Well-Known Member
Well his name was Alan and he was a bit game.You worked with Alan Partridge?
Well his name was Alan and he was a bit game.You worked with Alan Partridge?
Yep, but Clarkson appears to be a serial offender and he did know very well he was on a formal, final warning.
The thing I don't get is that a lot of the people raging against his suspension seem to be doing it in the name of rallying against political correctness, but he's suspended because he apparently admitted to punching a colleague. Of all the things he's been accused of, it seems a fairly open and shut case.
I think it's safe to say both sides are going a bit far with this. A BBC exec compared him to Saville FFS!
Like I said before, it doesn't matter if he did punch the guy or not, his supporters will back him, and the people that detest him will call for his head.
Which isn't the way it should be. If he has done wrong, people should call for his head whether they are supporters of him or not.
This like I say then becomes like the Marlon King thing. If King had just been a very average footballer then everyone probably would have been against him signing for us. But because he was a top goalscorer, then suddenly it becomes okay.
If someone has done wrong, they have done wrong and if Clarkson has punched a producer in the face then he should be sacked whether people are fans of his or not. Should have nothing to do with how popular he is.
Agreed. But the majority won't agree. Let's see what the investigation brings.
Interesting that Clarkson dobbed himself in. Was this producer too scared? I know he has had death threats which is unreal.
I'm not driving a Mini-Metro, I'm not driving a Mini-Metro, I'm not driving a Mini-Metro.
Looks like he has been sacked, how will that work though if he owns 50% of Top gear with his mate?
Ah, must have missed that. They can carry on then!
Would have been messy if he still owned half.
How did he own half of Top Gear? It was going for years before he was a presenter wasn't it?
At the best of times you can't go round punching people at work. Even more so when you're on a final warning for all problems in recent months with racism etc.
It's quite frustrating that with all the causes that need supporting so many people are keen to get behind Clarkson when he's clearly in the wrong.
Agreed, he is in the wrong.
It's true, Top Gear will not be the same without him, but no doubt a similar type of show will pop up soon enough....
Sympathy not required here, move on..![]()
See you soon Clarkson on ITV, good things never go to waste!![]()
Aditya Chakrabortty put out a good tweet on the matter: 'Far more interesting than Clarkson is the number of people willing to defend bullying and violence, provided it's done by a big enough bully'
It's bad enough that Clarkson abused and assaulted a subordinate in public. But he of all people knew he was on his last chance after having loads of previous incidents forgiven. He'll be off to a commercial network and will get paid. Nobody should be apologising for this guy.
True. And bad things usually turn up on ITV.
It's simple. Punch someone at work and you are very unlikely to get away with it, especially if it is your final warning.
However it has been blown way out of proportion. Some of the vile comments people spout about him, or the producer involved are beyond belief.
I would say the opposite - the outpouring of grief regarding him is ridiculous. Bullies and abusers of power should be vilified and not applauded.
Not that it adds to the debate, but I'd be happy to punch Clarkson.......see how he likes it.....maybe he could then use the steak he ordered to soothe the bruising.....
...stupid bigoted fat tory prick....
Aditya Chakrabortty put out a good tweet on the matter: 'Far more interesting than Clarkson is the number of people willing to defend bullying and violence, provided it's done by a big enough bully'
It's bad enough that Clarkson abused and assaulted a subordinate in public. But he of all people knew he was on his last chance after having loads of previous incidents forgiven. He'll be off to a commercial network and will get paid. Nobody should be apologising for this guy.