Wasps downward spiral... (4 Viewers)


Well-Known Member
If Wasps manage to refinance their bond, I'm going to walk into one of their lenders branches and say - could you lend me a few million quid please? I have a shed in my garden worth 5 million, no money in the bank, and I can be regularly found down the strip club throwing £50 notes around.


Well-Known Member
It’s only 3.5 months since HSBC were doing their “final due diligence”. Find it interesting that the lender hasn’t been named on this occasion - once bitten, twice shy? Or a fabrication? I’d imagine evidence would have had to be provided in order to release the notification.


Well-Known Member
It’s only 3.5 months since HSBC were doing their “final due diligence”. Find it interesting that the lender hasn’t been named on this occasion - once bitten, twice shy? Or a fabrication? I’d imagine evidence would have had to be provided in order to release the notification.

Waiting for the WMCA money tree to bear fruit?


Well-Known Member
It’s only 3.5 months since HSBC were doing their “final due diligence”. Find it interesting that the lender hasn’t been named on this occasion - once bitten, twice shy? Or a fabrication? I’d imagine evidence would have had to be provided in order to release the notification.
Yet over on their forum they're taking this statement as proof the bond is to be repaid shortly as the prospective, unnamed, lender would't have allowed the statement to be put out otherwise. They take head in the sand to a whole new level.


Well-Known Member

Read the comments under so many salty wasps fans

as the picture doesn't show wasps are rumoured to be roughly 112m in debt
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Well-Known Member
Interesting they seem to be fairly accurate regards our level considering it rarely gets headlines IMO.


CCFC Finance Director
Rugby is in a massive mess. It needs a complete reset and I am not sure how they can do it. Further down the rugby pyramid things are pretty grim too.

The article itself is inaccurate and clearly the paper gave the investigation to people who don't understand accounts.

I am sure all clubs owe HMRC and possibly more than 38m total shown. What they would owe is VAT & PAYE not deferred tax.

Deferred tax is an accounting provision for potential corporation tax on the disposal of assets above their ordinal cost in simple terms. In wasps case the increase in value on stadium and other land assets. It is not something that has to be paid to HMRC unless those assets are sold.

A summary like this ignores the assets each club so it doesn't really tell you where each club is at.

I suspect that wasps could still be the club with the biggest net debt.

Whole premiership is in danger of complete collapse. I suspect the clubs that will remain join the European leagues


Well-Known Member
I think they're hanging an awful lot on this potential refinancing of the bond.

I'm not convinced it's going to happen, personally, but even if it does it doesn't resolve the huge structural issues at Wasps.

If anything taking on more debt at higher interest (which seems the most probable solution) will simply magnify the problems in the long run; sooner or later they're going to run out of road, imho.


Well-Known Member
Rugby is in a massive mess. It needs a complete reset and I am not sure how they can do it. Further down the rugby pyramid things are pretty grim too.

The article itself is inaccurate and clearly the paper gave the investigation to people who don't understand accounts.

I am sure all clubs owe HMRC and possibly more than 38m total shown. What they would owe is VAT & PAYE not deferred tax.

Deferred tax is an accounting provision for potential corporation tax on the disposal of assets above their ordinal cost in simple terms. In wasps case the increase in value on stadium and other land assets. It is not something that has to be paid to HMRC unless those assets are sold.

A summary like this ignores the assets each club so it doesn't really tell you where each club is at.

I suspect that wasps could still be the club with the biggest net debt.

Whole premiership is in danger of complete collapse. I suspect the clubs that will remain join the European leagues
Or a complete sell out to the media companies
Edit:- which in reality is pretty worthless to them with a closed league without progression.


Well-Known Member
I think they're hanging an awful lot on this potential refinancing of the bond.

I'm not convinced it's going to happen, personally, but even if it does it doesn't resolve the huge structural issues at Wasps.

If anything taking on more debt at higher interest (which seems the most probable solution) will simply magnify the problems in the long run; sooner or later they're going to run out of road, imho.
I’d just like to understand the business plan they have dropped in front of the ‘potential lenders’ of this loan to pay the bond holders.

what ever the plan has been over the last 8 years certainly hasn’t worked so what’s going to change now that didn’t work before?


Well-Known Member
Well it could result (bondholders) take it out of Wasps hands but I'd say it's been slow off the ground and really obstructive and time consuming so likely to fail IMO


Well-Known Member
There's no evidence to say Wasp are getting funding though, it's talk to stall the bondholders. Of course Wasp are going to say we're hopeful of a refinancing package from an unnamed lender. It's like me saying I'm hopeful of a Dubai based consortium taking over CCFC.


Well-Known Member
The securing funding part is just from the Wasps update isn't it so nothing we didn't already know and as has been discussed we've been here before months ago with a named lender.

Unless someone is gifting them the cash somehow they are going to have to pay it off and paying off the capital on top of the interest payments they were previously paying. The question remains how are they going to afford those repayments?


Well-Known Member
There's no evidence to say Wasp are getting funding though, it's talk to stall the bondholders. Of course Wasp are going to say we're hopeful of a refinancing package from an unnamed lender. It's like me saying I'm hopeful of a Dubai based consortium taking over CCFC.
Just whispers,but potentially if it were local/regional money then timing of announcement is sensitive to political events/consideration or possibly beneficial timing of Wasps manoeuvres.


Well-Known Member
How on earth could a grant to bail out this type of organisation be justified? If it can, why shouldn’t CCFC get a grant?


Well-Known Member
I do enjoy reading the comments of wasps fans when anything negative gets posted about them.

They don't know how to handle it, it just doesn't compute.

To them the game is all middle-class back-slapping, dipping cocks in beer and eating artisan pork pies out of the back of Land Rovers. They really struggle when any sort of criticism is levelled at them, especially from football fans.


Well-Known Member
I think offers of finance isn't going to be the problem for the London rugby club to achieve. The problem comes when the lender does their due diligence and the warning lights start going off.

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