The Darling plan?? No I'm talking about your manifesto commitment.A sloppy, scattergun and partisan response filled with digressions. I'll be as succinct as I can.
A cherry-picked statistic that gleefully overlooks any kind of social, economic or political context. How about growth?
The Darling plan. One opposed by Ed Balls. Labour disagrees. They cannot all be shoved into one box.
Your salary is my salary. We have to allow a portion of our money to be spent otherwise the economy would collapse like a house of cards. This is economics 101.
"My" chief secretary? Weak.
The Greece situation is complex. To capsulate it as evil, overspending socialism is lazy and wrong.
As fun as it was taking that detour, let's get back to the original discussion. Do you think Osborne's austerity plan is working?
Let's go back to the 1970's you know the last Labour government pre Blair,when the socialists wrecked the economy to such an extent,that it was forced to cap in hand to IMF for a loan to save the country from national bankruptcy.You have to wonder why they didn't take your sage advice of borrowing even more to invest to grow the economy to pay down blah blah blah.
It is truly staggering that people like you are so willing to sacrifice the young people in countries like Spain,Greece,Portugal,who face a desperate future for the utter folly of a corrupt political elite.
Do I think Osborne austerity plan is working,well I didn't vote for them,but you could equally ask the question do you think Hollande's plan in France is working.The scale of debt left by Brown was so huge it is hard to see how any recovery can succeed in the short term.Whether they are clearing up the mess is I agree is up for debate,but never forget who actually created the mess.Issuing article 50 of the Lisbon treaty would be a start,saving the country about 18 billion a year to start with,cancelling the overseas aid budget would save circa 12 billion,that would be a start. Use the money to increase personal allowance for the low paid,making work pay and helping low income families.Scrap Miliband 's daft climate change levy,again to help poorer families with crippling energy bills,and also helping British firms better compete in the global market place.
The one thing we can all be confident is,that following months will be met with a continuing and worrsening crisis in the Eurozone.You can certainly put money on that.Oh news this morning from the National Institute of Economic Research that output in the UK rose by 0.8% between Feb and Apr,and that manufacturing output rose by 1.1% in March,some signs the economy is recovering albeit very slowly.Still far better than Greece which has been in recession for 6 straight years,and whose economy will probably shrink by about 5-6% this year alone.
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