Well you have a socialist President in France,elected on a tax and spend,care to look how that is going.Not sure if you understand that being a member of the EU ,means you can't legally stop the free movement of people from the EU.We simply cannot legally stop people from the poorer regions of the EU.Hmmm, interesting this one, there's a lot of hype around UKIP at the minute, but they don't have a single parliamentary seat, I doubt they'll get a single seat in 2015 because pragmatic right voters will vote Tory.
As a socialist, I disagree with UKIP and what they stand for, but, UKIP have a very charismatic leader in Nigel Farage who holds own in debating, he performs well on BBCQT, but, that doesn't mean he's right (as in correct, not side of the political spectrum). After all, Hitler was charismatic, of course I'm not comparing the two. I agree with what I'mARealWizard and what he is saying. What annoys me is that UKIP pose as a party for the 'people', what a lie, they are a rightist party that will favour corporations and the top 1% and do little for the working man, Farage is a wolf in sheep's clothing, a public-school who will no doubt continue the old school tie.
UKIP is a one-issue party, EU membership, and since the death of the milk snatcher, Farage has tried to hijack the image that his party is a Thatcherite party which would attract right voters who are disillusioned with Cameron's quasi Disraeli-Thatcherite regime (a mix of the 2).
Mr Farage is a scaremonger, it isn't the EU that has made this 'open door' immigration policy, it is the incompetence of the UK Border Agency and other related bodies that has contributed to this 'problem', look at France, EU member, yet, has tough immigration laws.
Economically, Osbourne and Farage will scapegoat the EU for economic stagnation, but Germany is prosperous, yet are at the centre of bailing out other countries, I think Osbourne needs to accept austerity is failing for Britain, a more Keynesian policy (spent on worthwhile projects etc.) is needed to promote growth, the UKIP intend to cut more which would no doubt bring suffering on ordinary people. I fear for the NHS' safety in any of the 3 major parties, who have already started privatising the NHS under our noses, but with UKIP, I can't see it surviving.
The Green's are a better vote and I hope they retain and expand their 1 parliamentary seat in 2015.
A vote for UKIP is a wasted vote anyway, there won't be a profound shift in power for the 3 large parties.
The EU is at cross-roads now anyway, it either needs to tighten control of its members and have more influence economic and social policy, or it will simply disintegrate. The EU is starting to fail somewhat since the EU has moved away from its leftist founding principles.
Your right Farage is not like Hitler,who was a national socialist who is on public record as despising capitalism.
Paradoxically this week the EU Commisioner for home affairs,Cecilia Malmastrome has authorised 86 million to Greece to combat illegal immigration,I wonder if the EU will be labelled as racist as well.
Ukip draws its support from left and right,and it is bizarre that a country wishing to control its borders is somehow considered right wing or racist.Indeed it was only a few years ago pre -Blair that the Labour Party actively campaigned for British withdrawal.
The EU is becoming increasingly unpopular across Europe,even in Germany opinion polls have shown growing support for the return of the Deutchmark.Perversley the more centalised the EU becomes the more nationalistic people across Europe are becoming,it is actually having the opposite effect than was intended.
One thing you can be sure it won't be long before yet another EU member requires a bailout,and don't rule out France from that list .Oh and since you are a supporter of the Green Party I take it you will be going down to Brighton to join ex Green leader MP Caroline Lucas on the picket line to protest about public sector workers have to take pay cuts or lose jobs.And which is the party seeking to impose thse savage pay cuts on ordinary workere,oh look its a Green run council,the only one I believe.
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