget as two expensive coffees and batches. Cost of living crisis.
And they've all got bloody iPhones, and Netflix accounts!

Proper 'Race to the bottom' attitude.

I despair.


Well-Known Member
Tbf I do the same with the City. Say I've got no money and need to stop spending, them promptly buy an away ticket and travel for Plymouth etc.


Well-Known Member
What if I put people complaining about cost of living crisis but always have money for cigarettes? Or someone saying they need to be sensible with money this month, on their way to buy a dominos?

It’s literally the same thing.


Well-Known Member
What if I put people complaining about cost of living crisis but always have money for cigarettes? Or someone saying they need to be sensible with money this month, on their way to buy a dominos?

It’s literally the same thing.

I don't understand your point at all - having a takeaway pizza or a batch or a coffee is not an extravagance in any reasonable standard of living


Well-Known Member
The point is if they could previously afford a dominoes/batch/packet of fags, and now they can’t. They’re right to complain about their wages. If they’ve never been able to afford it that’s something else.

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