What Trump has done is be a lightning rod for a whole load of stuff that wouldn’t get anything like the support it does if Trump wasn’t against it.
Been having this debate with anti woke Americans who think electing Trump will stop the extreme wokeness they don’t like. Ignoring the fact that it’s sky rocketed the last four years because it’s coalesced the entire left. It’s very similar to Corbyn here and how Tories who didn’t agree with Johnson stuck behind him because they saw Corbyn as worse.
Fighting fire with fire doesn’t work in politics. It just strengthens the other side. Like in an argument you need to stay rational and allow the other side to get overheated.
I see the usual suspects are out saying Bernie was what was needed this time around, but it would’ve been Clinton+ IMO. A scary far left socialist who they need to keep out.
Watching RT earlier, and I know what you're probably going to say, it's Russian news and not to be taken seriously..
But their coverage this morning did appear to be very middle of the road offering good opinions on trump and Biden.
What they did say, is they've never seen a president so obsessively attacked and pushed back against by the media and the people, with Democrats backtracking on things like the Iran nuclear deal when they previously agreed with trump pre election, just so they could say they didn't agree with trump basically ... I said something similar months ago, I'd not seen anything like it...it actually became a bit tiring.
This ofcourse HELPED, not caused but helped create further division in America...The constant stream of negative information coming from their news sources
In regards to being woke, or a snowflake, or virtue signallers etc etc...
I've never seen such a meltdown like i have over the last 4 years, it's actually been irrational alot of the time
Biden will almost certainly not be treated in the same manner, and he will make alot of bad choices too
I hope he can begin to heal America, but it's not likely to happen