Trump is my favourite comedian of the year already (15 Viewers)

Brighton Sky Blue

Well-Known Member
It's as if he did it because he knew everyone would kick off and JDV would churn out as much bile as he does.
He picked him because he wanted to show how someone who formerly criticised Trump is willing to be his lapdog now. As a VP pick it’s daft-from a state the Republicans will win anyway, and someone who if anything holds even more extreme views than Trump himself so will turn off the more moderate voters.

If the Democrats can pick smartly there’s a decent chance they win.


Well-Known Member
He picked him because he wanted to show how someone who formerly criticised Trump is willing to be his lapdog now. As a VP pick it’s daft-from a state the Republicans will win anyway, and someone who if anything holds even more extreme views than Trump himself so will turn off the more moderate voters.

If the Democrats can pick smartly there’s a decent chance they win.
Yup, we can only hope that's the case.


Well-Known Member
Hoping that the governor of Minnesota is considered, he’s done some outstanding stuff there.

I was discussing this with a colleague at work who is from the US and she stated the same. She said this really is one of the most important elections in recent years and a Trump victory could affect the country for decades. Frightening prospect.

clint van damme

Well-Known Member
I was discussing this with a colleague at work who is from the US and she stated the same. She said this really is one of the most important elections in recent years and a Trump victory could affect the country for decades. Frightening prospect.

To be fair, and I say this as someone who despises Trump, I doubt there's anything he can do which will have a more adverse affect on the US or the rest of the world than the Iraq war.

Brighton Sky Blue

Well-Known Member
I was discussing this with a colleague at work who is from the US and she stated the same. She said this really is one of the most important elections in recent years and a Trump victory could affect the country for decades. Frightening prospect.
The bumbling around getting Biden to eventually drop out seems to have worked in their favour. Trump assumed it was all in the bag and he could pick whoever he wanted and just coast to a win-but he should have planned for Biden quitting the race.

That and the public doesn’t have much of an opinion about Kamala Harris, they just know she isn’t mentally ill or Donald Trump, which may be all that’s required. Had she been nominated from the start however, this might not have been the case.


Well-Known Member
The bumbling around getting Biden to eventually drop out seems to have worked in their favour. Trump assumed it was all in the bag and he could pick whoever he wanted and just coast to a win-but he should have planned for Biden quitting the race.

That and the public doesn’t have much of an opinion about Kamala Harris, they just know she isn’t mentally ill or Donald Trump, which may be all that’s required. Had she been nominated from the start however, this might not have been the case.
Yeah, I'm sure just being "not insane" is a bonus.


Well-Known Member
The pick of JD Vance seems to be an enormous mistake on Trump’s part. That’s what you get for taking advice from Tucker Carlson and the Trump children I suppose.

For some context, Vance seems to be even more unpopular than Dan Quayle, which takes some doing.
Actually more unpopular than Palin. An ego pick done without taking advice from outside of his sycophantic inner circle. Vance has little experience, not popular with many Republican politicians and closely associated with Project 2025 (which will become a major campaign issue). He's a weakness as his appeal is mainly with committed Republicans - could scare off moderates and swing voters.


Well-Known Member
I do not know much about him, NPR and CNN were worried when he was announced so that says a lot.
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Well-Known Member
I oi not know much about him, NPR and CNN were worried when he was announced so that says a lot.

Weirdo tech bro cringe lord type appointed as a sop to actual tech bro cringe lords.

long way home

Well-Known Member
Very different candidates, with polar opposite policies. Trump has basically had time to give his thoughts on the main issues. Harris has yet to let the voters know where she stands on the key issues of the Border, Ecomomy, foreign policy and crime. Those issues are the most important to the voters so it will be interesting to hear what her policies and solutions are to those issues.

Abortion and Supreme court could come into conversation at some point. But think Harris will struggle on supreme court and abortion Trump has given his opinion so no real drama to be had there. Harris will go after Trump by calling him a felon, a danger to democracy, right wing extremist, war mongering, rapist and a racist. That will be her debate platform. Trump will go after her record in office and if he does that she will not really have answers.

If Trump stays on policies he could win, if he goes into the trenches for a shit throwing contest he will lose. I just hope the people get to hear policy of both and its decided by a fair election who wins.
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Flying Fokker

Well-Known Member
Very different candidates, with polar opposite policies. Trump has basically had time to give his thoughts on the main issues. Harris has yet to let the voters know where she stands on the key issues of the Border, Ecomomy, foreign policy and crime. Those issues are the most important to the voters so it will be interesting to hear what her policies and solutions are to those issues.

Abortion and Supreme court could come into conversation at some point. But think Harris will struggle on supreme court and abortion Trump has given his opinion so no real drama to be had there. Harris will go after Trump by calling him a felon, a danger to democracy, right wing extremist, war mongering, rapist and a racist. That will be her debate platform. Trump will go after her record in office and if he does that she will not really have answers.

If Trump stays on policies he could win, if he goes into the trenches for a shit throwing contest he will lose. I just hope the people get to hear policy of both and its decided by a fair election who wins.
Not sure warmongering is the issue with Trump unless you mean US violence?


Well-Known Member
US Population 330m
Say 200m eligible to be President

And this is what is on offer?
Kept saying that when it was Biden Vs Trump. Add in Harris & Vance and it's head scratching at best.
American politics has fallen into the media/social media trap. More controversial you are - more coverage you get the more high profile you become - high profile must equal talent.
Both Biden & Harris were added as VPs for political reasons & to appeal to wider sections of the electorate rather than because they were the 2nd best choice for President in case something happened to the incumbent.
If Trump wins god forbid anything happens to him because Vance looks a nightmare.

Deleted member 5849

Both Biden & Harris were added as VPs for political reasons & to appeal to wider sections of the electorate rather than because they were the 2nd best choice for President in case something happened to the incumbent.
It's always been like that in my living memory.


Well-Known Member
Article in the Sunday times about Veep the US political satire prog written by Armando ianucci ( same guy who wrote the thick of it ) excellent fast moving show about a female VP - the comment that made me spit my coffee was that they gave up writing it as the Trump/ Kamala story was even whackier than the scripts they could come up with

as an aside well worth a watch on catch up or something - hilarious

David O'Day

Well-Known Member
It's always been like that in my living memory.
It has always been like that, ever since the :president got to choose their running mate. For example LBJ was chosen as a southerner to balance out Kennedy's perceived north eastern liberalism.

Flying Fokker

Well-Known Member
Kept saying that when it was Biden Vs Trump. Add in Harris & Vance and it's head scratching at best.
American politics has fallen into the media/social media trap. More controversial you are - more coverage you get the more high profile you become - high profile must equal talent.
Both Biden & Harris were added as VPs for political reasons & to appeal to wider sections of the electorate rather than because they were the 2nd best choice for President in case something happened to the incumbent.
If Trump wins god forbid anything happens to him because Vance looks a nightmare.
What do you know about Harris? Is it what Trump has been feeding the GOP?

Trump et al are dragging the US towards internal conflict.


Well-Known Member
What do you know about Harris? Is it what Trump has been feeding the GOP?

Trump et al are dragging the US towards internal conflict.
Harris has been a historically unpopular VP - little on her resume to suggest she's fit for the top job. Fair bit of whistleblowing from within her own office as she struggles to hold onto key advisers - accusations of laziness etc.
Don't think anyone really listens to what Trump says about other candidates.
I'd argue it's the "extremes" of both parties that are dragging the US into internal conflict.

Flying Fokker

Well-Known Member
Harris has been a historically unpopular VP - little on her resume to suggest she's fit for the top job. Fair bit of whistleblowing from within her own office as she struggles to hold onto key advisers - accusations of laziness etc.
Don't think anyone really listens to what Trump says about other candidates.
I'd argue it's the "extremes" of both parties that are dragging the US into internal conflict.
Laziness, the well used narrative that will be proven wrong. The vice-president is supposed to shadow. Trump goes as far as to say they are irrelevant.

Ive never really considered the extreme Democrats. I guess the key areas for me are women’s rights and freedom of choice.

Do we vote for ourselves or the greater good?

if evangelical Christians followed the bible to the letter they would be screwed anyway.

I certainly don’t agree with all Democrat policy but for me it’s better than letting a mad man lead. Harris gives people the option to vote for anyone but Trump now.


Well-Known Member
Laziness, the well used narrative that will be proven wrong. The vice-president is supposed to shadow. Trump goes as far as to say they are irrelevant.

Ive never really considered the extreme Democrats. I guess the key areas for me are women’s rights and freedom of choice.

Do we vote for ourselves or the greater good?

if evangelical Christians followed the bible to the letter they would be screwed anyway.

I certainly don’t agree with all Democrat policy but for me it’s better than letting a mad man lead. Harris gives people the option to vote for anyone but Trump now.
Don't necessarily disagree but the original thread was are these really the best 2 candidates either party can put up? Harris seemingly got there because senior Democrats wanted to focus immediately on Presidential election rather than get caught up in nomination process.
Plus I suspect they knew ahead about the economic data just released and that needs all their focus in an election year.


Well-Known Member
Can you believe that the kamala harris campaign site doesn't give you a clue what platform she is running on?

Theres a bit of waffle about what she has done and how she breaks barriers. But her platform? Campaign promises? Any vague idea what she plans to do if she gets in? Nada.


long way home

Well-Known Member
The silence is just one of her issues and the media cant hide her much longer. She is very unpopular once she talks and will scare many more once she does explain the solutions to problems she has bern involved in creating.

Her background is something people know and it isn't good.

long way home

Well-Known Member
He is clearly bad news for the US.

Depends on what standard you are holding him against. Because his policies were better for the main issues, economy, border and crime. His record on forgien policies were better too.

I dont think just telling voters to hate the man is a winning strategy this time. Policies will be at the front, as these 2 are not liked by both sudes.

long way home

Well-Known Member
Even his running mate compared him to Hitler tbf!

Yeah he did few years ago, like Harris called Biden a racist a few years ago. They all on each side call each other names when trying to get a head in politics. Its political, its politics, listen to Pelosi few days ago, Biden should be put on mt rushmore she stated, i wonder if they will put the knife she put in his back on the sculpture.........

I tend to look at what life has been like under the administration than anything else. And i have had 5 of them doesn't make me a expert but i have a different experience than most i would assume on here. And that doesn't make me right just my opinion
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Well-Known Member
Oh man, what are Harris/democrats doing. Swerved having Biden as a lame duck candidate. Is this really the best alternative ?

Clipped or not this is cringey and won’t go down well. If she’s not careful she’ll gift election to trump 🤦‍♂️

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