To be honest I am struggling to see how any party in this can claim any sort of victory. Everybody has lost, but especially the fans of the various sports teams touched by it all. Even Wasps can not claim a victory because the outcome of their new ACL ownership is totally unknown. The cost financially, morally and personally for all the parties far out weighs any current known gain or profit.
I am also heartily fed up of the prevalent response of football in general that the world and its dog owes it or a particular team something simply because it is football. The whole structure of football is riven with self interest, egos, poor or clueless management on and off the pitch, and decidedly inept or worse governance. Until there is some real movement to rectify all that (in particular at CCFC) then my sympathy for those leading the way is less than luke warm at best
We are well past woe is me really aren't we.? We all have our own views as to blame, but we can not change what now is. Isnt it about time that our club actually played the cards it has been dealt and found ways to maximise our situation instead of constantly find ways to whine, challenge and oppose. There are ways, even if just short term, that can be done but it means working in partnership not conflict with all that could help CCFC prosper. It is time to take responsibility not for the past but for the future.
with that off my chest I hope for a much better week