Walking Dead Season 6 (3 Viewers)


It's like one of those episodes on a soap where it just shows two characters talking, and the end music is changed a bit too.

Not impressed with that episode.

Houchens Head

Fairly well known member from Malvern
Been waiting all day for this Nick. Typical curve-ball crap by Yank writers. They KNOW they'll keep you hooked. Bar Stewards! GGGGRRRRR!!!!!!! :mad:


Well-Known Member
It's like one of those episodes on a soap where it just shows two characters talking, and the end music is changed a bit too.

Not impressed with that episode.

I quite liked it, but thought it dragged on far, far too long. It's like they made a decision to tell the Morgan story but then discovered there was nowhere else to cut to after the heart-racing episode that was last week and they had to stick with the one thread so just padded it out to try and fill a whole episode.


Well-Known Member
Been waiting all day for this Nick. Typical curve-ball crap by Yank writers. They KNOW they'll keep you hooked. Bar Stewards! GGGGRRRRR!!!!!!! :mad:

Haha, I kind of enjoyed the change of pace from the usual scenarios - the Morgan character has always intrigued me and I'm glad we've seen him 'fleshed out' a bit.

Poor ol' Glenn though, oosh, didn't see that coming.


Well-Known Member
I'm struggling to stay interested this season. They seem to go through spells where it takes several episodes to get from a to b with not a whole lot happening.

It does make you ponder where they can go with WD after this season. Perhaps it has run it's course, but maybe they have an ace up their sleeve.


Well-Known Member
They have to introduce a mix of pace as it's been non-stop so far in the first few episodes, plus they've said that this first half of the season takes place over the space of the day.

For the future they're basically led by the comics, so they've already got material for many seasons to come really.


Well-Known Member
Really enjoyed the episode, nice change of pace, and enjoyed him and Eastman and Tabitha the Goat. Also loved how at the end Rick sounded in a panic about opening the gate, meaning we hopefully get to see that. I like how all of the episodes have taken place over a few a day or 2, and we keep on seeing different persepctives.


Well-Known Member
I enjoyed the episode last night too. I really like Morgan's character and feel like he'll challenge Rick for leadership of the group in the future (not a spoiler btw, just my own opinion).

Theirs a lot being made that Steven Yeung's name was removed from the opening and closing credits of last night's episode, seemingly confirming that Glenn is dead


That Episode still didn't say anything about that spoiler from the other week, a couple of announcements but not much going on in that one!


Well-Known Member
Getting just a tad tiresome now I think, the **** episode apart.

How many more series will there be? Don't get me wrong, it's still great, but just how long can you keep killing zombies and the odd character keep getting bitten? There's a 7th season to come. Maybe it might be better to go out on a relative high before it all gets a little too repetitive and dull. There will always be the odd one or 2 breathtaking episodes of course, but we're all now beginning to see the repetition in many ways. Different location, same old shit.

Enjoying Fargo a lot more, because it is a lot more unpredictable and has great humour too.
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Well-Known Member
Getting just a tad tiresome now I think, the **** episode apart.

How many more series will there be? Don't get me wrong, it's still great, but just how long can you keep killing zombies and the odd character keep getting bitten? There's a 7th season to come. Maybe it might be better to go out on a relative high before it all gets a little too repetitive and dull. There will always be the odd one or 2 breathtaking episodes of course, but we're all now beginning to see the repetition in many ways. Different location, same old shit.

Enjoying Fargo a lot more, because it is a lot more unpredictable and has great humour too.

This is the issue I have with TWD too - of course, there's a plethora of material via the comic-line, but keeping the series 'fresh' and keeping it's momentum is something I believe AMC and the writers will struggle to do after this series. In my opinion, series 7 should be the finale.


Well-Known Member
How many more series will there be?

I've blitzed my way through the comics and they're coming up to 150 issues, the TV show is roughly around the issue 75 mark. I think the only thing that'll stop it is people switching it off, which doesn't seem likely any time soon.

If they follow it fairly strictly though, the second half of this season going into the next should pick up very nicely.


Well-Known Member
I've blitzed my way through the comics and they're coming up to 150 issues, the TV show is roughly around the issue 75 mark. I think the only thing that'll stop it is people switching it off, which doesn't seem likely any time soon.

If they follow it fairly strictly though, the second half of this season going into the next should pick up very nicely.

However, medium to medium, it's far easier to keep a comic interesting than it is to maintain momentum in a TV show/series. You're probably right though, people aren't about to be switching it off for a while.


Well-Known Member
I've blitzed my way through the comics and they're coming up to 150 issues, the TV show is roughly around the issue 75 mark. I think the only thing that'll stop it is people switching it off, which doesn't seem likely any time soon.

If they follow it fairly strictly though, the second half of this season going into the next should pick up very nicely.

Think the one thing that could make it all fresh now would be if the walkers evolutionised. If they started to get a bit of cognition and become quicker, like the 28 Days Later lot.


Well-Known Member
Without spoiling anything too much, the walkers increasingly just become background danger like annoying insects rather than the major threat.


Well-Known Member
Getting just a tad tiresome now I think, the **** episode apart.

I'm losing interest. It seems to take forever to get from place to place with not much happening. Everything that's happened since the stuff with the Govenor, which is now 3 seasons, could be condensed down into 1 season without really cutting anything important.


Well-Known Member
I can't imagine for a second that he's actually dead. I think we'll see another swerve with him later
and them not going with Negan smashing his head in as that's what everyone is waiting to see. I'm going with Maggie either being killed by Negan or losing her baby


Well-Known Member
Thing is, she's had so much botox and surgery, her facial expressions for angry and ecstatic are identical.

Yep, she already looks like death in panty-hose.

couldn't make her any more scary if she died and became a walker.


Well-Known Member
Yep, she already looks like death in panty-hose.

Or Skeletor in a sausage skin. Constipated Skeletor, mind you.

I'm not too familiar with the comic material, but Negan sounds like he might shake the shite out of Rick and his posse - a welcome and formidable villain that the show needs. It's probably the right time to bring him in, since it's been an age since The Governor was offed.


Have just put the latest episode on which looks too have a good rating but Turned it off after five minutes :( it's still that bloody mission but darryl and the others now. How long can they drag it out.

Will watch it tomorrow


Well-Known Member
Have just put the latest episode on which looks too have a good rating but Turned it off after five minutes :( it's still that bloody mission but darryl and the others now. How long can they drag it out.

Will watch it tomorrow
Not the strongest episode for sure. More padding unfortunately.

Houchens Head

Fairly well known member from Malvern
Starting to lose interest now. It just comes across as something the writers have thrown together in a hurry just to get something on the screen. There's no solid storylines anymore. Going back to the "Prison" and the "Governor" episodes, there were some great storylines. Now, like I said, it just looks thrown together. Even the walkers aren't shocking anyone any more.


Well-Known Member
They said before the season premiered that the first half basically takes place in the space of a single day with concurrent storylines, it should get more linear after the mid-season break.

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