Things that annoy you (5 Viewers)


Well-Known Member
Before anyone jumps in and says “but cyclists are allowed to ride 2 abreast” it’s (at least in my view) a common courtesy thing. If there’s a car waiting behind and it’s safe for them to pass, fall back to single file and allow them to pass.
Always been a bit of a beef of mine. On the little country roads around me in Oxfordshire, there's lots of Sunday rider groups all in their skimpy lycra. Often a dozen plus, but they ride in single file so there's never enough sighted road in front to overtake.


Well-Known Member
Sat having a quiet pint , the pub has some background music playing , fair enough. Some knobhead a couple of tables down is playing their own music


Well-Known Member
Had my first McDonald's in god knows how long and I get a paper lid on my drink. What the fuck is that about? How long has that been a thing?


Well-Known Member
Had my first McDonald's in god knows how long and I get a paper lid on my drink. What the fuck is that about? How long has that been a thing?

Shot paper lids as well if it’s the coffee. By far the worst tastes like recycled cardboard. I just throw it away now. The worst of the paper replacements.


Well-Known Member
Shot paper lids as well if it’s the coffee. By far the worst tastes like recycled cardboard. I just throw it away now. The worst of the paper replacements.

I thought paper straws were bad, but they've really sunk to new depths with these monstrosities.

Captain Dart

Well-Known Member
This META AI thing on WhatsApp.

The fuckers won’t let me delete it.
I had a long conversation with Meta AI about how to delete it and it lied to me, it gave me a procedure that did not exist. I made the bastard apologise but I don't think it was a sincere apology.


Well-Known Member
Just had a thing pop up on social media, "council house swap" where people are trying to swap. Fucking, wow.
That has been "a thing" for decades. When i lived in Leicester (for whatever i did wrong in a previous life) in the 80s and 80s, the Mockery had a column in the classified ads precisely for that.


Well-Known Member
Just had a thing pop up on social media, "council house swap" where people are trying to swap. Fucking, wow.

Not as low as that Wetherspoons game I keep seeing. Basically a group for people to post pics of themselves, mostly girls getting their tits in like it’s a Stone Island badge, telling people what pub and table they’re at so people order them drinks.


Not as low as that Wetherspoons game I keep seeing. Basically a group for people to post pics of themselves, mostly girls getting their tits in like it’s a Stone Island badge, telling people what pub and table they’re at so people order them drinks.
Yeah that as well. Block one and there's millions of them.

Probably the same people.


Well-Known Member
Vehicle insurance, what a con find a vehicle with either no or low tax and they appear to jump 3bands, definitely appear to apply socialist principles when working out NVD too!


Well-Known Member
Just had a thing pop up on social media, "council house swap" where people are trying to swap. Fucking, wow.
What's a 'council house'?

Sounds like some socialist nonsense where people are prioritised over profit.

What's wrong with BTL landlords, where the young are fucked over by the boomers?

Council! Housing!
What next? A fair and equitable society.

You couldn't make it up!


What's a 'council house'?

Sounds like some socialist nonsense where people are prioritised over profit.

What's wrong with BTL landlords, where the young are fucked over by the boomers?

Council! Housing!
What next? A fair and equitable society.

You couldn't make it up!
The fuck are you on about? Clearly completely missing the point.


Well-Known Member
Terrible nights sleep, 2 foxs were at it on our street , then some knobheads car alarm went off for about 20 mins . Coupled with the first day back at work after 2 weeks off and I've pulled muscles in my back . The radio in the office is set to Heart fm and I'm sure they only have 12 songs on their playlist.

Captain Dart

Well-Known Member
No sympathy Fernando. Make yer own.
Cheese and gherkin is your friend.

With real butter, obvs.
I am not sure about the gherkins, they've always looked a bit dodgy to me.

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