Wasps downward spiral... (6 Viewers)

Liquid Gold

Well-Known Member
Man United are worth more than their debt , are wasps worth more than their debt of 54 million? Not sure they are anywhere close to that
Even if they were worth less than their debt they are still bringing in the funds to pay it.

Wasps had 1 large debt looming and they've defaulted on it.


I can't believe he compared Wasps to Man Utd.


Irish Sky Blue

Well-Known Member
I’m sure that’s right
I don’t know of any City fan that wishes Wasps well. I want them to fail and clear off back to their own fans in the south east. I want us (and that certainly isn’t necessarily Sisu) to own for the first time the stadium that was built for us.I think most City fans would feel the same.
They are every bit as big a franchise as MK. Shame on the council and on the RFU for bringing them into a city that already had a first class rugby team, albeit one that was going through hard times. I wonder what Cov could do with £13m.

Deleted member 5849

I wonder what cov rugby fans and ownership thinks of this ? I reckon deep down they'd love wasps to fuck off
Of course they would. Can't say that outright as they need to work with partners but... of course they would!

clint van damme

Well-Known Member
If they ever make a film of this, who'll play the main protaganists?

Joy - Sharon Stone
Fisher - Shane Ritchie
Gilbert - Paul Chuckle
Duggins - Kevin Spacey, though it might damage his reputation.
Richardson - that bloke of Emmerdale
Robins - Ryan Reynolds
Adi - The Rock or Brendan Gleeson


Well-Known Member
I wonder what cov rugby fans and ownership thinks of this ? I reckon deep down they'd love wasps to fuck off

Absolutely. I don't think they're hated at the Butts, but I'm pretty sure that they're not much liked!

I've been going regularly for a long time now, way before Wasps rocked up. Cov's owner was apoplectic when the deal was done in secret without their consultation, and I think he still feels the same now.

There's usually a degree of merriment if the scores are read out and Wasps are losing, but their fans are tolerated rather than despised, in my experience anyway.


Well-Known Member
This is full blown insanity

View attachment 25015

Professional sports clubs don not exist in the real fiscal world - yes the do, of course they do

You are not Man Utd, they have a load of debt, they also generate more money than any other team outside of the US (I think), they are not losing money

Strange that you seem to be the only club applying for those funds, it's almost as if it should be a concern. It isn't your owners being full on geniuses applying for a grant that nobody else had thought of.

Honestly get the nurse.
it's absolute garbage.
The owners of professional sports teams might believe they don't have to operate in the fiscal world but they do.
This isn't old Wild west of sports team ownership when rich local people ran them on a whim and as a personal toy.
Once you get into debt you are in the "real fiscal world".
Also WMCA don't have a limitless budget so asking for 13 million is a noteable % of the resources they have to hand. Plus every sports team in the area is going to be asking for handouts if Wasps get one. CCFC just as entitled to ask for the lost income for when they had to play behind closed doors.
Original poster an idiot


Euro 2016 Prediction League Champion!!
it's absolute garbage.
The owners of professional sports teams might believe they don't have to operate in the fiscal world but they do.
This isn't old Wild west of sports team ownership when rich local people ran them on a whim and as a personal toy.
Once you get into debt you are in the "real fiscal world".
Also WMCA don't have a limitless budget so asking for 13 million is a noteable % of the resources they have to hand. Plus every sports team in the area is going to be asking for handouts if Wasps get one. CCFC just as entitled to ask for the lost income for when they had to play behind closed doors.
Original poster an idiot
I get the feeling that poster just doesn't want to admin that he may lose his investment/rugby team. Does he think a casino/hotel 'do not exist in the real fiscal world' ? 😅

The trouble with having all these other businesses in the group is that when things go wrong, there's lots more than just an under-supported/performing rugby team to shore up...

I suspect as Tisza says, this application is technically for stadium renovations and could be at the insistence of banks providing the refinancing. It would explain the delay. No idea how long these applications would normally take to process though. Surely they couldn't make a decision on that much money by the end of June?!


No idea how long these applications would normally take to process though. Surely they couldn't make a decision on that much money by the end of June?!

Have they said when they applied though? For all we know it could be approved and ready to go, like the sale to Wasps originally was.


Well-Known Member
No …as concerning as the situation is …. . I’m Just enjoying reading all the gloating and speculation 😃…. And yes I’ve been doing some real work today.

I'm glad you took it in the manner it was intended.

Now you know your rugby, how do you think the other top teams will feel if Wasps finances get propped up with State Aid, whilst their playing budget remains untouched due to this?

Sarries cheated and got caught out....I'm sure some well run local teams wont take kindly to this. I must ask the question on the Saints forum.


Well-Known Member
Didn’t sisu try and buy the debit from Yorkshire bank and write it off for 50% of the stadium, then the council came in and offered the bank more

It was a bit more complex than that as I recall, but maybe we don't want to go down that rabbit hole again here.

Let's just say that for a brief period, everyone involved seemed up for screwing YB over, but then they all fell out. No honour amongst thieves, is the phrase that springs to mind.

Personally though, I'm happy to forget all of that and just bask in Wasps continued misadventures. 😁
I'm glad you took it in the manner it was intended.

Now you know your rugby, how do you think the other top teams will feel if Wasps finances get propped up with State Aid, whilst their playing budget remains untouched due to this?

Sarries cheated and got caught out....I'm sure some well run local teams wont take kindly to this. I must ask the question on the Saints forum.

Right now we don’t know what the £13m is for or indeed the structure / terms of any funding, if indeed it’s granted. However that doesn’t make it any less concerning for me as it doesn’t paint a good picture. Time will tell.

I guess other clubs will make their mind up once the full picture is clear.

As for comparisons with Saracens, they were caught paying players more than they should, to give them a competitive edge over other clubs to win trophies, if Wasps are found to be doing the same then of course throw the book. But at the moment I’m not sure how you can link £13m funding for something we don’t know the full picture of to the players salaries, that said I’m sure as eggs are eggs others here will disagree with me.

clint van damme

Well-Known Member
Right now we don’t know what the £13m is for or indeed the structure / terms of any funding, if indeed it’s granted. However that doesn’t make it any less concerning for me as it doesn’t paint a good picture. Time will tell.

I guess other clubs will make their mind up once the full picture is clear.

As for comparisons with Saracens, they were caught paying players more than they should, to give them a competitive edge over other clubs to win trophies, if Wasps are found to be doing the same then of course throw the book. But at the moment I’m not sure how you can link £13m funding for something we don’t know the full picture of to the players salaries, that said I’m sure as eggs are eggs others here will disagree with me.

Wasps charge sheet is far worse than Saracens. Only they've won nothing as a result.

clint van damme

Well-Known Member
Is it ? ….. why not explain ?

Collusion with CCC as detailed in this thread.

Broken promises about not working to the detriment of the cities existing sports teams.

Broken promises on regeneration of the North side of the city.

Colluding with a syndicate trying to take over CCFC, which many supporters feel would have been even more disastrous for the club.

Raising finances via a bond which they clearly are struggling to pay.

Hostile take over of a local village sports and community facility.

That's off the top of my head, I'm sure there's more.

Of course, some ofthe above was facilitated by our owners and their actions.

But if you thing saracens bunging their players a few quid more then fair enough.
Collusion with CCC as detailed in this thread.

Broken promises about not working to the detriment of the cities existing sports teams.

Broken promises on regeneration of the North side of the city.

Colluding with a syndicate trying to take over CCFC, which many supporters feel would have been even more disastrous for the club.

Raising finances via a bond which they clearly are struggling to pay.

Hostile take over of a local village sports and community facility.

That's off the top of my head, I'm sure there's more.

Of course, some ofthe above was facilitated by our owners and their actions.

But if you thing saracens bunging their players a few quid more then fair enough.

Regardless of anyones view of the rights or wrongs of the above, ……..is any of that in breach of the salary cap regs ? If it is then I’m all for punishing Wasps in the same way as Saracens. But at least compare apples with apples.

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