Is amazing how the hardcore lefties who cry about everything are filled with the most hate.
Let's just talk about hate for a moment, eh. And let's talk about who has the most.
Let's use a bit of data.
I dislike Trump intensely. Will absolutely crack a bottle open when he dies. Ditto Putin.
So that's two people I 'hate'. Plenty of other people I don't like, but not really hate. Maybe Netanyahu too, can't wait for him to die either. So three.
How many people do Trump and his supporters hate?
Palestinians, dog-eating Haitians, illegal immigrants, especially poor brown ones, the children of illegal immigrants, they need caging up. Police officers who were defending the capital building, they're traitors, deserve hanging. Ukrainians for starting the war, just give us the fucking money and die quietly.
Transgender people, they're all wrong uns. People who challenge Trump, or who say that 2020 wasn't rigged, leftie scum, even the Republican ones, hang them too.
People who aren't keen on guns - pansies. Libs. Always libs. And entire countries because they are Muslim.
Now, I've lost count there, but I think it's more than two or three.
How about you personally Nick, are you full of love for everyone? Is there no one that you hate, funny because I'm sure in your posting history I've seen some proper raging about all sorts of things, and you seem a bit angry a lot of the time now. Or maybe you're crying about things, if that's your preferred way to think of it.
Or maybe that stuff was posted by another Nick?