You've already had a trump term lads ffs .. you know what a trump presidency looks like you all said the same when he won before
Last time I felt like it would be a shitshow, but a funny one because he was absolutely clueless. He thought he could actually be Presidential. That's pretty much how it turned out.
This time, he's not going to for that. He's just going to be Trump. He's going to be vindictive and do what he can to keep himself in power. He will fill positions with those who will do as he say no questions asked. Plus everything else from the courts to the Senate are stacked in his favour and he's been told he's above the law.
I fully expect him to try and get those who have opposed and criticised him arrested at some point in the future and I also expect at some point he will try and make a case that he should be allowed to stand again after his second term is up, and he will fight anyone who tries to stop him, because once it's over there's nothing to stop these court cases rearing their heads again. I wouldn't be surprised if he starts an inquiry into 2020 and suddenly all the bullshit he spoke about was 'true'. And my worry is people will allow him to get away with it.
And that's before considering Ukraine, Israel, NATO etc.
I don't think you realise just how dangerous this result may be.
God Help America.